>*blocks your path*
You're buying my game right?
*blocks your path*
Didn't you die?
Already did me man!
You've watched (not)-MC 11 right?
there’s a official madness game?
project nexus 2 spoilers
when it comes out yeah, in the next ten years
RELEASE THE GAME ALREADY!! im gonna pirate it anyway
they'll release a game about it? when? where?
>development for 3 years
>they just redone the code form scratch or some shit
There has been.
>doesnt seem to be a downloadable copy anywhere
Just preorder it for 30 bucks
fuck off swain
>spend 30 dollaroos for a beta game that proabably wont come out for another year or two
MC11 is still a NEVER EVER, right?
was 10 the one where hank became a bioweapon?
8 was the last one that was good
I think Krinkels posted some WIP shots on his twitter, also there's this
>krinkels is furry as fuck
You knew, right?
I'm buying his game.
was surprised, just hope he keeps that shit out of Madness
It surprised me.
>tfw krinkles posts on /AGDG/
krinkles coming out as a tranny on discord SOON
>Player 2 has been eliminated.
>Judge Judy
MC-kill yourself.
>its a judge rinder fanboy
Is there a download for any of the good Madness games? I don't want to play them through Newgrounds or some other shitty flash game sites that just remind me of the days before Eddsworld got raped by a literal Jew
you can go on nu-grounds and download them you just need to right click then view page infor or somethin then select the swf then save it
I just hope 11 comes out and his game also. Anyone else watch Madness when they were 6-7?
furfags need to be gassed but krinkels is okay
Yeah, but I can't remember which ones were the good ones other than one of them, and the tag they're under has been flooded with dogshit from what little I tried
I'm still mad they permakilled off Jesus
Madness Interactive and Project Nexus is all you need