who is the best Indie Developer?
Who is the best Indie Developer?
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Blow. Not a huge fan of his games but he's chill and does his thing well. He also uploaded hours and hours of tutorials for programmers.
The FTL guys
>toby fox
>revolutionized indie games
Notch obviously. Look at the fucking numbers. Like it or not Minecraft is the best indie game ever made.
Notch and the Literally Whos
What a bunch of fucking nerds. Chad will teach them.
tbqh minecraft is a fun game, the rest of those are shit, specially undershitale
how fucking gay is this earth when you can throw together something as thoroughly unremarkable as super meat boy and become one of the wealthiest people who has ever lived
Fuck the indies
As gay as filming yourself playing video games and earning 7 figure salary.
it rode off the popularity of I wanna be the guy and its likes, makes sense to take the idea off a free game and republish it
cave story is a bad game?
A dead one.
Daisuke Amaya looks like a bit like Iizuka.
>inventor of indie games
No he did not, he brough it back from the dead that's different
Also what's so revolutionary about undertale ? Anime memes ?
Out of those faggots? The minecraft dude because he made a stupid amount of money off a simple yet lucrative idea that stimulated the autism of numerous (man)children
hope pixel has that much money
This tbqh
It really made you think....
undertale gives the player choices
what if the save feature of the game didn't work correctly
am i a good game designer now
friendly reminder that nobody in human history will ever be as good at this craft as this guy
Dude's cool
>could have picked up coding as a kid
>could have made millions off of one lucky shot
fuck me
Start coding now
good advice in general
even if you are bad at it, you will be able to automate pointless shit you do for work
still waiting for him to make a game that's worth playing
you could have made millions buying a few bitcoins in 2012.
stop lamenting what could have been and start building now
It’s Pixel. It was always Pixel. It will always be Pixel. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.
Wrong, all of you.
And yet none of those games are good... That's what's really amazing.
toby fox doesn't actually know how to code, even now. undertale is held together by string and duct tape.
Honestly? It was a kid friendly game that taught tolerance, while filled with some witty humour that would appeal to more mature players.
Oh, and also it had furries in it. Now both kids and adults want to fuck Undertale characters.That's literally why its popular. It appealed to different age groups, but all they wanted to do is get their dicks wet. Look at MLP for example.
If this isn't bait, then the person's net worth is above them my friend.
Notch, Daisuke, and ZUN (not shown) had infinitely more impact on the industry than any of the others shown in that image.
Undertale had similarities of all good sides of what made Homestuck popular and wrapped up in a little fun RPG
ha ha It's yanderedev right guys?
HOw come creative people get so much money? I have no creative bone in my body but I spent all my time in school studying and having no fun and I don't even make that much money. I should be rewarded for forgoing fun for study.
Coding is pretty simple so long as you can get a good grasp on simplification and mathematics, particularly boolean algebra.
It's finding people that can make good assets for you that is the hard part in making a game. Music can be kind of done with stock music but graphics are very hard to have someone who knows their shit and won't flake on you while under production. It's a big reason why pixel stuff is so prevalent because it is the simplest kind to do learn for yourself if you have no prior experience in graphics.
you're not seeing the countless that don't
The ones you see work for it
there's no "should be rewarded"
let me show you the thousands of people with games on steam with less than 6k sales
>inventor of indie games
>this craft
Being entirely overrated?
I agree.
I wish i was into arty shit so I could make a game and get rich. Unfortunately I chose to be an Accountant.
Once watched that awful indie game movie. Almost everyone in that was annoying as fuck.
Look up Supply and Demand. If you plan to work to only make money instead of doing something you love, then try to go for a high demand profession where not much are going into.
It's the reason indie developers are more successful than ever due to the gaming industry being filled with shit games or good game with jew business practices. All they need is talent to code some fun games and there will be eventual success within it.
I still cannot believe such a Tommy Wiseau incident occurred, freaking hilarious.
why would you remind people of eva
Chad Cupheadcock
>objectively the smartest indie dev (none of the others have a Ph.D.)
>gives his game away for free, still gets enough donations to work on it full time
>doesn't care about casuals in the slightest
>has never seen a schedule in his life
>his game has been featured in the Museum of Modern Art
>refuses all offers to sell out
>literally devotes his entire life to creating the perfect game
Find a flaw.
Focusing on adventure mode instead more is a pretty big flaw.
Please tell me the Chad is a shoop.
doom wasn't indie
how is SPM unremarkable? It's got fucking fantastic controlling, music, and a great art style
In what way did Toby Fox "revolutionize" indie games?
Did the creator of this image know what "revolutionize" means?
I greatly respect Notch, Pixel, and Blow. Don't give a fuck about any of the others.
quake is the best game ever made
This, also the Terraria devs. Their dedication for their game is truely remarkable
>describes dustforce
>but is referring to super meat boy
Never watched it because I know what annoying cunts Phil and Edmund are
it's kinda boring desu, but then I don't like metroidvania
I like notch because he has fuck you money,
I like fez guy because he took his money and said fuck you,
I like Blow because he's actually really intelligent and The Witness is the best puzzle game I've ever played. His programming streams are comfy too.
I like Edmund McMillen because he's a bro
Notch because he's /based/
it's boring as FUCK desu
Its not i wonder what he did exactly for development though.
Meatboy fag is the least talented of them. If it came out today, it would drown and nobody would notice it. Mechanically it pretty much ripped of N+.
Braid fag is the one that actually has a chance to produce a great game in his lifetime.
who was the faggot who made a bunch of vlogs about the preassure of making an indie on kickstarter? falco girigio or something..? I want to see how he's doing
but a lot of what people will pay you to do is boring, because most of the work is compliance with boring external rules and not interesting algorithm design
>4 million
>Wealthiest people who ever lived
the randroid with the game engine made unnecessarily complicated so it could run on the dreamcast
he used to have someone with a hateboner that spammed threads here all of the time
i wonder if he's still alive
Reminder that Tim Schafer spend his donation money for Broken Age to have Phil Fish as the DJ for his indie party
>spends his time making cute girls for the world to love
What's not to like about him?
holy shit he always finds a way to outdo himself
Meta humor I guess. So now we have shit like Doki Doki.
As much as I like Isaac, I agree that Edmund is the biggest hack in the indie industry
This. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 were all fucking amazing and more than doubled the game's content.
>Edmund is the biggest hack in the indie industry
thats a big claim to make
Do you think that 4 million dollars is a lot of money?
t. a 12 years old who's going to make his first billion by 25 and become the first transgender president in history
Unironically Pixel.
4 million isn't 'one of the wealthiest people who ever lived'
you didnt like Braid?
there's literally a BILLION guy in the same picture and him too is small time compared to the world richest
of course 4m in the indie scene is a lot but overall it's not that much
technically yes. but creatively no. his games are awful.
i agree, but making 4 million is not easy and you could have a very comfortable life without even working
you're right, but 4 million dollars is a lot of money.
to anyone.
not if you're a billionaire like notch
maybe, but the guy with a billion is just a fluke in time space continuum or some weird bullshit, it will most likely never happen again
The worst feeling is being the same age as these guys, seeing them retire on games that weren't even as good as the ones they were copying. The bar is so fucking low these days, and yet they're still one-in-a-million lucky fucks, because you know there are countless indie games that made absolutely nothing.
no, even billionaires pay attention to the seemingly minuscule (to the layman) millions.
And you think Jonathan Blow is a gaming's Einstein?
he is pretty smart
Fuck FTL guys. They have a very cool, very fun game and they just dropped it. Fuck them.
all of them except notch have some sort of talent
well maybe not phil fish, im not sure what he actually did on his game