How did they know?

How did they know?

Other urls found in this thread:

Do they have soy burger though?

>it's a food analogy thread

enjoy your food poisoning, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Because Arby's is into weeb shit. Thanks Zelda.

their roast beef always gives me a headache idk why.

they don't cool their meats properly

I never understood the appeal of Arbys.
Its wet, warm, soggy, low quality meat sandwich.
It must be a southern thing?

Only water for you huh champ?

>he thinks Persona is the weebest shit they've done
Poor retard. Don't look further into it or you'll get a stroke.

You do know Arby's is a subsidiary of Nintendo, right?

If Arby's put as much effort into food as they put into papercraft, they might have decent food

>all the anime and vidya references
Wow, so they actually hired a literal Sup Forumsirgin to reach out to the rest of us? Not bad.

Is this the same Sup Forums where persona is incessantly called weebshit? I believe it is.

I'm not going to post their Jojo or Naruto ones.

The Dragon Maid one made me smile, though


They do literal anime cut outs.

>Dragon Maid
Fuck off.

well you can learn marketing and go to college, or you can hire someone from Sup Forums who knows what people hate and like.

Fuck you bitch, Dragon Maid was great.

Post pics (Dragon Maid one).


What do you mean? They're catching the attention of all the normies soyboy

You should be concerned, there are people here that think P5 is the best game of all time

No, it's what you eat when it's the only thing around on a trip.
I drive a truck across the country, and I've had to eat their a few times. The general saying is "I'm so hungry I could eat at Arbys".


Eh. Pretty surface level stuff.
They won't surprise me until they do some obscure 70s mecha anime cut out or something.

Why would I care what some online faggots think is the best game of all time. At least it's a complete game unlike PUBG or whatever the fuck.

The gyro one was good though

Would you prefer a cardboard dildo advertising the new Devilman you fucking faggot?

That's taco bell.

It was quite clever of them to hit a niche market. Arby's and Wendy's have learned what to do with their twitters to market to millennials.

/po/ here
that guy has talent

They've done a part 5 and part 7 reference for JoJo. Anime-only's wouldn't know.

>arbys marketing
They try so hard to fit in with the gamurr crowd its fucking pathetic. All the comments you ever see on their posts are from EPIC GAMERS

What's the first one in the second row
It's the only I can't tell what it is from

>/po/ here
why did you feel the need to post that?

>The Tick's sidekick
>surface level

No way.

>He watched the contrarian video

Yes sir I too am an individualist *tips fedora*


So it's working

The moment I realized that they weren't fucking around was when they made one for Polpo's test for Giorno in part 5, and it took me a couple of seconds to realize it was a JoJo tweet.

Did your board survive the shitposter invasion a few hours ago?

Inu yasha

To let us know he likes nazis and shit. Just report him and be done with it.


Because it's got a lot of salt

Hello, what invasion?

>tfw I literally get diarrhea every single fucking time I eat at Arby's or Hardy's.

Doesn't take a lot to think about it my sheep friend

/po/ just like paper and cardboard chill

I had curly fries+roastbeef sandwich from arbys and within 2 hours I threw it up

>eat greasy shit
>ruin your 100$ cardboard

Are you this retarded or just baiting?

>Having soyboy stomachs
Build your immune system you degens

What, I know america is not that civilized when it comes to food but just don't eat on something valuable like a retard.

>Move to US
>Don't have Arby's back home and a friend says it's basically the best sandwich around
>Eat their curly fries
>Throw up later

Never again.

soon or later, Sup Forums will leave us and talk about shit in here

/po/ - Papercraft & Origami, you fucking faggot

You people are weak

You have a weak stomach.

>barely cook the meat properly because it's fast food
>it's greasy as fuck ontop too
>employees are mostly black and lack hygeine

no wonder why people puke this shit up

There is that new tick show on amazon prime video.

Am I allowed to check dubs on your board?

It happens to me too. Speaking for myself I eat healthy and mostly home cooked meals. I rarely eat fastfood and I get stomaches too when I eat at them. I didn't used to when I was younger but I think it has something to do with building an immunity to grease or whatever the fuck is in fast food these days.

Too much soy in their "beef". Don't fall for the nerdy tweets. They use soy in their food -- that's why it's so cheap and attractive to numales. Idiots wonder why it's vegan approved? Oh, the CHEESE is what's wrong with it? The MEAT is vegan? Spoilers: SOY

Is the horsey sauce actually good or is it just there to pad out their sauces? Never tried it and probably never will

it's just mayo+horseraddish.

that's the only one that doesn't make me sick. They have quite a few healthier options for a cheap stoner fast food chain.

Sure thing.

After trying out the fast food places in the US, Wendy's was the only one I managed to really enjoy. Others had very varying quality depending on place with Arby's being bottom tier every time. If I wanted that I'd just buy a ton of meat from a market, put it between two buns with lots of grease and eat it.




>arbys viral marketing on Sup Forums has resumed

The 'people' (I use this term as loosely as possible) who can actually stomach fast food are defective and should not be allowed to breed so as to keep their tainted genes from propagating.

Any human being with a functioning digestive and immune system will have their body reject fast food, because it is literally poison. Becoming violently ill is what should be happening when you eat that chemical laden, improperly cooked toxic waste masquerading as food.

>being so fat that you have enough experience to distinguish between fast food places

This shithole sometimes

How long will it be until every third person you encounter on the Internet is a corporate persona controlled by a sophisticated AI?

I'm 5foot 7 inches, I weigh 125lb, I've eaten enough fast food around to know that arby's makes you sick while others are okay.


>I'm 5foot 7 inches,

>bacon in the whipped cream
what the actual fuck?


I dont get sick eating this sort of meals but your post is stupid

Sonylet pls go

It's too bad your body doesn't reject all the soy you feed it, otherwise you might not be such a raging faggot.

Simple, but effective

Die normalfaggots. Die painfully of brain cancer. Die in a fire. Die alone.

wendy's is one of the top fast food places around for sure. their chili and frosties are great.

lowest tier is arbys/churchs

sorry wrong image this one is first


>Dragon Maid
It's normalfag as fuck

Right now

Not that uncommon. Mixing salty with your sweet gives your taste buds that contrast to really make each other pop. (see ex: chicken and waffles)


Bacon is dope in a lot of things. If you ever make homemade ice cream try adding bacon grease and chopped bacon to any caramel ice cream recipe.

>bacon grease on ice cream

>The moment I realized that they weren't fucking around was when they made one for Polpo's test for Giorno in part 5, and it took me a couple of seconds to realize it was a JoJo tweet.

>"fake virtual people"
So they're secretly real people, then?

wtf i love arbys now

theyre honkey crackers, their bodies are naturally weak

There's one thing Arby's hasn't tweeted yet.

it's undoubtedly the metric ton of salt they put in everything. First and only time I ever tried anything from there it tasted like I was eating a pure salt burger