What’s the best DLC in the Soulsborne series?
What’s the best DLC in the Soulsborne series?
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Including Bloodborne might as well be cheating
The Old Hunters
The Old Hunters
Followed closely by Artorias of the Abyss
TOH > AotA > DS3 stuff > DS2 stuff
Crown of the Sunken King is great.
They're all good except for Scholar imo.
I honestly think the DS3 content is as good as The Old Hunters, but I waited until Ringed City was out before I played Ariandel. If you played them as they came out, though, I can see how they'd be pretty disappointing.
>Crown of the Sunken King is great.
For DaS2 and still has DaS2 gameplay
Yeah, it's very good. Just not as good as Old Hunters.
This guy knows what's up
What's wrong with DSII's DLC?
AoA>Old Hunters>TRC>AotA>ds2shit
It's still DSII
didn't mean to reply
Nothing. In terms of level design and all that, it's some of the best in the series. But it's still DSII.
You have shit taste, Costanza-chan
What can I say, I like snow levels and I'm really enjoying old hunters. the other two are interchangable.
Remember when Souls armor and weapon designs were reserved and minimal, rather than overly detailed homoshit?
I guess you're referring to Demon's Souls only.
Objectively DaS2's.
Better than
>$15 dollars for 20 minutes of content and 2 bosses lol
Me neither.
Mostly, although Dark Souls was still alright. I haven't played Bloodborne so I'm not sure what the designs in that are like, but by DS2 and 3 it was basically final fantasy.
Old Hunters
Ringed City
>basically standard platemail with a stylized helmet
>armor comprised of 500 interlocking pieces that look like spiderwebs with a giant black hole in the middle and a skull mask and 3 belts
It's a meme post
Scholar is the best outside TOH and even that is on debate because nobody here played Bloodborne other than cardboard haters.
You know it bruh. The Old Hunters. It's so good that it's miles better than Artorias of the Abyss which is the best DLC among games that have 'Souls' in their titles
>paying for this trash willingly
I wish I could refund this trash game and all its dlcs
nothing even comes close to the old hunters
Try being less awful, that helps.
What's funny is, people in these threads will actually defend this.
>Not objectively the worst
That path is only for Phantoms, the host needs to open the door for them and take the other route.
You can get in as the host but you have to not get hit at all, unlike the horrible player in the webm.
I only defend dark souls 2 ironically if I need some replies.
Right on que.
>he thinks it's me
holy shit, even the most elitist ds2fags would've admitted that this was shit design. so delusional
>let's just ignore all the deocarations, the giant metal waist pauldrons, the clown shoes and spikes and shit and that it's comprised of 500 interlocking pieces, i-it's basically standard platemail
Cool double standards, kiddo.
Since it's a Souls thread here's your daily reminder.
>yfw you already know everything's gonna be fucked and that the trailer is one big lie
This is an optional challenge area intended for CCOP.
>one area makes an entire thing bad
Wow dark souls 1 is the worst game ever hurrrrr
he clearly made it in time though. such a bad area
Now you shut the fuck up dude the entirety of DaS2 is like Lost Izalith but with even worse visuals
never said it was the only thing that makes ds2 bad, we were on the topic of dlcs and someone said ds2 was top tier when it's clearly not
Old Hunters > AotA > Sunken King > Ringed City
No, he didn't once the gate moves past the half way point it's "closed", even if it looks like you have room.
You could blame the gate animation for not being 100% correct, but that's another thing.
>sunken king
What is this meme? It's the worst of the shitty DS2 DLC trio
>Open gate
>Kill enemies as they come to you outside of Salamander range
>Open gate again
>Run through
You see your problem is that you're retarded.
No, it's the best one easily.
Literally Oolacile 2.0
>the entirety of DaS2 is like Lost Izalith
do you even read the words you type before you hit that little submit button, or does the screen look too red to read them?
that's what I mean. if it looks like he should've made it he made it. it's just bad game design if what appears to be happening isn't actually happening, which is why ds2's hitboxes are so infamously garbage.
The Old Hunters > The Ringed City > Artorias of the Abyss
It's clearly not because of...one small optional area. And a webm that's been posted thousands of times of a shitty player. Going through an optional part of an optional area.
That's just a meme. A meme I used to believe until I actually played the game.
>You see your problem is that you're retarded.
You can't open the gate again after you've already opened it once. Ds2 gets shat on undeservedly a lot but you're not helping.
DaS 2 is fucking shit that's what I was trying to say
Again, one bad area doesn't make the entire thing bad. Just ignore all the good parts of the DLCs, right?
if by sunken king you mean the whole package, this
I really did think that DS2's DLCs were way better than the shitfest DS3 took an entire year of extra dev time to shit out, and according to Tanimura B Team started from scratch, while TRC is littered with recycled things from the files of the main game.
Still overall better than DS1.
The other two were far worse. The snow dlc isn't even good, I dont know why people claim they like it.
the old mad because bad argument, my favorite.
The PS4.
Old Hunters >= AotA > SotFS > Ringed Shitty > Ass of Ariandel
PS4 games are harder to make than PS3 games.
>Literally Oolacile 2.0
You are joking, right?
I can't say I have played the other dlcs to be honest so all I know is this garbage. I didn't even finish dark souls 2 because I didn't enjoy it at all
Sure, but there's shit, and then there's Lost Izalith. Even DaS2 at its worst is nowhere near neon honey fields with dragon ass spam.
Artorias of the Abyss
The Old Hunters
The Ringed City
>is littered with recycled things from the files of the main game.
No way
Old Hunters
>Level design
DS2 (specifically Ivory King)
DS3 (specifically The Ringed City)
No, that's what most of the level structure is based on.
You start at a high point, then work your way down, lots of platforming and eventually find an elevator that bring your to the first bonfire.
Old Hunters
DaS1 DLC is the worst, the map is a literal straight line and short as fuck.
Old Hunters > Crown of the Iron King > Crown of the Sunken King > Ashes of Ariandel > The Ringed City > Artorias of the Abyss > Crown of the Ivory King
DS2 has the best DLCs if all combined, but DS1 DLC seems a bit better than each of them separately.
The other games in the series are shit, so why even bother.
So what? Artorias of the Abyss was not like that but even if it was
I just replayed DS1 yesterday and until I hit O&S, I was 50% 50% on DS1 and DS2 but the second half of DS1 made me go 55% 45% for DS2.
DS2 with some good visual polish would easily be the best DS game.
>ds2fags believe any and all reuse of assets is bad
>what is majora's mask
yeah, I'm done arguing, there's no reasoning with ds2fags
That's why I said Oolacile as in "Oolacile Township".
Old Hunters>Iron King>Sunken King>Ariandel>Artorias>Ringed City>Ivory King
>players model should make it through the spot
>doesn't make it through
Don't act like this game doesn't have dreadful hit boxes all over, just look at the player gets hit in the video
>I just replayed DS1 yesterday
So did I, still the best.
>DS2 with some good visual polish would easily be the best DS game
No man, it really wouldn't. Well, tastes differ
Oh, ok. But anyway, the settings of these DLCs are different so you can't call Sunken 'Oolacile 2.0'. That's what I'm talking about.
Well Demon's Souls is good too, of course, but it doesn't have any DLCs
>but it doesn't have any DLCs
What about Land of the Giants?
Ds1 DLC was fucking garbage. A recycled area with boring reskinned enemies. The bosses were the only thing good about it.
>Old Hunters
>DS3 (specifically The Ringed City)
Fuck gray filter
>Level design
DS2 (specifically Ivory King)
We all agree that DS2 has the best DLC
DaS1 feels incomplete without AotA
SO much build up for artorias
It's a corrupted, ruined city with lots of platforming with a high level and a low level that eventually connect.
This one happens to be underground.
Out of all comparisons, Oolacile is the only one that is the closest.
Huh? That's not a DLC.
>DS2 with some good visual polish would easily be the best DS game.
DS2 with more polish in general would be better. It's still the best souls game though.
Oolacile Township and Chasm of the Abyss are one of the best areas in Dark Souls
Then what is it? It came as a DLC.
Didn't actually think about it that way. Maybe you are right. But you have to admit that Sunken bosses are fucking shit. 3 shit bosses. Why did you like them?
They're short and linear as fuck.
Barely bigger then the DS1 Painted World.
Shulva, Ivory King and Old Iron King are each bigger than Blightown.
Short and linear but good is better than open areas with shit design that make you feel fucking depressed and bored
The Old Hunters > The Ringed City > Artorias of the Abyss
> Ashes of Ariandel > Crown of the Old Iron King > Crown of the Ivory King > Crown of the Sunken King
I understand the complaint about Darkwood being reused in AotA, but am I the only one who loves seeing the same area from a different perspective? In this case, back in time.
I think you're having a stroke.
meant for
Elana is a good boss.
Sinh is basically Kalameet except he flies more.
Gankboss is shit.
Fume is still the best boss in the franchise.
DaS3 was linear,depressive and boring