300 copies sold

>300 copies sold

What went wrong?

>From the makers of DmC

Nobody wanted to play it

but why?

because its boring

The model is hot
You think Tameme is tapping that?

Looks ugly.

female protagonist that isn't even hot

shit combat and muh mental health meme

What? The game sold extremly well.

no one wants to play as an ugly mentally ill roastie.

>godawful gameplay and level design
>low production value indie game
>pretentious themes

Still sold way better than it deserves.

>slow as fuck
>dumb matching mechanics
>shallow combat
>woman protagonist
>muh mental disorder

geez, i wonder

The puzzles were boring.
The combat and platforming was clunky.
The protagonist was hideous as fuck and would stare in your face every thirty seconds.
And the story was simply confusing.

I mean, I enjoy walking simulators but none of that shit was satisfying at all. It was like The Order but with less charismatic actors.

its kys: the game where you just wish the protagonist would fucking kill herself. stupid bitch.
>but user womyn's issues are so important! their suffering is meaningful!
yeah, not really.

pretentious indie shit is a dime a dozen

Too linear, tries too hard to be artsy, no replayability, a story that will only resonate with teens suffering from self diagnosed depression who use mental disorders as a way to garner sympathy, barebones to flat out non-existant gameplay, simplistic and repetitive 'puzzles'.

this but ironically

Walking simulator.

it ended up selling close to a million i think, which for a small team game like that is pretty decent. i enjoyed it for what it is, it does things with facial capture and audio design that i’ve never seen in games before, and the length was perfect because the gameplay definitely would have gotten old if it went on any longer than it did. glad i only paid $20 for it though

As someone who has actually experienced psychosis and heard voices in my head I thought it did a really nice job of depicting those things

>walking simulator with shitty fighting and puzzles
>pretentious story and set piece
>made by ninja theory

It is the recipe for disaster. Personally, I'm happy it failed. Maybe ninja theory will think twice next time they decide to launch a mediocre game disguised as pretentious garbage

Get out fag