Emulate this, faggots

Emulate this, faggots

Other urls found in this thread:


>PC fags make their labos with pizza boxes


I can labo it and not have to pay 80 fucking dollars

this looks like a child safety hazard

>B-but it's for kids!

are we really supposed to expect this not to break in 4 minutes of use?

>pro nintendo
>7 replies
>"fuck this carboard shit"
>140 replies in 2 seconds

Do mods actually believe there are no bots shilling on this site?

They'll emulate anything. Give it a few years

Will Nintendo's cardboard have chips glued onto them that make the Switch know you have legit cardboard peripherals or could I create/pirate them by using cutout templates?

Thread is over.

When I saw the announcement clip I thought you'd download the scheme from the internet and print/cut it yourself. Guess Nintendo wants to sell you paper for 80 bucks.

Everyones here to shitpost retard

Only manlet could use it

I work in a grocery store. I can easily take a few cardboard boxes and paint them

yeah the pro nintendo part is perplexing ain't it

My 12yo me would have broken that shit in minutes playing like a robot.

Like PCfags care, most probably already own a switch as a second system.

>conveniently forgetting about joycons


Who would want to?

No thanks, I'm not 10.

it looks like that boy is wearing bizarre special education gear


It is for kids. I don't know why you people care so much.

50 bucks says some soccermom's mouth breathing son cuts himself on the cardboard and then she goes after Nintendo.

I've never seen a group of people more bitter over something that has nothing to do with them.

>Why d-do you care?
>My wife's son Jamal l-loves it!

Do you think your meme will work on me?

whats more degen

an adult buying the labo for himself
an adult male making that picture and posting it on Sup Forums

haha nice ms paint comic bro i'm almost done my wojak one

The games come with the cardboard.

You replied, didn't you?

And what of it?

>emulate a tech demo
no thanks

This post

>emulate a cardboard


Dont show that to /pol. Oh boy

Dolphin doesn't even emulate MotionPlus.

>Whats more degenerate, being a manchild or creating something new?


>printing on thick corrugated cardboard at home

How many fucking joycons do you need? 5?

>creating something new?
>He thinks Nintendo created paper arts

>there will be a virtual person that will be emulated along with the cardboard accessories
>you will control their hands feet heads a la QWOP
>that data will be fed into the input of the motion and IR sensors of the emulated controlers

your move, nintendo

You have a printer that prints cardboard?

PCfags don't care because they have actual VR to play with.

Plus tip

And $70 worth of cardboard

Just two. Right one in the backpack and left one in the headset.

retards, you print the pattern on paper to put on top of the cardboard and follow the pattern

He also has two in his hands and two in his feet
6 joycons

I want to beat the shit out of the person who makes these shitty pics.

*makes an arcade stick out of nintendo carboard*

no he doesnt

there's no way they would make this shit use more than 2

the joycon with the ir scanner sits inside and the external shit controls shit inside the box to be read by the joycon

the other in one hand is probably just for scaling

Those aren't joycons. They're just cardboard with strings attached.

Does it hurt your feelings?


Poor Nintendie

>A weapon to surpass metal gear

>Emulate this, faggots
After you emulate some dignity

>anti sony
post is ok
>anti nintendo
you have been banned for flamewar

nintenbabbies absolutely seething

The other one is on the head probably for camera movement.

you can use joycons on PC fucking nigger

Reminded me of pic related.

How is this even relevant? It's literally childs play at this point, no grown man will ever own this shit

I am utterly speechless. What the fuck Nintendo

Why, do grown man hate fun?

This looks like a way for them to squeeze even more money out of the consumer since you will need to buy a different box for every game and they will inevitably break or wear out since they are cardboard

No one will care though since the market is parents buying this for their 5 year olds

Is that the pedophile that impregnated a retarded girl and tried to abduct the child?

Grown men don't consider cardboard cutting fun

their loss.

how many fucking controllers do you need for that shit? 3?

So what does this actually detect? There's a joycon in the visor and a joycon just in the backpack.

No. It is the guy who laughed at a internet pseudo intellectual for pregnant trouts.

Gundam game when?

Yeah, and it's fucking hilarious. As soon as I heard about the Labo thing I came to Sup Forums to watch all the manchildren argue for and against it.


Yes it is.


>that kid who walked to school with his cardboard labo backpack

god I hate this board

This is really fucking smart.

Cheaper than making it out plastic.

Gets the job done for all those peripherals.

Two. It's actually very clever usage of the Joy-Cons various functions.

Maybe if you watch the video...
The backpack is black inside, with 4 ropes for arms and legs, with a white marker, the joycon camera detects te position of the marker and determines where your arms or legs are.
Sarry my english.


Will there be depth sensor porn games?


Why would I want to?

>He thinks it will be kids who will be playing with it
Fat 28 year olds with fodoras inc.

waiting for someone to make a fuck machine

wtf, shake is a soylent cuck now

That is really fucking clever.


I love my nintendo labo!

12yo is a reckless retard child.


i hope you are b8ing rn
