So besides the price what Exactly is so bad about this? It seems like a fun way to bring AR/VR into Nintendo...

So besides the price what Exactly is so bad about this? It seems like a fun way to bring AR/VR into Nintendo, along with accessories to games without the need to make new plastic ones

The price is still pretty fucking high for this and I hope it is like that because of the games. Its really the only problem I see that is a real problem and not just shitposting, even if most people talking about it are just shitposting

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i cant wait until i can take to work and play labo on break, god bless Nintendo for this portable console.

>Make good games in 2017
>waste time making this shit in 2018 trying to bring back the casual and kid audience
>80 dollars
>games look like they could just be mobile games anyways
>breaks easily
>kids are more likely to play mobile shit anyways
>shitpost fuel and another stain on the board and nintendo

The fucking audacity that's whats wrong

Nintendo has literally 0% respect for its customer base

>games look like they could just be mobile games anyways
they looked like normal games to me mostly, one of them appeared to have been project giant robot (which was originally intended to be a wii u game but got scrapped as they weren't sure where to take the project). That said, I have no idea who this is supposed to appeal to, maybe kids would play it but I'm not that sure as kids are mostly interested in smartphones these days - it could work anyway as the switch is a sort of tablet to begin with I suppose.

Overall, I agree with the OP that it's actually an interesting concept, but it also looks overpriced and doesn't seem to have a clear target market.

People overestimate the intelligence of the average American, let alone the average American child. They won't even be able to construct the accessory in the first place.

They just released new mainline Zelda and Mario titles, among a ton of other games with more on the way. The core audience is locked in, now Nintendo has to try to strike gold with the casuals again.

So charging 80 dollars for fucking cardboard is the way to get casuals on board again?

You must be smoking crack

Normies have made fads out of dumber things

Nintendos major Customer base is kids, and kids will eat this up.

Did you miss the part of the video where it shows the instructions, that are also animated to show exactly what to do?
I do agree that some of it does seems a bit more complex for kids, but thats what parents are for

it's like you guys missed the part where nintendo said it was announcement aimed for children or something

There isn't anything wrong with it outside of the price. It's DIY toy for kids. It was even stated in the announcement that it was for children, but the retards on this board who have a first grader's reading comprehension wouldn't figure that out.

Let's face it: Building gay things from cardboard is a shitty gimmick that might be fun for kids and women.

Which is why this is gonna sell like hotcakes

It's going to be a mother-child bonding project that will feminize our youth and poison them with false ideals.

>Did you miss the part of the video where it shows the instructions, that are also animated to show exactly what to do?
You overestimate the intelligence of the average American.

And that makes it ok?
I guess Nintensharts really are children

>mfw Nintendo cardboard games will be more of an interactive game experience than movie games from Sony

>Make good games in 2017
>Posts bing bing wahoo man

This ISN'T a video game. It's a TOY. My nephews love building LEGO with their parents and with me, and I can totally see the younger ones loving the little bug and the fishing game and the piano, and the 9-year-old one would love the robot one- they love playing pretend, they love their NERF guns and stuff like that, they love LEGO and they love video games too. This combines all those things in a toy/game/experience that I'm sure they will find awesome. In that mindset, I rewatched the trailer. And I got tear-eyed. Emotional. It made me want to buy this for them and actually sit down and play with them, rather than just hand them over a new game and call it a day. This is brilliant.

There are more cheaper ways to get your kid do DIY stuff. Heck, just throw the little shit to the playground and they will entertain themselves.

Just paint some models or custom Hot Wheels, just don't let them do resin projects.

>I got tear-eyed. Emotional.
My god, people get emotional over Nintendo ads. Do you also have periods?

If this isn't a shitpost, it sounds really cute. You go, user. I'm glad your nephews have a caring family.

I don't see why everyone on here is throwing a bitch fit about this. Just don't buy it. who gives a fuck

Sorry your life is devoid of this kind of joy, user

It's obviously just a shameless cash grab like 1-2-switch or Amiibos but ass long as nintendo keeps making good games like they did in 2017 I fail to see the problem here.

Kids make up games or make toys out of stuff on playgrounds. It looks pretty DIY to me.

Man, that's cheaper than the cardboard that came with my tv.

Americans don't have real parents anymore.

Amiibos were more of a test to see what collectors would really impulse buy thirty $15 statues rather than just buy characters they actually like, and yet we got tons of scalpers off that.

The games honestly look like free apps from the iphone store. Why exactly do they need to charge $80?

>devoid of this kind of joy
>devoid of getting teary eyed over ads kind of joy
Thank god for that.


Yeah that's why IKEA is so popular, right

Oh man, I love having gigantic peripherals used for a single game sitting around my house gathering dust, especially when they're made of a material that bends, tears and absorbs water with extreme ease.

Because the Nintendo logo adds value to these sheets of corrugated card. If they didn't charge $80 it would devalue the "premium" experience!

Its unique, I'll give 'em that.

But it seems like the kind of thing only kids would want. Kids in the single digit age range.

And those kinds of kids are incredibly fickle. This could be a huge hit or fizzle out in under a year.

It's the stupid 1-2 game peripherals Nintendo has always loved making since the NES. Only made from cardboard.

it's really just the price. as a concept it's unique and could be fun.

The problem is that the games in the first pack don't look very good and the cardboard alone isn't fun either.

The future ones look like they could have potential: a gun for light gun games, a flight stick for plane games, and an interactive camera is good as long as a fun game comes with it.

user, this is Sup Forums, nothing is ever as bad as Sup Forums makes it seem. Recently it became shitposting central, because whenever some console is at the top, people who have it will shit on anything else. This generation it was Sony, so with Switch having some success and Xbone being basically dead, Sup Forums became shitposting central for Nintendo whenever they do anything, just because so many kids have a PS4 and somehow think it's a wise way of spending their time online - posting the same boring images and the same tired pasta.

So no, Labo isn't bad. It has a nifty idea behind it, especially since they showed they will be teaching kids about programming and robotics too. Sup Forums just wants to shitpost about >muh cardboard, so let them be and think for yourself about the topic.

Why do Sup Forums posters seemingly enjoy lying or LARPing? It just seems very weird and very much like a circle-jerk.

As you may or may not know, Nintendo just revealed an upcoming video game that comes with a cardboard peripheral. For some odd reason, this board is posting that this package only comes with the cardboard, and that no video game is included.

Why? Is there something about not having sex that makes you LARP and lie?

What is the point of making things up and not being truthful, not only to each other but to yourselves? An outside perspective would call it pathetic.

Idk, I thought Funko Pops, clicker games, Skylanders, and Roblox were all fucking stupid, but they seem to sell well enough. I can't call the hits or misses anymore.


Good point.

Guess they just need good marketing.

"well I thought it was pretty good!"

The reception would probably be better if they lowered the cost by selling the stuff in the first set in individual packages for about $20 each and including a download code for the software instead of a cartridge. The robot set could remain $80 for those who enjoyed the individual packages.

>Let's face it: Building gay things from cardboard is a shitty gimmick that might be fun for kids and women.
Building dumb shit from cardboard is how America used to spend its youth.
For free!
Now Japanese nerds sell it in a pretty package to kids who can't hold a bat and fat shut-ins forr $80 a pop.
It's enough to make you miss the Reds.

Thinking about it is actually funny to see the people making threads who bought the Labo but fuck it up building it

Can't wait for LABO in Smash 5.

There can be fun in constructing and programing the projects though. Also the fact that you don't have to be tethered to a TV helps.

Oh boy, get ready for a million videos from Youtubers building them.

It'll be even funnier when someone buys the software used and tries to build the sets with greasy pizza boxes.

its for kids. why are adults arguing over this?

Kids don't pay for these things.
Kids break things.
It's fucking cardboard.

Sup Forums is a place for children who think they're adults. That's exactly the opposite audience for this.

you are aware of the manchild epidemic, correct?

>and kids will eat this up
Don't kids primarily play Minecraft and Call of Duty?

custom cardboard fleshlight for Bayo 3 please.

Kids can even break the original Game Boy, fucking cardboards can only survive for a few days at best.

>implying you have kids to worry about
why are you complaining?

>The price is still pretty fucking high for this
It really fucking isn't, check toy prices, all this shit costs money

what do we do about man children?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that a bunch of retards on this board are going to buy this, but I'm shocked at the amount of people who think this is a good product for kids.

>besides the price
Do most anons on Sup Forums live in 3rd world countries? Because here in the first world, $70 is a very small and insignificant amount of money.

kids nowadays are autists who love shit like this. it will be a hit

Nothing. Society is fucked anyway.

their parents won't like replacing it within days. That was his point you pathetic soylet.

>kids nowadays are autists who love shit like this
Not when their drool melts through the fucking cardboard. I can only see this working out for adults, and that amuses me to no end that adults will pay 70 bucks for a cardboard box.

I swear this board is absolute fucking garbage and run by and for exclusively soytendrones
Nintendo can pull ANYTHING, from selling physcial DLC with amiibos to now selling cardboard for 50-100 bucks, and there will be hundreds of you faggots trying to see the "fun" things about it, the "neat" things about it.
But god don't let any other company pull this kind of crap because then everyone else is a faggot and a dumbass.
Fuck this board.

Kids break toys all the time. Haven't you been a kid before.

I just woke up and I can't stop seeing shit about cardboard everywhere. I'm so confused and I ain't watching a fucking direct.

Holy shit m8 shills must be somewhat quiet about their shilling. It shouldnt be this obvious.

>you can get literal mountains of cardboard at your local recycling center for pennies.
>mfw nintenbros will pay 40-70 buckaroos for cardboard cause it has daddy's cock slapped to it

Nintendo is charging $80 for cardboard.

That's literally it. Enjoy laughing at the numerous threads and jokes we're all gonna make. Join in and have fun

>So besides the price what Exactly is so bad about this?

nothing really, but it's not for us, the core audience. so it's disappointing. if you're excited for this, I don't know what to say to you. I can just imagine you opening the box next christmas with your wide open mouth

Yes, cardboard is just as sturdy as those plastic dolls and wooden swords. You've convinced me that cardboard is worth 70 dollars, user.

Sony makes movies and televisions. Microsoft makes operating systems and computers. Nintendo owned love hotels and sold playing cards. A company can make products tailored towards different things and different people and still offer things for their "core" audience.

They got people to buy plastics that served no purpose for their Wii, they might be able to do now too.

My local recycling center is run by the city and sells everything off to companies.

>he's too poor and stupid to afford labo
Such is life for a brainlet.

>It's fucking cardboard
right so if they break it all they gotta do is find a cardboard box and cut out replacement pieces.
there is not way Nintendo would make something like this and not expect people to use their templates on normal cardboard

>he's too blind and retarded to not buy cardboard for 80 dollars

>implying some piece or some shit won't be stupidly intricately made to warrant people buying replacements or extra units

I like this...

the only cool thing about this is that people can make their own games with it. so there's potential there.

all the cardboard parts were shown to come on a flat sheet that you pop/cut out. i dont think they could make anything way to complicated even if they tried.
you are getting mad at what is essentially the replacement for skylanders that wont bankrupt parents with stupid figures

I absolutely adore how hard and blatantly Nintendo shits on their costumer's mouth with this.
They make sure the first fucking thing you see is something you know you can get elsewhere, something that you know is cheap and abundant everywhere.
Yet the push in hat cock of theirs down you shit-filled mouth, knowing some of you faggots will pay 100 bucks for THEIR cardboard.

Shh, brainlet, it'll be okay.

I want too see your arts and crafts nigger ass cut out and adapt a replacement for the mechanisms involving rubber bands or for that button that goes on the side of the house.

i think you are overestimating the complexity of something that is supposed to be put together by a fucking 6 year old

I just came here for the memes

I think you are overestimating how things like fucking legos are made.
No assemble yourself toy is meant to be assembled by a kid you dumb fucking ass.
Ever 4 piece lego sets have clear instructions to be assembled with parents unless you are a fucking teen