*cough cough*
It's been fun, eh user? I'm dying... But I will always remember the good times we had together...
*cough cough*
It's been fun, eh user? I'm dying... But I will always remember the good times we had together...
Other urls found in this thread:
Good mèmè
m-maybe, now this is just a suggestion in hindsight, maybe you should have taken your skyrim money and put it toward your treatment instead of using it to, you know, port it to the switch?
please... Tell Betsy I love her...
Take care of the kids for me...
Todd no, what about Skyrim 2?
lol what good times? Bethesda hasn't made a good game in over a decade
It has been nice knowing you bro, I remember that time we bought Skyrim for the switch™ together...
You seem like a kind user... thank you... for being with me in my final moments...
I'll always remember my sweet little Todd.
Skyrim: Cardboard Edition when?
You seem like a nice user... May I please ask one last thing of you?
I know what you want. I'll buy your game. New Vegas, right? I'll gift it to a friend. Already done.
What good times? There were no good times. The future is now, old man, and I'll make sure you won't be around to see it.
Hey guys have you bought Skyrim: Cardboard Edition yet? You tape the joycon to a big cardboard sword. It's amazing. Totally worth the $70 to buy Skyrim again.
there were no good times, you fuck
there should be regulations to keep incompetent fucks like you from having access to computers and compilers
Let me in, I'm here on official business.
Yes sir, right away sir.
*opens door*
Hey, what manga is that from?
Well Sup Forums I made it, despite your directions.
Todd dont die. You still have a purpose. You have to port Skyrim where nobody has ported a game before Todd. ON A CARDBOARD!
Sorry Todd I already spent my good boy points this month to preorder Nintendo Labo.
Don't worry Todd, I bought the latest edition of Skyrim!
I'm playing Skyrim right now
You know Todd, some of your games were alright, thanks for the fun times with Oblivion back in Middle School
You can not end that which has been re released
Todd, I pirated all your games.
I've never purchased or pirated a Fallout game past 2 or an Elder Scrolls game past Daggerfall.
Like what if, I dont buy anything. What happens then, Todd?
*teleports behind you*
I'd buy Skyrim if it came with a cardboard box
Then I'll have to introduce you to my little friend.
Oh, but your little friend is taller than you Todd.
why do these memes portray Todd as an aggressive and violent man? In reality he is softspoken and seems nice, hell I was in the damned chessclub
you should check Skyrim out if you haven't played it yet though, I heard the VR version is a blast
Todd is that you?
Did the man himself ever say anything about Todd posting? I kinda expect him to know about it at this point.
When is he gonna port Skyrim to the Labo?
>I was
Todd, check this out
Well, you've at least bought my game. But don't you dare uninstall it, goy!
Has Toddposting ever made it out of Sup Forums?
This place tends to get overlooked by normies.
Ah, so you are just freeing up space for Skyrim VR? its all good, whether or not you win the game, matters not. It's if you bought it.
Think very carefully user or the fatty gets it.
But user, you've already bought my game. You may win this battle, but I've already won the war.
>by normies.
Todd is /ourguy/ though
This isn't even worth saving to my todd folder. Step it up.
c-can you upload that somewhere for me? I'm always on the lookout for rare Todds
So, with Todd dead, are we free to pirate all his games now without repercussions?
>killing Nazis gets you in the top 10 by default
triggered Sup Forumsbabbies incoming
Paypal me $100, nigger
Good riddance, Todd. The series belongs in the hands of people who respect every entry and love doing it.
Uh, you don't get to bring other games.
Todd has been around since Daggerfal and has stated that my favourite is Arena, he loves the series!
when will he be done milking skyrim to announce tes vi?
>wanting TESVI
i will not be buying it without these lads at the helm
Cheer up, Todd
I'm reinstalling Fallout 4 now.
Pirated it though
I expect they'll release TESVI like they did with Fallout 4 because of how successful that was. Possible teaser, big E3 demo, release in November.
I'm kinda expecting it to come this year based on Todd not making any appearance at E3 last year.