I'm a brainlet; how does the piano thing work? How does it know which keys you're pressing?
I'm a brainlet; how does the piano thing work? How does it know which keys you're pressing?
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Only 2 keys work, the rest are for show
The right joycon plugs into the side and it uses the IR sensor on the bottom to tell what keys are being pressed.
the joy cons are put in through the side, and the sensors at the ends of them detect the movement
By using IR tech from the 80s
So it would only detect one key at a time?
>The piano, especially, is quite amazing, and takes about two hours to build. The infrared camera on the Joy-Con controller can see reflective strips of tape on the back of the keys, which come into view when a key is pressed, telling the game software to play the right note. Cardboard dials and switches modify the tone and add effects to the sound.
Why do you assume that?
It can see multiple points
Are any adults here going to actually use this? Seems aimed mainly at children.
IR tape on the back of the keys that the controllers can see and tells the switch what sounds to make, because that better that a virtual keyboard on the switch itself.
no? it can detect multiple things at once
this is a better explanation than what i wrote
well fuck
Reflective strips on the back of the keys for the IR sensor in the right joycon to see.
Any decent piano would cost you at least $500 plus tip but with labo you get one for only $80 and you even get all the other stuff. Nintendo wins again.
No clue, I can't predict shit since I thought the switch would only be a moderate success over the Wii U, not a blowout.
But they did say it was for kids when they made the announcement for the trailer.
>"Seems aimed mainly at children."
>announcement literally had "for kids" in it
sherlock cracks the case yet again
nah, even nintendo said this was aimed at kids. if i had one i'd definitely get them this, it looks great to build with kids and to let them play something that isnt angry birds.
I just assumed it pointed straight out like the wiimote. I'll have to have another peak!
The answer to both are yes
It works by you being a retard and actually paying 80 buckaroonies for a piece of cardboard
The Ir camera sensor on the joycon reads distance between reflective tape attached to the end of the keys.
the nobs press buttons on the controller to change settings on the piano.
Go post that in Sup Forums
>one octave
It's good as babbys first keyboard though.
I was about to say. wtf is my other hand supposed to do?
>2 hours to build
God damn dude, I cannot wait for it to come out and someone on Sup Forums bitching they can't figure out the instructions.
It is aimed primarily at children, it was literally called a "for kids" announcement. If the games had like any depth to them and it was at like half price I'd consider it but we all know its gonna be some novelty that gets boring in an hour.
The game comes with the cardboard, you apes.
The nobs change octaves.
But it is still just 13 keys. So complicated sets of music are going to be a bit a of a complete bitch to pull off.
If it's aimed at children why does the promotional video only show adults assembling it and using it?
Reviewers will. And probably youtubers too.
This is amazing. Imagine using this "technology" to build some complex-ass controller like the Steel Battalion one, except only paying 10 bucks instead of 150 at launch.
Another part of the video shows you constructing foot pedals, why not just use those to change the octaves?
Parents helping their dumb shit kids build something.
So its more a really shitty organ than. Not bad for a dollars worth of cardboard honestly.
Do children build their own play houses and swingsets?
children are too dumb to properly use it, shibata even made a statement how he hopes to see families smile while assembling it. Kids will need their parents to make these.
Yeah except the steel battalion controller was made from plastic and metal, not fucking cardboard.
also came pre-assembled.
Child actors cost more.
plus the cost of the Switch itself
Imagine spending 2 hours to build this. Jesus. Who would actually have fun with a shitty piano? Someone who never encountered a real piano? What's the point there
Probably because the adults would be helping their kids assemble it?
Use your brain you troglodyte.
Real talk, all of this shit looks like the most fragile shit ever and will probably break the DAY you get it.
Controllers made out of cardboard. Fucking genius. Maybe next time they can make them out of soap bubbles, that's an innovation.
Remember that it also comes with 3 other sets of cardboard for the other 3 games that come with the cardboard.
You clearly don't understand toys.
The reason it flopped is because nobody wanted to pay 200 bucks for the game and the controller. A cheap alternative like this would make games the need very specific controller setups a lot more financially viable.
That's the equivalent of a parent assembling their child's bicycle and then being the one to use it.
I could see nintenbros doing this
Looking at this makes me want the piano
they're toys, retard. they're literally called the "toy-cons." it's meant for children.
A piano isn't really a toy, it's a piano. If you want a piano, get a non shitty one. If you like origami, do flipping origami, it's free
It can detect multiple if the video is to be believed. The joy-cons are expensive so it better be able to
Imagine the input lag though.
So how long is that cardboard shit going to last before starting to tear?
1000 key presses?
japs confirmed for a 320 iq
now get the price of a toyhouse and a mecha suit
Isn't it four others?
You do realize there are toy pianos, right? This is aimed at kids, not adults.
Yeah. Because if a child could build his own playset then he is ready to do shit like make his own dressers and beds from wood.
Children are not smart nor dexterous enough to make things that don't look and feel like shit.
Well, can't say it wouldn't be a great way for parents to underhandedly get their kids to learn to play the piano. Now, if there's a way to mimic a guitar, I would buy that set in a heartbeat even it's bootlegged as fuck.
How could you be so ignorant?
This is cool as fuck. All of the designs are actually really intricate... At first glance it's FUCKING CARDBOARD but then you at the end of the video you see how it's actually a lot more than that... I would have loved this shit ten years ago and I might even still buy it...
Imagine the grease stains after long use with these things. It'll be fucking filthy with finger oils and cheeto dust.
just buy a cheap piano and play synthesia
>use it more than 3 times
>it's already deteriorated for it being fucking cardboard
I have no idea how the more mechanical ones are going to hold up
They're aimed at retarded kids. 1 octave isn't really enough to learn anything, just get this for the same price
because you would need a third joy-con....
oh shi-
Yamaha might as well close shop now, Nintendo is about to DOMINATE the keyboard market.
I'm not counting the Piano. So three others.
Unless you want to count that cardboard cut out of a person you attach a joycon to.
I can't think of anything that cardboard cut out can be used for other than controller calibrations.
>God damn dude, I cannot wait for it to come out and someone on Sup Forums bitching they can't figure out the instructions.
I CANNOT wait for DarkSydePhil to fuck with this thing
These even support multiplayer.
>implying anyone would want to play these games for more than 3 sessions
There is literally Rocksmith and that's all you need dude.
ITS A FUCKING TOY. And its part of a kit.
This could actually be the answer to porting a lot of modern rhythm games to home systems, which are deemed impossible because of their weird-ass control setups. Sound Voltex springs to mind right away, where the only controller available costs a few hundred dollars and is unofficial.
Probably plenty of adults that will buy it for the novelty of it, or because they're collectors.
but you need two to suport multiplayer
Did you never build a fort or a treehouse with your friends? You had friends right?
>Socker Boppers
>Image clearly shows "Sockem Boppers"
It's a shit toy, yeah. This is a good toy
Yeah, I kinda get where nintendo is getting at with this. I think younger kids will enjoy it.
Younger kids can't assemble that shit to begin with. They'll also break the cardboard box in 15 seconds or less.
You can get a digital piano for 200 dollars that is not shit.
Yes user, rhythm games don't need precise input, a carboard with a rubber band will do.
>he built a tree house.
Your or their parents built that tree house.
You just took credit for that.
The closest thing to a fort you made was a pillow fort.
You can't even play Built to Scale on this one octave piano without fucking with the knobs lol
Nintendo Magic.
For kids, you retard. Letting them build it is part of the gun, it's like letting them play with their lego creation after making it. You can't get that sense of satisfaction from just playing it without building it first.
Gots a foot peddle.
This deserves some meme archeology
>No screen. Shit ton of knobs. For education
You're missing the target audience with this. Granted like I said before, I can't possibly know if this will flop or not.
If they make a gundam/mecha game for the robot backpack one though, that will be hype as shit.
Nope took some wood and screws and a drill and made it. I think it is still there all these years later. Not the greatest one but it worked for us.
>i have no idea how marketing works!
A kid isn't going to fucking build that robot set.
That is a set of pulleys and plastic bits.
I wonder if the joycon's sensors are precise enough to get a home setup for Chunithm going?
>2 hours to build
whadda fug
Your parents didn't care if you died apparently
The audence is kids just retarded enough not to be able to use a real piano but smart enough to fiddle with cardboard for 2 hours.