What is the most insane secret boss in all of vidya ever?

What is the most insane secret boss in all of vidya ever?

My vote goes to Elizabeth

>need max level 99 first and foremost
>first she'll 9999 unavoidable megidolaon if you enter the battle with attributes she doesn't like, i.e. repeling/draining/nulling phys/fire/ice/etc and so forth
>and then she'll rape you with super high statted L3 magic attacks that you can't null or reflect
>if you break any of her rules she'll 9999 unavoidable megidolaon you
>so you can't even use reflect items or skills
>can use diarahan at any time to completely heal back
>and then even if you get past all this you will still completely die because she will regardless use 9999 unavoidable megidolaon
>in order to progress past this you must have multiple infinity fusion spell items which you can only get by facing another secret boss and fulfilling his conditions (How the fuck are you even supposed to know this?)
>and then even after you survive that you still need to take her out in one go with another fusion spell item Armageddon or she'll just spam diarahan and 9999 unavoidable megidolaon until you inevtiably die
>in order to do this you need to calculate all the damage you've done so far to make sure that she will get under 9999 hp on your turn otherwise she'll just heal and 9999 unavoidable megidolaon

Mines is indeed a very solid vote.

Other urls found in this thread:


When Liz decides you're dead, you're dead.

Forgot to add also must fight her solo and must have certain skills like divine pillar which are only obtainable from yet more certain conditions

Has there ever been a secret boss as insane as this?

>Elizabeth has 20,000 HP. When her HP falls below 10,000 for the first time, she will heal back to 20,000. After that she will endlessly heal once her HP falls below 9,000. This means that this battle is impossible to win without Armageddon.
>Once Elizabeth summons her 8th persona, she will cast Megidolaon twice, which will do 9,999 damage each. The MC can only get a maximum of 999 HP, making this battle impossible to win without infinity.
Why was this allowed?

>who's demifiend

Elizabeth had crazier rules than demifiend and required that you MUST have certain items/skills/equipment

What part of checklist of requirements that have to be found out with trial and error is good design?

Luca Blight

How about you read the entire list and tell me?


i liked dullahan

Maybe not as ridiculous at Elizabeth but Yiazmat in FFXII took like 8 hours to kill in the original version.

Sounds like it forces you to minmax to the limit, which is what a secret superboss should be doing.

Is this your first JRPG?

Lucifer in Devil Survivor 1 Not OC and without using the tyrant exploit

That's not minmaxing. That's figuring out the puzzle, which you can only do by battling and going through trial and error and then figuring out solution.
And trial and error has never been seen as good aspect of design.

Sounds like it's just a stat check. Not very interesting.

STG secret bosses seem to stand out to me the most. I think one of them took 8 years before anyone beat it.

>yfw the first time you saw he could summon by using YOUR DJINNS

>have 999 hp max
>her attacks still do 9999 dmg and kill you 100 times over in one hit

Elizabeth is such a shit boss.

its shit design, but Sup Forums will overlook it because its a japanese game

Wait wait literally the only way to win is to have these 2 items you had no way of knowing you even needed? What the fuck? Who defends this shit?

What happens if you beat her



Common core everyone

you post on Sup Forums about it

You basically just traded multiple copies of the best items in the game (infinity, armageddon) for an orb which nulls everything which is not as useful as you think. For one if you try to use the orb on her in a subsequent playthrough, she'll just kill you outright.

If you can beat a superboss in one try blind without dying, its not a very good one then. You can complain about trial and error all you want.

Here comes the p5babbies
Elizabeth would eat the twins for breakfast

Nuff said.


You are like little babies. Watch this.

Superboss should be a test of skill, not a test of arbitrary requirements.

What's the best secret boss that's actually fun?

Who are you quoting and what does power level wankery have to do with Elizabeth being a terrible designed boss?

DDS2 Satan

>shun magoomi tensigh

u arr all like little babby

watch this


git gud
cry more

>i cant beat boss and suck at vidya
>must be bad design

>fusion spell items
Yeah maybe if you're playing the PSP version, the PS2 ones just required having two specific Personas

spell sealing I Can deal with but fuck his arrow attacks.

>>first she'll 9999 unavoidable megidolaon if you enter the battle with attributes she doesn't like, i.e. repeling/draining/nulling phys/fire/ice/etc and so forth
>>if you break any of her rules she'll 9999 unavoidable megidolaon you
I always think this is the actual gayest shit possible in an RPG. Like, fuck your strategies even if you find something the developer didn't think of that's more effective, you fight by MY RULES and MY RULES ONLY. It becomes instead of planning or character building only about growing your numbers big enough.

How hqs no one posted Emerald or Ruby Weapon yet?

I love the fact that you can beat him with two fucking buttons by going all in on an esoteric ability. Games need to allow more stuff like that.

Ruby is a cunt but emerald is easy. You can just nuke with limits enough that it never casts Materia storm

I dont understand why people consider Emerald harder then Ruby, to me its the otherway around


You are like a little baby, watch this


Because they're easy as fuck to cheese.


Demifiend is harder.

That's not really a secret boss, it's just the regular old final boss.

I didn't know they added DLC. No way am I trying that though, I had enough trouble with Ur-Child.

Absolute Virtue no contests, once somebody actually beat him (while having raid member pass out from dehydration) the devs just patched him to be even harder.

This. A test of skill

Not Autism.

git gud

Not even that user, but grow up. The issue is that it's a physical impossibility to beat the boss the first try.

pretty sure that's a different secret boss, Dullahan can just use Charon whenever he feels like and Djinn Storm.

you need to go through a team of sponges to hit the fucker who can pretty much one shoot an entire team of characters. the way you need to beat him is to get the best commanders in the game, level them up like crazy and get the right items. the awful part is getting takeda in your party beacuse you need to beat their takeda rush attack on the battlefield without losing THREE FUCKING TIMES! than you can take over the country without killing the commanders but you also forced to look for them in other country find them on the battlefield and capture them.

it may not sound bad but if you played sengoku rance, you know the pain i speak off. it was not worth it man. not one bit.


I wasnt born with autism like you. :^)

user, you're not being clever or funny or fitting in because you spam your epic maymay, you're just making yourself look like a dumbass

elizabeth is fucking shit, its just a checklist. if you have it you win, if you dont you lose.



Even if you have it, you can still lose and lose hard.

>set up your gambits.
>walk away for several hours

Yeah, Nah. Omega Mk 12 is harder but thats not saying much.

ya'll niggas don't even know
>not even really secret
>can just fucking stumble on him in normal exploration and get annihilated

actually a lot of Last Remnant's "secret" bosses were designed to fuck your mouth

My favorite hidden boss.

git gud persona 5 baby XD

Holy fuck fuck this thing

I think I just got triggered seeing him

I think he's the only boss i didnt beat. The first half way easy enough but then it goes apeshit and I died because i didnt know what the fuck i was doing

those worms he spawns

>>can just fucking stumble on him in normal exploration and get annihilated
Dark fucking Ifrit. You people had it lucky, even the first EU version had that shit

This. At least you have a little leeway with Liz. For Satan, every move needs to be thought out


Elizabeth is one of the shittiest superbosses ever designed and a testament of how horrible the P3's basic gameplay design is, and SMT's gameplay in general.
A good boss fight is designed to test your knowledge of the system and how much you can do with it, knowing how to exploit stuff, create loops and maximize yields.
Instead all Elizabeth does is locking you into an extremely specific path which requires no actual tactics, finesse or knowledge of the system because she negates 90% of what you can do in the whole game for the sake of being "difficult", that's not good design, it's just admitting that your game's mechanics are so shitty you need to erase most of your framework in order to create a "challenge" for the player, which is nothing but an obligatory laundry list of requirements to win, it's the same as SMT2 Satan's shitty unavoidable russian roulette instakill, it's not hard, it's simply tedious because there's no actual use of tactics to it.

Now this is good design, something that instead of taking out 90% of your tools forces you to know how to use all of them and how to use them well too, especially since you can do it at very low BR too if you are actually good at the game and know your shit.

Which ability?


>it's the same as SMT2 Satan's shitty unavoidable russian roulette instakill

Except in DDS2 you have a buff that negates one death attack


>wah wah bad design
p5 babby get out

>any turn-based enemy

it's all fucking stat checks that can be overcome by grinding, RNG, and (((risk management)))

Any Cave shmup optional boss is a billion times harder than the hardest JRPG secret boss

the reason japanese games do this is so that you buy their magazines and guides to beat the game, of course this tendency is dissapearing with the internet

Can you just fuck off? You have nothing to bring to the table other then lel p5 babby.

no lol

I want to see you fight demifiend

>Random encounter theme intensifies

And you have nothing to bring except wah bad design

I fucking hate you "bad design" fags so much. Basically shifting all blame to the game instead of themselves.

>Mines is indeed a very solid vote.
Not really. There are a shitload of Atlus secret bosses that are harder than Elizabeth

Thos, persona babbies dont understand that butthurt of demifiend. The setup to prepare for that fight is goddamn arduous too

>VR assistant's main purpose in life is to help the protagonist survive
>every single one of them challenge their respective MCs to fight where they will legitimately kill them

wew, i havent defended any boss in the thread nor complained about any. You on the other hand keep on lel p5 babbies.

Just kill yourself also, it really is horseshit if you are forced to follow specific set of rules to kill a boss. Elizabeth is good example on that. Even you cant defend it so it would make any sense

>Except in DDS2
Except that I'm talking about SMT2 not DDS2 you fucking newfag retard.
>Danmaku faggot talking shit about grinding in RPGs
>When you can beat shit without grinding at all or have games with antigrind mechanics
Yeah, because grinding stages or bullet patterns for hours in SHMUPS is any different, is it?
At least pick some SHMUPs like Zanac that rely on actual skill rather than memorization.

pfags cant get past matador in smt3, I dont really think they could get to the point of even setting up for demifiend

>superbosses far beyond the level cap
>hurr durr you can just grind


not even the most insane in smt you fuckn persona babby

>bad game design
You sound like DSP

Are you just memeing or are you really an imbecile? Where did i say its bad game design? I called it bullshit not bad design


I had beaten every bit of content of the game on apocalypse except for him, I didn't even bother

>Reboot Code
>Infinite Power
>Black Hole
>Black Body Radiation

>Crack Code on top of all that bullshit just in case you thought you were going to have access to your next turn

This isn't fucking funny atlus

>When he stands up

>play pleb version of game
>get grindiest version of secret boss
casuals literally btfo by Atlus

1. Demifiend
2. Elizabeth
3. Stephen
4. Satan
5. Margaret

Which superboss in a turn based RPG isn't either some sort of obscure puzzle or just one long ass endurance test? Or both in the worst case.

That just sounds lame.