
i don't own a nintendo or sony console but i always tried to defend nintendo

i just cant now


I'm glad these are being made already

I did. The Labo seems really cool!


Damn that's fast


But you dont even hold the joycons with the robot

Who here is ready for Nintendo to go bankrupt in the next 30 seconds!

husky = sonyfriends
poodle = nintendo cuks

Watch as Nintendo outsells PSVR with fucking cardboard

nice job OP

lmao, I knew as soon as it was announced there'd be some gold via based Wojakposter

excellent OC, OP

that was fast holy shit

like crackwork

How hard will Sonylets be btfo if Labo outsells PSVR?

Just imagine LMAO

>spending that much money on cardboard for a kid to crush it on his 1st day using it
it’s a cute idea but come on

kek, that was quick

B-but it comes with a game! A game I tell you!

So glad this shit happened. Now there is no illusion that Nintendo realizes their fans are literal shit eating mouth breathers that will pay $80 for cardboard and a shitty shovelware demo. Fucking pathetic.

is doggo alright?
h-he doesn't have serious injuries right?

How would Sup Forums react if Sony made the Labo instead?

I wonder how many people feel bad when it's a dog doing it to another dog

Probably by praising it and saying its a genius idea

For the love of fuck, the actual Nintendo fans that see this, please do not feel butt hurt, do not think that these idiots have no idea what they're on about, Im going to buy it for x reason. Please, please, stay the fuck away from cardboard.

>joycon placement is wrong
>missing parts
Come on, user. Don't half-ass it.

It's been so long since I've seen a .webm of something like this I almost forgot the sadness that comes with watching them

>YFW Sonyfriends advocate for animal abuse.

I love building dumb shit out of cardboard anyway, so this actually looks cool to me.

You got the order backwards.

>buy chink replacement for 10 bucks

An idea only Nippon would come out with due to it having autistic population. Even kids are too autistic to break anything.

he's at the big farm now