is like vr with a tv
and no you dont pay 80 eurodolla for cardboards
you pay for the software
Am i the only who think that this robo-thing is dope?
No, there are more manchildren like you that love it
i kinda want this too
Yes, it is dope for a child. A child, OP. It's a toy for kids.
Yeah seems fun
Shame Sup Forums will never be able to enjoy anything
pay $80 to waggle
with cardboard
Still seems like a steep price though, Miyamoto have better put hundreds of levels in the game.
If I had a kid I'd definitely buy this and help him assemble it, it looks really cool
It seems like it wouldn't work so well for Lanky folks.
Star Fox Guard had a ton of levels but it wasn't exactly worth it.
The issue is the game itself. Will it just be a glorified minigame? Sure it could be a neat experience, but I want something substantial if I'm going to purchase a Switch.
Shame you won't ever have one, neckbeard
Nintendo going full VR is a terrifying thought.
nooooooooooooo i want to grind endlessly in my pay2win mmomobarpg and shoot chinese bots in pubg
This is gold. I can't wait to see balding 40 something nintenbabies walking around with this shit. I bet we will even see some in public.
found the autistic friendless manchildren
ugly ass faggots
says 6+ not 6-12
>you pay for the software
And the cardboard.
>Robo-Backpack plugs into the feet
Nintendo did it, they solved the VR movement problem
having fun is for manchildren
>i am always serious
>and drink alcohol and drug my ass
>this is what it means to be adult
But user, it looks fun
I pride myself on being young at heart (read: a fucking manchild), but I am wholly uninterested in this product that is pretty directly aimed at children. I am looking forward to schools suddenly incorporating Nintendo Labo in their engineering classes/"getting the children interested in STEM fields ASAP" workshops. Nice to see Nintendo slowly re-acquainting themselves with toys
why did I buy a switch fuck me
I wonder what the build quality on this cardboard is, do you think they've infused it with Nintendium?
then it's a fucking 80 dollar game, it doesn't even look overly interesting
but do you need 6 joy cons for this?
2 in head
2 in hand
2 in feed???
t. unironic manchild
If I had a kid and I wanted to do something like this I'd get a raspberry pi or an arduino so I can teach them a practical in-demand skill instead of this consumerist trash
You know you dont have to buy it if you don't want to play right
My god
They've done it
None of that gay warping cursor shit
wot if the next evolution of video games is pretending youre playing video games
>rated E10
Also, I hope the game can be purchased separately
This is the only good one. But project giant robot deserved better, like a competent dev team and some story for Nintendo to have a mecha franchise.
>I am looking forward to schools suddenly incorporating Nintendo Labo in their engineering classes/"getting the children interested in STEM fields ASAP" workshops. Nice to see Nintendo slowly re-acquainting themselves with toys
are you on fucking crack? if they won't do it with $5 pi zeroes they won't do it with horrendously overpriced children's toys that teach you nothing except papercraft
How many joycons do you need for that thing?
Idk man it's hard getting kids interested in that stuff.
I'm sure there are other "robotic themed toys" out there that are good too though, but so far this also looks cool
This, it really depends on if the game is worth playing.
Maybe this is a Custom Robo spiritual successor
I would like to play it without a dumb cardboard thing strapped to me, it looks like the cancelled Project Giant Robo
It better have damn good mutliplayer than if they want me to wear all that shit
ITT:kids at heart
Looks like there's a programming aspect to it too.
>Nintendo did it, they solved the VR movement problem
What are you talking about? Vive already tracks feet.
The thing about this Nintendo Labo shit. They could have sold this overpriced cardboard at $20 or $30, include a download code for the "games" and still make a crazy profit. But they give you a cartridge to make it seem like it's an $80 dollar experience. It's also going to have no resell value because fucking GAMESTOP in no way will accept your giant cardboard backpack for trade. Even if you did spend the 3 hours of labor constructing it. And the argument that the games cost money to develop and that's why it's $80 is bullshit, because there are F2P games with more depth and budget than this out there.
And teach them to code in python and rust!!
Oh shit so we're talking custom cardboard potentially
/po/ is making a huge comeback in 2018
They'll take the software. Buy the software second-hand, then build your own cardboard shit for half the price. It's the same thing as Google Cardboard.
>if it will be a success Nintendo will make billions
>if it will be a flop Nintendo won't lose money cause they're made by cardboard aka the cheapest material
Those mofos are genius
Fuck off, we're full
The game still took money to develop dumdum. They aren't just going to give it away for free
Here's my big issue with it.
It's a neat looking toy, I could see myself buying it if it was cheaper and I like the idea of it. It should not be $80, and I hope to God that they don't plug it in directs or anything.
And hips too.
It comes with a game
Yeah, a minigame.
Why isn't anyone talking about how it looks like you'l need 4+ joycons to use this properly?
As an adult it's not something I'm interested in. But, if I had kids I'd probably be interested. Anything that teaches kids how to build/construct things is good in my eyes.
Yeah it's dope, who wouldnt want to be a giant robot? Maybe people who play fifa that's who.
Predictions on how obsessed the soyboys are going to get with this?
It's a cool idea but I outgrew Lego when I was 12
I guess they weren't lying when they said it was for children; I just wish they didn't bother trying to hype it up
It should not be $80. That's more than fucking AAA titles for a fucking hobby toy.
It's a neat idea; it's way fucking overpriced.
>Nintendo toddler find cardboard boxed fun to play with
Jesus, today has been such a blessing.
>Super Mario Maker came out on 9/11
>Nintendo Labo is on 4/20
What did Nintendo mean by this
Can't be the only thinking that this actually open up more possibility than standard VR, if there is actual good use of it.
It's much more versatile, elimitate the motion sickness, and have more possibilities.
For which one?
This, I loved lego and k'nex as a kid
This shit is going to break so easily. Just look at those strings also.
It has more potential yes, but like VR did it needs games.
Jesus, you're right. No parent's going to buy this for $80 plus another $180 for 4 more joy con
$260 cardboard robot right there
Check Twitter.
It's like Soy Central.
How much do you think the cardboard cost to develop? If they sold that for even $20 or $30, it would cover the dev cost of their toy keyboard, walking joy-con guy and all the other apps you would expect to see on the Android app store for free.
>One in the head set to look around
>Right joycon W/ infrared sensor in the back back
those "strings" are the same material used by nasa to build rockets
I think your kids will be fine
If there's heavy customization of the robot then I wouldn't mind picking it up.
But I'm not wearing that box.
It'll be nothing but shitpost until Sony announces VR box for Metal Gear Survive
It's because you need to be drugged to think this is a good idea
There's only one in the headset and one in the backpack.
I like the idea. I hate the price tag.
>a thread from 2016 is on the first page of /po/
Define 'full'.
it looks cool
go play monster hunter wörld
Where do you think these come from, Nintendo wasted precious R&D money designing and fucking focus testing these.
Two, there's one on the head and one on the back.
Check resetera if you want to get upset with literal nintenbabies who will make this shit sell and continue for years. Hoping it bombs hard. Why the fuck did this need a switch?
as in those strings will break the cardboard
Imagine having a kid and coloring this so it has the color scheme of Gundam Wing or Gurren Lagaan or something else. This seems like such a perfect kids toy.
It has a real heart to it and doesn't feel soulless like amiibo at least.
>Nintendo wasted precious R&D money
>Wasting money on cardboard
long time ninty fan here,after this embarrassing fiasco im done with trump...umm i mean nintendo
Because without a Switch it wouldn't work?
The joycons make shit work. Plus you get augmented games to go with what you build.
How many switches/joycons will get broken when the cardboard wears thin and drops them?
>Why the fuck did this need a switch?
It uses the IR sensors in the joycon so you can play a video game
Ever heard of Nintendium bitch
>Check resetera
Why would I ever go to that shithole?
man children > bitter bois
t. bitter man child
they ran out of that a long time ago.
If I was 10 years old, I would be hyped as fuck for it. I might by it for my little cousin.
This is exactly my concern
The biggest issue with The Wii was a disproportionate amount of shit software
The keyboard one could be cool if you actually make it something interesting but it could be trash if it's just a keyboard app
I feel like a lot of this is them trying to salvage the IR scanner
im gonna stomp about infront of the tv like a mecha retard and you cannot stop me
maybe you should go talk about COD on facebook if you are so worried about seeming like a man child