>Selling $70 cardboard
I'm selling this stupid ass console
>Selling $70 cardboard
I'm selling this stupid ass console
>Selling a console because shit that you aren't forced to buy is available
Are you one of those retards who thinks they have to buy every game for the console they have? If you think it's trash just don't buy it. I'm certainly not going to.
No. No you're not.
lol why
There's a video game and mechanical parts to it, it's not just cardboard. Though, I wonder how they'll handle replacement parts.
You want to stop making these threads you fucking fuckwad? There's like 20 already.
>Implying cardboard is a game
I think most of that price is for the game, user
It's still lame though
I'm so glad I didn't buy a switch
if you already played odyssey, kart, and zelda then you should unless you want the next smash
Here bro, got you a Nintendo controller for your birthday, now fuck off.
B...but Odyssey DLC.
Actually all I use my Switch for is Namco Museum
No you're not OP, they just had a mini direct last week of FUCKING TWEWY AND THAT GIRL FROM THE TEASER
Also Dark Souls on a handheld.
I don't care about this Labo shit, and that's fine. I'm sure the kids will eat it up. I'll be enjoying my TWEWY.
>Also Dark Souls on a handheld.
Why the hell would I want to play dark souls on a handheld?
You don't own one
Huh, so that piano looks like it might actually work if it's using the right joycon's infrared. That's actually pretty smart.
This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen. Other companies are putting out some super high tech equipment and Nintendo are spitting out literal CARDBOARD that is the modern day equivalent of gluing an overlay to your tv screen to play a game. Fucking embarrassing.
>a fucking BOOK
I'm selling this console.
ITT: Sup Forums proves its autism by not understanding when a product is meant for fucking children
It's a fucking video game retards. Shut the fuck up. Stop spamming.
Here's what the Soyboys don't understand. It's $60 for the game and an extra 10-20 for the extra shit that's not JUST cardboard like in pic related. Will I buy it? FUCK no. I could definitely see my normie Chad cousin wanting to get it for his son though.
you lost nintendo, now suck em
>just want to play videogames
>my console is a shitty cardboard robot