Where were you when Nintendo was confirmed to be the most brainless, out of touch, idiotic video game company of all time?
Where were you when Nintendo was confirmed to be the most brainless, out of touch...
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Honestly, selling cardboard is fucking genius. Everyone knows Nintendo fanboys will lap up whatever shit daddy feeds them.
you perfectly described EA
delicious tears
Why are Nintendo fans so butthurt when they said that this announcement was designed for kids in mind?
>out of touch
Not targeting you != out of touch.
You're an adult now, Tim. You're no long Timmy. It's time to move past nintendo.
it says something when even nintenbros think this shit is stupid
What, you didnt play in boxes when you where young, did you not have a childhood?
Oh is Sony finally bankrupt?
Sonyroach mad as fuck he lacks the imagination required to have a jolly good time!
If EA made Labo, the game and cardboard would be sold seperately, both at 60$, there would be 20$ DLC, and you'd have to go out and buy more 60$ cardboard to even play the dlc
all of Nintendo is for kids in mind
>He thinks Nintendo fans are making these posts
Rule of thumb is that if someone posts a console war wojak they aren't a fan of the Company it's representing
>jolly good time!
Soy post.
EA aren't dumb enough to sell cardboard
I didnt pay 70 dollars for it
>out of touch
I hate this dumb fucking box as much as the next guy, but this will sure as shit sell well.
Bayonetta 2
Do you think this is Nintendo fans?
This is Sonyfans, pcfags and non Nintendo fans complaining
Just buy a literal ton of cardboard instead, lads.
But they've always been hyper critical.
/po/ didn't deserve this fate
Blow drying my hair after showering about 2 minutes ago
>EA aren't dumb enough to-
>mfw it outsells psVR
I look forward to many threads asking why Lubo is selling so well. Make sure to add a crying Wojak picture for full effect.
It came with something inside just like with the new nintendo product.
>out of touch
Uhhh, its a crafting kit for kids to maybe do with their parents. You are the farthest thing from the target audience for this piece of software/peripheral
Man, being digital PR and marketing/social media management for Nintendo must be a literal nightmare having to deal with people like you
I wouldn't be surprised.
It's about $70 and actually has games.
you can just get free cardboard boxes at bulk good stores like BJ's.
It's a super cute idea for the kids, tbqh. Can't believe sonybros are so assblasted about it.
EA is a scummy fucking company, but they are literally the most successful. They are exactly in touch with what normies want.
Defend this. I dare you.
This is Sup Forums user.
It's been a long time since people here thought that video games had to be designed for everyone.
Nowadays if it isn't some realistic wife's son simulator or a shooter it's automatically deemed as shit here
Okay you aren't going to believe this but
Makes money selling this to parents with dumb kids and use it to make new games for me
That was a pretty neat idea. I'd buy for my kids if I had any.
It's not meant for adults. Before the announcement was made, the announcement literally said it was for kids. They're literally toys.
That's not to say that the prices aren't outrageous- while I understand they have to charge for the actual game cartridge, it's still way too much for the cardboard.
Why are you guys all so upset over literal cardboard, anyway? Did someone spit in your soy latte this morning?
Well let's see. The bottom one isn't random cardboard, but special one with multiple specific pieces. It comes with multiple games for your Switch and instructions as well as accessories to make it all work.
Do you rike it Sup Forums?
>aspie adults ass blasted about a crafts with your kids piece of software
Its not like Sony Soys have any games of their own to get made about
>out of touch
I'd say they're pretty in tune with their market and demographics.
I'm an adult so I actually have things to do with my time, give me a quick rundown on this new and exciting cardboard meme
I work at the warehouse. These fucking foldable cardboards are easy as shit to snap.
Thats honestly the best part..they can throw all those bs shovleware on that thing
I love it.
The meltdown is hilarious and the fact that nintenbros are defending it is even better.
Oh wait, nevermind.
Shit's expensive as fuck. I could probably just download the schemes from the web and print for my kids. Total ripoff.
>switch gets games like Doom and Wolfenstein
>also gets family friendly stuff
Don't see the issue here, this is hilarious really. Mark today as the day Sony Soys on Sup Forums got ass blasted by cardboard for kids
could someone [;ease give me a quick rundown on why the fuck everybody is talking about cardboard?
Nintendo announced Labo. Labo gives you a piece of cardboard, with said cardboard you turn it into an object like a fishing pole or a piano. With said fishing pole you play a fishing game, with said Piano, you play a piano, note that you can actually press keys on this Piano and reel in on the rod. Labo is intended primarily for children and is overpriced. Sup Forums cannot comprehend that games are made not intended for them, so we have memes.
>Nintendo announces a papercraft game
>it comes with cardboard and software
EA sells lootboxes
Nintendo sells cardboard boxes
Learn the difference, it can save your life
Retardedness of the whole idea aside, who the fuck thought to give flimsy cardboard contraptions to children? Those pieces of shit won't last a day before they're stepped on.
I'd rather mark today as the day Nintenfags defended selling cardboard for 80 dollars
>not scalping cardboard
They probably saw that 1-2 Switch sold like hot cakes and got the idea that people are willing to buy any kind of shit.
>buy your child a Mario game they'll enjoy
>or get them a bunch of cardboard and some Wii tier minigame collection
Can someone explain what is it? I don't follow Nintendo at all.
just abort your kids if they're retarded and don't buy this if they're younger than 9
>see this
>eh kinda dumb but it's probably aimed for kids and the cardboard can't be that expensi-
>" The Variety Kit will be available at a suggested retail price of $69.99, and the Robot Kit will be available at a suggested retail price of $79.99. "
I mean these games look like Wii Sports tier, fun to play for a bit but it's good as a tech demo. I can't imagine really blowing money into it.
though Wii Tennis was pretty awesome
Their fanatic fanbase will defend it and buy it anyways. The casual consumer will probably think its a novelty. Either way, Nintendo loses nothing for charging 60+ for garbage.
When they made the virtual boy and refused to let go of friend codes
I honestly believe this person is not memeing and actually thinks this way.
exactly why this was a smart move. Moms will buy this over a regular video game because it's "crafty" and has the kids "doing something" instead of just sitting in front of the screen
They're DIY cardboard toys that interact with the game. It's literally meant for children. The announcement even stated it's for children. I don't see what people are so upset about.
Yeah, now they're standing in front of a screen instead.
>I don't see what people are so upset about.
You know how people say Sup Forums is anti-Nintendo?
It's not a joke.
Can i Blame this on Cultural Differences?
yeah, i understand that. I'm telling you what will be going through Samantha's mind as she picks up the box at Target
>It's not a joke.
There are people on both sides who shitpost about stuff like this. Normally I get it and I think it's funny, because Nintendo and Sony can do some really stupid stuff sometimes, but this all seems pretty innocent.
Still, I wouldn't generalize all of Sup Forums into being anti-Nintendo though.
>You know how people say Sup Forums is anti-Nintendo?
I'm fairly sure most people say Sup Forums is nintendogaf.
Which is true, considering the amount of people defending who are 80$ cardboard box.
Nah. i'm good with Bloodborne.
Muchas gracias.
which is exactly why people should assume even MORE focus on kids if they themselves say it's more for kids
>Sup Forums is now hating on playing with cardboard boxes
I don't feel anger at this, I just feel pity
I don't understand what the problem is.
>product intended for children is unveiled
>grown ass men lose their shit
Why are yall like this?
Sonyboi mad as fuck Sony's gonna release it's own version of cardboard in a few years
And it's not gonna have any games on it too
We're not laughing at people playing with cardboard, we're laughing at people who are willing to pay 80$ to play with cardboard.
Damn Nintenbros SEETHING right now.
Sony will keep on being the powerhouse. You guys have fun with your cardboard lmao.
>when someone posts console war shit its console war shit
You are a smart one
This my wife's son will love it I hope he lets me a turn too :)
>Shit I need something to defend Nintendo's retarded cardboard shit
>Wait, I've got it!
>That one spongebob episode!
>HAHA! YES! Spongebob shows everyone in that one episode that even a cardboard box can yield endless fun!
>Checkmate Sony!
>No-one can argue with spongebob!
>tfw 4 years working going strong
>I wanna die
Congratulations, you win the #1 most seething poster award of january 2018
They should have sold the cardboard separate from the games.
I thought the same, then I remembered Wonderbook, so I guess Sony also Nintendo at being the most idiotic.
nah, make the games downloadable so they don't have to include an SD card, cut the price of the package down to $30 with key
what they're doing seems downright stupid for the price point
t. Sony Shill
Your company is fucking garbage. Your products are fucking garbage. The games on your systems are fucking garbage. You're inferior in every possible way and you've never had an original, creative or brilliant idea. There's literally nothing good about you. Your shit company brings the entire industry down.
KEK I fucking love it, too fast.
You're a retard, like every other toddler.