LITERALLY FUCKING CARDBOARD!! THAT'S THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT? HOLY FUCK. Come pay $60 for cardboard accessories for your Switch.
Nintendo Labo
Other urls found in this thread:
>dad walks in
>dad walks out
>it's literally cardboard
Uhm, no sweetie. I clearly see string there too.
It comes with the game too come on user
>Nintendo completely missing the opportunity to name this Nintendorigami
This actually looks like a pretty cool party game, if you have people over like a college house party with a keg of some beer and a joint of weed to chill with friends, probably relax with ladies and stuff ;) PS4 and Xbox One is too complex for normies, but they would get this, it's pure simple gameplay anyone can get and that's why Nintendo is number one, Nintendo might even help me lose my virginity, I can't wait for this game to come out so I can have my first party
Nintendo powerglove 2.0
%70 for a piece of cardbox with a bit of ink printed on it.
You have to make it yourself as well.
>dad walks back in with a shotgun
>big announcement
>they literally said it was a new way to play for kids
>Put on retarded cardboard gear to play robot fighting game at a party with beer, weed, and girls.
Yeah, no. Normies only play Madden and Call of Duty at their college parties.
>For kids
You don't know Nintendo's fanbase do you? Demographic of like 18-35, and probably only a small fraction of their fanbase is actual children.
It's literally for children, you'd have to be really autistic to actually be mad about this.
>Mario cereal
>DIY cardboard shit
It's official now that they are fucking literally aware that the Nintensheeps are gonna swallow down every overpriced, gimmicky, cheap-looking shit that they shit out and praise it to death.
>only white cis kids
How can anybody with a brain even compare ARM with 1-2 Switch?
Baiting shitposter
they call it Nintendo Labo because you'd have to have a fucking Labotomy to enjoy it
ARMS is objectively a better game than XB2 and Splatoon 2
>his college parties didn't have smash bros
we even had mario kart lmao
fuck off
>Nintendo Garbo
Since when was it big?
Are you a kid? It was meant for kids.
>i-it’s just cardboard!!!
>hands sweat
>absolutely destroy this thing over time
Smart tactics, kids are gonna ruin these things.
Poll time
Most children (the target audience) probably can't pronounce that.
No, fuck off. The customers have spoken and the customers fucking hate party games.
1-2 Switch is currently one of the worst games for the console, and most other attempts are shovelware.
this actually pretty impressive. i hadn’t thought about how the thing actually works. i can see people making custom kits out of other materials too. this will catch on with hobbyists at least.
>you now realize that Nintendo is gonna release a cardboard spin-off of one of their main franchises
>tfw it's probably animal crossing
You mean manchildren? Kids don't play with switch they have xbones and ps4.
Apparently Reddit loves it
>t. never been to any college party
>yoshi game they showed off is full of cardboard
>mysteriously missing from mini direct
yeah it’ll totally be ac and not the shit franchise no one cares about that already looks like cardboard in game.
This seems like it was developed around Miyamoto's robot game concept in an attempt to make it appealing.
I just can't see something with that origin working.
That doesn't really change the fact this is for kids user...
It was never a big announcement you dumb fuck.
>f-zero finally gets a new game
>just a cardboard
lmaoing at your life you poor sonybro. its not a regular cardboard, its a cardboard with nintendo logo on it. call me when you get one with sony logo
>$60 for a full, feature-packed game
>$10 for several sheets of well-cut, corregated, designed, and colored cardboard
Problem? If you think that your corregating, cutting, and dying machines are more suited for the job at a better price than $10 AFTER cost, then go ahead and lets see your project! I'm sure you'll clean up from all the money you'll be making!
>Literally playing Street Fighter: Dhalsim Vs. Dhalsim (Punching-Only Edition)
What the fuck?
Nintendo has already teamed up with ecelebs for endorsing this
It's over, Nintendo won
>and walks back out
>pachter gets something right for once
underrated post
Nintensharts will pay $80 for a piece of cardboard.
Never a miscommunication
>not Paper Mario or Yoshi's Arts and Crafts
Nintendo doesn't know that. It's probably why they're still creating family-friendly consoles.
It's literally people sitting around playing N64 and other Nintendo consoles while drinking and smoking pot. t. 4 year grad normie
Nintentoddlers just can't catch a break.
Don't kid yourself, animefag. We all know you've already pre ordered this garbage.
1-2 Switch is a shitty tech demo, this seesms like cool minigames
>an actual unique way to utilise the system's capabilities that required creativity from the engineers and designers
>Sup Forums will just meme about it, because muh cardboard
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? Cardboards sucks. Good luck having mechanical moving parts out of cardboard. This will break in less than a month.
Why all the gimmicky shit? Just make a fucking console with a fucking normal controller with fucking normal games. No one wants a handheld hybrid with motion controlls and cardboard
Don't you already get a cardboard box when you buy a switch? They should stick to real life dlc.
>playing with a cardboard backpack with a group of people who will be drunk and/or high
Nintendium doesn't transfer over to cardboard my man.
>using noob in 2018
You can tell this guy's underage
>don't buy a vr headset it makes you look dumb
>proceeds to puts cardboard backpack with googles on
no one fucking cares about kinect you drone, keep sucking that dick
fucking annihilated holy shit
how does it work tho
any adult who complains about the labo being dumb
Holy shit, this worse than the retarded anons from /tg/ paying over $100 for a MtG card
Dude, nah. If video games are broken out at a party, you want something that's fun to play, and fun to watch.
This robot shit would go over great.
neat, something else that actually uses the IR sensor other than 12switch
Too wordy and doesn't have the benefit of being tangentially connected with Amiibo, considering this cardboard shit is very clearly more of a toy than a new video game
They literally announced this as something specifically designed for kids.
>that respect my intelligence
that's fucking bait, but still games like god of war and movies like uncharted?
Hey, remember all those shitty golf clubs and tennis rackets for the wiimote, well now they're cardboard instead of plastic, give use 80 bucks.
who the fuck even said this ever. no one who would say this would also by this, you're just making people up.
XB2 is objectively better than BoTW and Odyssey so ARMS confirmed GOTYAY?
the day Sup Forums lost there shit
to be fair, those cards tend to increase in price and they can sell them whenever they want
People been grinding that shit to the ground. It didn't stop for 2015, it won't stop for 2018 or 2019.
>lmao at those people buying legos then having to make it themselves
70 bucks is retarded but if you don't see the DIY appeal you're a retard
You fucking jinxed it user
Paper Mario Labo, when?
>can't play more than 1 key at once
Oh yeah, it's totally just for the cardboard. It's not like you use the cardboard with software that they wrote or anything. Is this the stupid little meme that you guys will be screeching about for the next few weeks?
I'm not sucking Nintendo's dick because they used their brilliance to produce a gimmicky, useless piece of shit
You've never been to a party as a kid or as an adult, have you?
>marketing your product to the demographic that is most likely to break it
Nintendo always wins baybee.
>big announcement
>hey guys, tomorrow we'll announce a cool new way to play with your switch, aimed at kids
jesus, I thought the autism meme was overexaggerated
"Hey I heard user invited stacy to play something called Labo"
"Oh god, its some nintendo game for kids"
"Oh wow, what a freak"
I'll be pleased to be proven wrong, but these games look like they won't be that in-depth
>sonybros still think they get 4k
New Yoshi is themed around cardboard and papercraft.