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Rating system is x/y; y is the number of games you played out of a 3x3, and x is the number of games you liked out of y.
Post, rate, hate, maybe pick up a couple of games for your backlog.
3x3 Thread, anyone?
4/5 + Bayo 2, BB, NieR, Dogma, - MGS3
good taste overall
nice taste
4/4 +Bayo, Transistor, Snake Eater, Dragons Dogma
3/4 + Dragons Dogma, Timesplitters, Shadow of the Colossus -Persona 5
2/3 +Bayonetta 2, BB -Nier Automata
3/3 P5, BB, SotC
+Bayo 2, Bloodborne, Nier, P4G, MGS3, Dragon's Dogma
Great taste. I should really play Deadly Premonition, it seems right up my alley
+P5, Bloodborne, Dragon's Dogma
Def Jam is an interesting game for a 3x3
+OOT, ME2, Sm4sh
-Pokemon, Tetris
Tetris is the biggest meme pick I can possibly think of for a 3x3
Forgot pic, I'm tired
I threw Tetris in there because I couldn't think of a game I love as much as those other games and I play it daily.
6/6 It surprises me we like so many similar games, but you don't care for Snake Eater. Stealth games not your cup of tea?
>Fight For NY
10/13 I don't like Danganronpa because I hate the twist at the end of 1, and I thought Life Is Strange's ending was abysmal.
I think LiS' ending has some problems, but I was mostly OK with it. Even still, I thought the rest of the game was incredible, so even a subpar ending wouldn't change my thoughts.
Have you played the other DR games too, or just 1? I can see someone hating the ending to 1, it's pretty bizarre. 2 and V3 make that one look conventional by comparison though, lmao
I thought the first half of Life is Strange, particularly the first two episodes, were excellent, especially for an episodic title, which I usually dislike; however, the second half lost me completely, and while some twists, like who the killer is, were things I found pleasant, the very last choice left a terrible taste in my mouth that washed out any enjoyment I'd had in the game.
Regarding Danganronpa, I've touched 2 and 3, but only finished 1. It uses some of the twists I hate most in mysteries, and the one regarding the world state was absolutely atrocious, imo. The series has lots of style and enjoyable music, but I just can't put myself through the others.
I couldn't get used to the controls in 1, 2 or 3, I get easily agitated and bored too
that and I don't particularly care for the plot, I really dislike all of them but I don't want to get into an autistic rant, I can see why people would like it so that's that I suppose
3/3 +P4, MGS3, KotoR2
4/5 +MZM, P5, PS:T, C:AoS - SoC
1/1 MGS3. Mind telling me why you like Otogi 2? I've been playing the first and it wasn't great at all. Is it really a marginal improvement?
8/10 +MGS3, P4, DR2, NV, DE, DE, ME2, Prime -Witcher, FFX. I stil rated but it's a 3x3 thread dude. Make one of those and stick with the theme.
A bump
-Dark Souls
No idea why you felt the need to combine Personas 4 and 5, though.
7/7 Don't recognise middle left or right
7/8 -RE6 - Props for Lumines, I wouldn't like to imagine how many hours I sunk into that game
8/9 Exceptionally solid games. I'm a little mixed on Fable as a series. but I might replay the first at some point
7/8 Good stuff, not a fan of Jak II personally, but I know a lot of people who love it
I'm glad to be seeing more of these recently
Yeah, I get the complaints against Jak 2 but it's a total nostalgia pick for me. Also, what's Call Of Cthulu?
Nah I totally get that, I'd be lying if I said half of my own picks weren't based on strong nostalgia. Really atmospheric FPS from the mid-noughties, a bit clunky and buggy but I had a fantastic time with it
1/1 (Bayo 2)
1/1 (Third Strike)
3/3 (BW2, Sm4sh, Tetris)
1/1 (Yoshi's Island)
2/2 (DMC, Gng)
2/2 (DMC3, GTA)
0/0 but Wario Land 4 and Dragon's Dogma are on my shortlist; I really enjoyed all the previous WL games which I just played recently.
Changed something for the first time in forever. I'm so glad I got back into Yakuza for its golden age, 5's wait made me lose interest for way too long.
That's cheating
I wanted to start SH but I'm not in the mood for JRPGs sadly.
>No idea why you felt the need to combine Personas 4 and 5, though.
Because I can't decide which one I like more.
I'm probably going to change mine within a couple weeks; I am almost certain Dragonball FighterZ is ending up on mine.
Then why not add 2 more games for a 4x4? That would make more sense.
After dicking around in practice mode for the beta I feel like the game is going to disappoint a lot of people. The hype is off the charts, and the game isn't that fun compared to something like GG in my opinion.
Don't encourage him, he should make a standard 3x3 like everyone else. It's not like his taste is extremely varied anyway, just more of the same usual shit posted. Only thing different is that lesbian sim
Glad to see some love for Silent Hunter here, 4/4.
3/3, I still need to play Bloodborne.
*audibly pushes up glasses*
Glad to meet a fellow mastermind here.
I can't agree. I've been following the game very closely, and I am totally down with the mechanics. I'm a huge fan of UMvC3, and it improves on its setup in every way; the ways it provides players with escapes from pressures without making pressure itself impossible and having insane damage combos still possible but only if you burn insane resources is great. It also helps that aesthetics, fanservice, and the Story mode are all on-point as well.
>I still need to play Bloodborne.
Have you played Dark Souls? I feel like it's the only game in the series to really go back to that kind of world design, though in a smaller scale. It's really like no other game.
Sure, the game will probably be great. But the hype is just ridiculous, I don't think any game could live up to those expectations.
*Teleports behind you and unsheathes claymore*
I just get tired of seeing entry level fags. It's even worse when they can't decide which of the Sup Forums-cores are their favorites. What good is having taste if someone else is going to have the exact same?
Thankfully for me I know exactly what to expect and my expectations are going to be 100% met. Non-fighting game fans getting shit on and hardcore fighting game fans getting a 3v3 game that derives most of its tech from team comp while not getting the fanservice might be a bit disappointed though.
Bighugelabs is old. Use instead.
1/2 I'm suspecting I won't be adding a point for Nier A if I get to finishing it
2/2 still don't get how handheld shit makes it among the rest here
1/2 did I mention TGM in response to you before?
0/1 loco is cute at least
3/5 welcome back. I like Lumines but I feel like it could be so much better somehow
0/1 I guess. Please label your games.
0/1 I probably would have tried Grandia back then if I were more of an RPG fan
1/1 which SC is 9?
0/2 welcome back
1/2 so which Yakuza is 4 then?
0/1 4 isn't Ring of Red, can't tell what it is
I guess it's time for me to play some fucking video games now.
>which SC is 9?
The best one. Picture I used was from the Amon Tobin album cover because it looks rad
1/2 didn't really like def jam even as a kid and a hip hop head
1/1 resi 4 is the greatest tps
3/3 been replaying dark souls a lot lately, truly a masterpiece that deserves every bit of praise it gets
2/2 loco roco is the shit
1/2 i remember you
4/4 yakuza and vice city, you are the best in this thread
1/1 yakuza 2 is one of the best ps2 games
2/2 arkham asylum is what some people call 'ludokino'
4/4 fuck kingdom hearts
1/1 half-life, i'm from russia and i've never played stalker
oops i forgot my 3x3
That's Yakuza 0. I picked it up recently after I saw how now everyone liked the series and it reminded me of how I once enjoyed the series so much.
>4/4 fuck kingdom hearts
Was that a mistake, do you like it, or haven't you played it? Honestly, the series looked awful and silly before I got into the games. It still looks silly, but I love the combat and general design of KH2. It's just a fun relaxing game in my opinion, and once you get used to the Disney characters you actually start liking them, or at least that's what happened to me.
Why would you alter your taste just to be different?
1/2, and it's Armored Trooper VOTOMS
I'm 95% sure I know D5
3/3, STALKER is nice, but don't listen to the people overhyping it or telling you to go with the complete mod.
Played a bit of them so doesn't count. 4/5 if you wish. I like Disney and hate Final Fantasy maybe that's the reason. The gameplay is so fucking boring, it's just a generic action RPG.
>What good is having taste if someone else is going to have the exact same?
Who cares about being a unique snowflake? If you like popular games that's your taste, fuck changing stuff to please the elitists like you, that'd be just as bad as choosing popular games over your favorites.
I had one friend who wouldn't shut up about STALKER. This game has such a big fucking following here in Russia, I swear. I'll try it someday.
Which game did you play? I wouldn't say the games are fantastic or for everyone. All of them start kind of clunky, but 2 gets very fun once you unlock better abilities. It's still one of the weaker links in my 3x3, and depending on the day I wouldn't even consider it. I guess it's partly nostalgia because I started the series when I was very young, though I only played 2 once I was 15 or so.
+DMC3, Sonic 3, Yakuza 0, Bloodborne, Pajama Sam, MGS3
-Comix Zone (far too short), RE2 (couldn't get into it, might try it again)
+Deus Ex, AoS, Half-Life, E.Y.E
-Stalker (constantly crashing, I don't know if there is a fix or not)
+Dark Souls, Majora's Mask, MGS3, Yakuza, Bloodborne, MH4U, SMT, Super Metroid
-Kingdom Hearts 2 (I am currently on the final level and probably will never finish it, I refuse to farm and the fact I know they gimped enemy exp for the remix is bullshit)
You seem like a cool dude.
interesting mix
Hey, no need to spoiler that. I honestly will have to agree in some parts considering DKC was the game I grew up with. I'm 19 years old.
How do you guys judge games, by whatever is one of your favorites or games you just liked?
I can absolutely wreck any boss in any Souls game but I couldn't beat Cerberus in KH1 for the life of me. Yes, in a game for literal 9 year olds. So I just dropped it. That's it. Didn't like it at all, didn't want to force myself to continue playing.
>RE2 (couldn't get into it, might try it again)
What's your favorite RE game?
You rate the number of games you liked out of the games on the chart you've played. If a chart has 5 games you've played but you only liked 3, you give it a 3/5.
There's a very unique feel one gets when their 3x3 gets an 8/8 or 9/9. Very loose kinship, I suppose.
REmake. It's not like I hated the game when I played it, but with the fact that tanks controls are "eh" for me and I know a RE2 remake is (maybe EVENTUALLY) on the way it's just useless to get through.
my nigger. The duology is very underrated.
Do you mean NES Metroid with that? Cause that changes me into a 3/4. Also, how's Drakengard 3 compared to Nier or Automata? I recall seeing it had a bad reception, but it never really amassed a cult following like Nier or even the original Drakengard.
I'm 20, and I did too
For some reason I got a SNES when the N64 had existed for ages, then a PS1 when the PS2 had already come out. I only caught up in that generation.
What's funny is I never went far in any of the DKCs because I was like 3 or 4, and only played through 1 and 2 till the end last year. The biggest reason I prefer 1 is the overall setting being more grounded and atmospheric, 2 was kind of like a theme park which was great for what it wanted to do, but I prefered the jungle. 2 also had that fucking bee.
I kind of understand that. Cerberus is kind of a spike, but 1 has really aged poorly, 2 is considerably better in the gameplay department, though it dropped some of the adventuring and the story became unbearable for some.
Still, I definitely don't recommend it to you if you don't like what you've seen.
>RE2 remake is on the way it's just useless to get through.
Disgusting user. It's extremely rare that a remake supersede the originals. REmake was only so good because it had the OG team and Shinji Mikami, and even then the very original still has a charm of it's own. I do not have high hopes for RE2's at all myself.
When I was 3 or 4 I got my first GBA SP, that's when I started. I also played a lot of games on the computer beforehand. I think my cousins gave me their SNES and NES and I grew up with those older games. It's funny you mention that you only beat them last year because same case for me. During the summer I just decided to put in each games and beat them, still great to this day.
Yeah. I might play the original in case Capcom wants to pull some RE7-related bullshit and make the game an FPS. I love Kamiya, I'm surprised I haven't sat down and really tried with it.
+ Bloody Roar 2, 3S
- ff10
+ Quake, Diablo
- devil may cry
+ Gandia
+ MvC3
+ Dawn of War
REmake is great. Man, you had to be there to enjoy RE2. I mean, the PSone days. Of course it's gonne be 'eh', the game is 20 years old. RE2 was my first game ever I think after Super Mario Bros.
>I know a RE2 remake is (maybe EVENTUALLY) on the way it's just useless to get through.
Isn't happening
Yeah, didn't like KH1 at all. Was able to force myself to beat shit games like Dark Souls 2 and DMC2 but not this one. It was just too much for me. But we all have different tastes.
What is bottom middle?
Yeah I understand that, It was definitely before my time but I really enjoyed MGS1 although the gameplay and graphics are very very dated so I'll give it a second chance.
>It's extremely rare that a remake supersede the originals
Metroid ZM
Fire Red/Leaf Green
Play more games.
Sorry I dont play Sup Forums core circle jerk garbage, learn to think for yourself or deal with it.
Key of Heaven
MGS1 is fucking great. Yeah, definitely give RE2 a second chance.
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen anyone put Dark Souls 2 on the same level as DMC2. The game may be inferior to other Souls games, but that's way too much in my opinion, do you really dislike it that much? Also, RE2make is happening.
>>hey, you should play more games! maybe you'd like them!
Dude calm down. I could understand it if you didn't like the games, but why evade them? You may like them, there's a reason a lot of games appear so frequently here, and no, it isn't a circjerk, they are just fun games that a lot of people enjoy and you may too. Being a contrarian is too boring.
Not him but I played Dark Souls 2 first and even I could feel it was a disappointment. Of course I went back and played the others so I felt it was even more so. I was definitely here for the hype and for all of it to become the finished product, I can sympathize.
MGS is weird in the sense that its gameplay aged a lot better than a lot of action games in that generation.
I play what I want, not what Sup Forums tells me too.
Not him, but Drakengard 3 never has the same feels that the Nier games have, nor does it reach the same level of insanity that Drakengard has, leaving it the black sheep of the series. There's a good deal of party banter, but honestly the characters are all really fucking annoying.
7/7 fantastic taste op
what should i finish for my backlog?
i have
>nier automata
>dragons dogma
Nier Automata first, just get through the multiple endings and make sure you experience the game for what it is.
But man, DMC2 is just a boring soulless turd. The world is colorless and boring, the story is the same, there's literally nothing memorable other than Dante. DS2 was disappointing when compared to DS and DeS, butI think a lot of people exaggerate on how bad it is, I'd still play it over most of the shitty modern games. I believe that if DS and DeS hadn't existed, DS2 would be remembered a lot fonder.
Just to be clear, I bought DS2 on release after loving DS and DeS. I ended up dropping it in Amana and only finished three years later.
Nier Automata is more guided, and you'd probably get through it quicker, but I personally prefer Dragon's Dogma and I'm OP.
Just, uh... don't look up anything about Automata online.
7/7 It shames me to admit that I haven't played a Mario game before Odyssey.
lmao this guy
drakengard 3 is significantly different from drakengard tone wise, so even Taro fans are a bit on the fence about it.
personally I like it a lot because I feel it’s the absolute craziest story Taro has achieved, to almost the point of self-parody. but if you can’t tolerate sex jokes shitty frame rate and tedious level design stay the fuck away.
No one even told you to play anything in particular. Just to play more, just look at your amount of 0/0s, even to 3x3s full of classics or modern favorites.
Based user telling it like it is. Sup Forums used to pride itself on it's contrarianism
Dude I fucking hate DaS2 with a passion. I legit want to vomit because my head starts hurtin when I play DaS2. Everything is shit in this game. EVERYTHING. It also has 3 shitty DLCs. Fucking three of them. (three). THREE. Why? What were they thinking? Oh, and Tanimura and his gaylord B-Team are fucking liars. Just watch a 12 minute demo from 2013 and compare it to the game we've got.
>HATES precision platforming
I fucking lost it.
I have a soft spot for Drakengard, desu, but I don't think their plots ever got better than 1's, imo.
>but if you can’t tolerate sex jokes shitty frame rate and tedious level design stay the fuck away.
Sounds like it's definitely not my kind of game. Nier was ruined for me due to the repetitive design and dull gameplay. Thankfully Automata finally had serviceable gameplay.
>bit on the fence
Don't lie to the man, it's incredibly unpopular among people who played it.
A game is what is released, I can understand disappointment adding to the fire, but I seriously don't see how it's so bad. The core is still the same as Dark Souls, and it's a much better clone than LotF or The Surge. Only Nioh beats it. The DLCs were the best areas and bosses in my opinion, so I'm glad they existed. But oh well, people are entitled to their own opinions so it's fine.
I’ll give you that but for the fans of the original Drakengard who played this game it’s a pretty even split from what I’ve seen.
Yeah I can't speak for them, I just know a lot of people don't like it and a lot of the criticisms seem to stem from the final boss.
Wait, literally no Mario game before Odyssey? 64? World? 3? Galaxy? Sunshine? the original?
user, what the hell. I don't particularly like Mario, but how can you go your whole life without playing at least one? It's popular even among normalfags. You really should, especially if you liked Odyssey.
>But oh well, people are entitled to their own opinions so it's fine.
Agreed. But for me, the only good things to come out of DaS2 are Sir Alonne, Dragon Aerie, main menu theme and Alva set. Alva set is swag as fuck. And that little lore thing about Alva and Zullie is cool. Haven't played DaS3 but all things considered for me it's BB>DaS>DeS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DaS2.
Am I the only one who thinks Taro is extremely overrated? He can do some fun concepts, but he's way too pretentious and he'd do better games if producers had him on a tighter leash.
I've never had a Nintendo console other than the Wii U, and I bought that solely for Bayonetta 2. I picked up the Switch around Xenoblade Chronicle 2's launch and got Odyssey as well and was utterly blown away by it. I obviously can't compare it to the other Mario's, and it's not the best platformer I've ever played, but there were some 11/10 moments in there, like the festival and final level. I've been looking into emulating Sunshine since it's one of my friend's all time favorites, but I don't know if Odyssey to Sunshine would be a good jump.
3 is fun, much more in the vein of 1, but it took way too much from Bloodborne's style and combat (which I liked, but some miss the weight of your character). The areas are bigger, the game is more linear, the bosses are fantastic, the combat is quicker, and it feels kind of short. Sup Forums hates it because it's newer, don't listen to them and enter with low expectations just in case.
Some of his shots miss the mark for certain people, but I think he manages to hammer home a few moments of absolute excellence in pretty much everything he directs. Could it be better? Sure, but I'm fine with how it is.
>don't listen to Sup Forums
I never do, these faggots don't know what a good game is nowadays. Will definitely try DaS3. Is it harder than the first one?