HAHA time for a Yakuza thread

HAHA time for a Yakuza thread.

Did anyone else preorder the special edition of 6 despite how mediocre it is?

Yes. Thinking of canceling because I won't be done with 2-5 before launch

I wouldn't cancel it. It is honestly a neat thing to have.

I finally finished yakuza 5, so I'm ready for yakuza 6. Haruka went full retard.

All the Kiwami copies I see in store are still the Steelbook Edition.
I think Zero was a one time pop of popularity.

Kiwami didn't get a "standard" release in the west. All physicals are the steelbook.

Is this going to be an actual Yakuza thread or just another thread for that one autistic guy to lose his shit over hostess clubs?

I would like it be an actual thread.

What makes it an actual thread?

Someone asking if they can start with 6

Got this on pre-order, waiting for Kiwami 2 in the mail.


I'm looking forward to the ice stones.

Can I start with Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku

Yup. About a year ago, too, when I could pull myself away from sucking mountains of cock.

For real though Breaking Za Raw is the best karaoke song.

>not Akiyama's Bakamitai

Fuck off, tastlet.

I can't wait for that question because then everyone can just reply with "yes"

4fags are the worst

When will we hear more about ShinRGG?
Is there any inclination it will be out this year?

It takes place in 2018 so it'll be out in 2018. We'll probably hear more in the summer or TGS. It's probably going to be a December 2018 release if I was a betting man

Isn't baka mitai from yakuza 5?