Nintenfags will defend this

get a job poorfag

Day fucking one

nah, this shit is lame

>paying 80 dollars for fucking cardboard

This is great user, I'm sorry you can't have fun anymore.

it comes with a game


But its not only cardboard.

>This is Nintendos answer to PSVR

It comes with a game, are you missing the thing right next to it?

fuck man, i might just by a ps4 if this is the direction nintendo is going in

Nobody should answer to the PSVR because it's a big piece of shit on it's own.

Correct me if i'm wrong but there is a game included isnt it?

>Not having a PS4 and a Switch
What are you, fucking poor or something?

Stop spamming this you stupid fucking retard. We already have 12 threads.

On one hand, that does include the game price and some elastic bands.

On the other hand, the games look to be a minimal Wii Music tier "mini-game" collection and a bare mech punches blocks game.

You're paying for the software too you fucking faggot

>pay80$ for nintendo brand cardboard
>mommy steps on it
>pay 80$ for more nintendo cardboard
>daddy sits on it
>pay 200$ for nintendo cardboard due to underproduction and scalpers
>no games

An $80 game then? Or $20 cardboard?

Not to mention the 3+ sets of joycons you need for this shit. Toycon set seems like a fun weekend though.

this is an ace in the whole.

this is the future

cardboard is super fucking cheap

and it can lead to near unlimited peripherals

>ITT brainlets who lack vision

You do realize there's a game in that as well, right?
It's not just carboard, there's a fucking game.

>80 Dollars for fucking cardboard

yes, i don't live with my parents so i cant just throw my money around on multiple consoles

yea but you get to wear a cardboard backpack you build yourself while punching the blocks

>80 dollar game
>cardboard is apparently free

price of materials has never been a issue. manufacturing and shipping is where the cost is. Cardboard is no different than plastic cost wise.

>already $60 for the game

we'll wait and see if its worth $60 for just the game

>fucking cardboard
wow who gives a fuck

>the average nintenbaby is hyped for this

these are the same people who think BOTW and odyssey is good

>Living with your parents is the only way to not be poor
Get a better job

It's true.
people start uploading schematics to actually just cut it out of regular sheets of cardboard.

You're also getting a game out of it which is another big thing.

I honestly don't mind this, a lot of the mechanisms seem pretty complex for a product QUITE OBVIOUSLY directed towards children over adults, maybe it'll get more kids into craft hobbies, which would be great honestly.

fucking newfags

No they aren't, because everyone with a fucking functioning brain knew it was for kids. Did you miss the gorzillian hours of shitposting this morning?

>cardboard isn't one of the lightest shipping materials and things to make

Try $100 canuckbux

It looks fun to me. Assuming they actually go all out with labo I'll buy it and enjoy it.


working on it my compadre

>anyone who actually wants this shit could just make their own
>Nintendo doesn't have a monopoly on cardboard
>anyone can shit one of these out with a bare ass app game for any tablet

This twisted game needs to be reset.

What, $80 is pocket I use to eat everyday, your dad is right when he tells you to go get a fucking job

super cool idea. totally not buying it tho. I still love nintendo :) Botw is also very fun

> because everyone with a fucking functioning brain knew it was for kids

Just like the switch and they are hype for that.


WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS FUCKING COMPANY. the second they look to be turning normal by finally -after 20 years- making dual analogue stick a standard, they sperg out again. the last nintendo console I owned was a n64. fuck you modern nintendo and all your fans.

>kids can fully enjoy BOTW
You're a fucking loon.

>Comes with game, instructions, and starter kit
>Can just use your own cardboard to make more
I don't see what's wrong

>my superior IQ lets me enjoy deep complex games like BOTW


>it's Nintendo so it's bad
God I hate this fucking board so much.

Can you play the game without walking around wearing Nintendo(tm) Cardboard?

I'm not saying it's deep buy you are not getting full enjoyment out of the game if you're 7.

how long can this cardboard game thing last, i cannot imagine it last more than a year, especially with rubberbands at tension, maybe each time your done you take it back apart, but thats fucking gay

>make your own

yeah spends a dozen hours cutting the right slots out and then having it break. no

This is gold. I can't wait to see balding 40something nintenbabies walking around with this shit. I bet we will even see some in public.

>t. first world fag

Not this time

>it's cardboard so it's good
God I hate /po/ so fucking much.

I don't see how anyone over the age of 12 can be satisfied with the gameplay loop of "teleport to tower, run in straight line ignoring everything towards glowing orange cone"

Just n tme for my 35th birthday...


You could have not possibly outed yourself of not playing the game more than you did now.

Game inclusive, retard.
If you troll, at least make sure someone can't counter.

I wanted to play project giant robot but not like this.

how much time for someone post in youtube how to make this in home whit my pizza box??????????????

I love how Sup Forums gets mad every time Nintendo does literally anything. :D I don't even give a crap, it makes me happy to see how angry everyone gets.

I will buy these and play them with my gf. And I'll have fun building them. And I will still come to Sup Forums to check up on how angry you are with every single game Nintendo releases, amiibo, cardboard stuff, whatever. It just makes me happy to see so many people can be angry about such a fun idea, while I can have fun with these and later give them to some kid for Christmas with a Switch as a present. :D

stop using google to make japanese shit. Just ask someone on jp to translate for you

I can’t wait for the essay on Era about some manbaby’s hurt feelings.

You can talk shit all you want, but this will sell out and you stupid fucks will try and find some bullshit explanation as to why. This will the one of the best selling things this year and one of the hottest toys during Christmas. Stay mad fucktards.


Don't know why you even quoted neutral posts.

Meanwhile on PS4:

McDonalds, McDonalds (no joke)

I hope you dont mind being the laughingstock when people screencap your post once this fails

Wojack looks fucking weird with detailed eyes. Slightly uncomfortable

Welcome to nintendo direct!

>structural integrity of gook industrial design
>plus nintendium
good luck getting that destroyed.

I don't want to keep all of this garbage sitting around my house even tho i want to play it.

and string.

I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the snes, and now I want to buy a switch AND this shit just because I know it's gonna piss people off ITT.

Is this the first time Pachter was right?

>Sonybros cant even afford cardboard


I'm a Nintendo fanboy to the extreme but I'm glad about this. Since it's made of cardboard, it means that a chinese person will copy all the blueprints, make their own version of these pieces and then sell them for cheap prices.

No way in hell I'm gonna spend $70 to $80 (without counting the customization sets they will reveal at a later date) for just cardboard stuff, despite them being interesting.

>lol im gonna do this thing to make you mad xd
It would also piss me off a big deal if you doused yourself in gasoline and light a match on yourself

cardboard is gold these days, for $80 you're basically getting an extremely good value on some high-quality cardboard in our post-tree apocalyptia, and a free game alongside it

that could feed my family for a week

So I guess no switch mini?

This for surely will be mass bought by scalpers . Nintendo seal of quality cardboard.


It's aimed at fucking nintendo fans, they love dumb shit


bing bing! 1-up! WAAA-HOOOOOO!

I won't defend this. Cool idea ruined by greed.
T. Nintendofag

It actually comes with a game, but Nintendo did a poor job of explaining this.

This is true. all the nintenbabies saying they will make it themselves are lying. They NEED the cardboard to say nintendo on it.


Why would you even try to make it yourself, it is a toy literally meant for 6 year olds

How mad are you right now?


>the state of Nintendo
To think I almost bought a Switch for BOTW. Thank God Cemu exists.

Who /hyped/ for multiplayer here?