Oh boy, I'm so excited for the catalog to be filled with nothing but shit posting for the next fucking decade

Oh boy, I'm so excited for the catalog to be filled with nothing but shit posting for the next fucking decade

That's everyday though

I wish people who like or hate nintendo would shut kill themselves, i don't give a shit


>wearing a towel underwater

This is a christian image board

Thank you for the correction

Why do white boys attention whore on Sup Forums with console war shit?

Why do non-whites think they are human?

No really, why do you whites always post console war shit here?

get off my internet, subhuman.

No really, why is it always white boys who start console war shit?

why is your tiny subhuman brain assuming that?

i don't get what the big deal is it's like legos plus a game

Shut the fuck up, darkie.

Blame Reddit. They don't like video gamey or Japanese video games so they defend the companies that don't care about either. Where do you think all the PCbro shooter enthusiatsts and westacuck indiefags came from?

Whites are known for being whiney as fuck and bring contratarian for the sake of being contratarian. Other races just shut up and play vidya.

you're the only one whining, subhuman.

Tell your kind to stop making console war threads.

Tell your kind to stop ruining society.

>Something new got announced
>I have an opinion about it!
>Should I use the catalog and look for another thread to post in?
>Nah I'll just make my own, my opinion is super important

That's what pisses me off the most. Same shit happened with the Dark Souls Remaster last week.

Show me how whites are any better.

I'm sure even you can figure that out, subhuman.

Show me how whites are any better.

Consolewars were a mistake.
I just want to talk about videogames.

Everything that's allowing you to be here whining about white people, was created by white people.

I thought you guys told me Sup Forums wasn't the worst board.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums share that title.

>cute disgaea girls thread and sakura from sf thread archive after about 2 minutes of inactivity
Possibly the worst thing to happen to this board since gamergate.

third worlders should be range banned

It's Aussies and Euros who start console war shit.

Then stop coming here. Seriously, just go talk games with your friends or look at video game news sites for your news. You literally don't need to be here. Why am I here? Because I'm working a desk job where I'm so far down the ladder that I don't have the qualifications to do any real work. Sometimes I get asked to scan or print shit, but that's it. I'm just here to kill time.


I'm pretty sure it was you Americans with your SEGA DOES WHAT NINTENDON'T shit that kicked this all off

user, let me introduce you to a miracle. go to the front page, hold down your shift key, and click on threads that look like shit

thank me later


But Yurocucks are the ones who actually bought Sega products to begin with.

That's just playful banter. Sup Forums console war shit is just spewing vitriol and bait because "le Sup Forums hates vidya meme".