Collection thread

Collection thread

>Hard mode: Xbox


14/34 good games.

You failed your mission big time.


Why is Sonic Forces floating

Holy shit. OP andere Sony cucks btfo'd

I've got a lot of digital games on XBone too, and some on PS4. Also, I just sold like half my collection since I was moving to a smaller apartment

Too lazy to take a picture, have a link to my collection spreadsheet spreadsheets d 1ybG4-WIwwy6wmxUeUzd3m8lupmWUfxNLnDEoy-xNq4w edit?usp=drivesdk

Replace spaces with forward-slashes.

Man I hate Sony's complete laziness when it comes to the spines of cases in the UK for their exclusives.

Holy shit dude i think i have as many games as you on xbone
>didnt even pay for the vast majority


>no hand
Fuck off

Mine's in there, it's just so black it blends in with the shelf

Beep beep


Been building it for a while

>Keeping DS cases

Club nintendo 18+ cases exist, anons.

2/2. I really wish ps2 and xbox games weren't too pricey as fuck.
Why does it matter whether or not I show my black hand. Sit your white ass down you stupid degenerate.

Man i must be so unconsciously disappointed at cold steel I misread it as "Trails of cold shit"

That's were all the cartridges actually are, user. Those cases are empty

Saved this a while go so not mine but it motivated me to start collecting for ps4 so I'm posting it. One day my collection will look like this not sure about the toy figuries though

Bretty gud

>Owning more than a literal handful of games
Keep your 5 favorites, trash the rest. Nobody needs 100+ videogames when emulation exists.

>Yes please daddy gamestop, mmmm I love all your yummy shitties down my throat. More more, gimme more!

>Hard mode: Xbox


I don’t actually have the games on top of the console when it’s on. I was just too lazy to turn the xbox off for the pic

Do games have Plain Packaging or some shit where you live?

No offense user. Your collection is pretty cool and ds games are very pricey these day but you could've gotten a r4 and invested in more gamecube and wii games.

possessed by Satan, just like the software it holds.

>bought a pro
>lives in a shithole
>has any room to tell people how they should spend their money

>emulating Xbox, 360 or PS3 games
Even N64 emulation is still pretty shit

I have an acekard specifically for scouting out new purchases. Wii hardly has anything I want that I don't already own, other than SNPSS, which I now have.

Damn, am I the only person who keeps my physical games I can emulate in storage?

Based nig


stop stacking your games like that and get a shelf

here's my switch collection.

Poorfag pleb coming through.



Do you ever think about selling your collection? I have a ton of n64 games I've collected over the years, but haven't played. Been too busy.

>plastic gameboy cases
What is this? I only know the cardboard ones

>tfw tried cleaning the buttons and screen of my old psp and ended up breaking it beyond repair
>didn't back up my saves to keep playing freedom unite and valkyria chronicles 3 on my pc so i have to buy an adapter as well
It was the god of war chains of olympus special edition too, at least now i finally have an excuse to go out and buy one with the clear case mod.

They're just DS cases with my own custom labels.

Hope I resized it well enough

>Best Mode: All 3

Had an Xbone since launch and got a ps4 pro last year. I wish all my multiplats were on my ps4 now. Loving the switch for rhythm games (Voez, Thumper, Superbeat) and exclusives too.

Ah, I kinda figured when most of them were uneven

Whoops, pic related.

>tfw sold all my gamecube games to get a 360
>only good thing to come out of that era was Skyrim and Black Ops II

Why do you wish your multiplats were on PS4? Is it the standard Xbox you bought?

I just bought an Xbox One X (already own PS4 Pro, sold my PC because I can't stand being at a desk anymore) which I'll use for mostly multiplats

Those flashcards stop working after a year, get a r4i gold or an acekard
>investing in nintendo games
Buy a wii u and a 4TB hard drive, now you have every single nintendo console in one except for 3ds and shitch, you can even play wii and gamecube games on the tablet thingie now.

Yeah I have a Pro, but bought a Xbox one S when Gears 4 came out and never upgraded to an X. I figured there isn't much of a point for the marginally better graphics.

I used to be a huge Xbox guy last gen, but now they don't put out any more exclusives I care about.

I need to learn how to take a decent picture. Anyway here's my physical collection for my current gen systems

>Dragon Quest
>South Park
>FF 12 Zodiac
bitch just get it on PC

>people actually collect and display games without their cases, only in shitty dvd sleeves
I don't even buy used games that don't have their booklets, how can you niggers live with yourselves?


Who here had done any of that?

Nah, keep them. I recently sold my SNES collection and I regret it.


Fuck Xbox hating faggots

Yeah i've thought about it but i won't do it until i'm at least 60 years old, i bet by then we'll have decent emulators for everything up to ps4, there's only a handful of games i want to try and i won't have time to replay every single game i liked.

Every game there is either shit or better on pc and ever ps4

So? I didn't realize this was a competition.

>post bungie gaylo
>all those CODs
>all those asscreeds
>playing gears of war games after 3
>fucking ryse
>battlefront 1
>picking the wrong pokemon versions
>tr4sh: the inferior version


it's always a competition, and you lost


you were just deducted 10 gamer points

I've priced it out to roughly 4.6 grand on street market ebay prices. But I have no intention of ever selling the whole thing, just specifics for the sake of picking up others.

But GoW4 is fucking great, fuck you i'm mad now.

GoW has never been good

This is my current gen collection.
>buy PS4
>it only has one game
>buy switch
>it only has one game
Why do I keep doing this to myself?