Sony containment board when? This shitposting is getting unbearable.
Sony containment board when? This shitposting is getting unbearable
It's what happens when sonybros don't have games
we've had boxes since the olden dais
We already have that. Sup Forums
Dont even lie this is the dumbest shit they've done yet
>nintendo sells box for 70 dollarydoos
>this is sny's fault
We really should have Sup Forums boards seperated by console, the shitposting takes up all of the actual discussion
And it'd also be funny to see how Slow the xbox board would go
>Forgetting the Wii Vitality Sensor was going to be a thing.
Does the labo come with any games?
I bet you can contain the shitposting in a cardboard box.
And the memes begin.
>nintendo does stupid thing
>everyone makes fun of it
>nintendo friends blame sony for some reason and get upset they're being made fun of
>call for a containment board for all the (justified) bullying
what's the deal with nintendo fans?
>sonyfriends killed a board with their shitposting and it's not even Sup Forums
Come on faggot, you can't even defend this shit. They are selling fucking cardboard for 80$.
+ games
We did it!
better stop crying or the tears will start making your labo break.
Now you realize that the mods actively encourage shitposting because it maximizes traffic which in turn maximizes ad revenue. If they actually enforced the rules, the dedicated shitposters from Reddit, cripplechan and discord would stop coming at all (or use LOICs) and ruin Hiro's business plan.
Fucking Sonygerians are gonna WISH they had their Labo equivalent when it launches.
>M-muh Sony
>I need a safespace because Nintendo made a literal toy for children
Shitposting is only okay if it's for Nintendo and not against. See: BotW
That isn't the problem. When we can't have actual discussions because of people shit posting about console wars, it becomes unbearable
Get a grip OP
Nintendo are selling cardboard and Nintenboys are actually defending it.
It deserves a day of shitposting.
EVERYONE is laughing at you
You don't belong here, reddit
>original toy company makes toys
No shit...
Sonyfags are the worse when it comes to shitposting.
Kill yourself. You're the reason why I hate Nintendo man babies.
Why? They already made a containment board for you Nintendies.
You fail to realize that everyone is laughing at you, not just Sony pones.