Nintendo Labo

>Acording to this spanish site the making of the Robot Kit is about 6+ hours.
There are other interesting things.
>The little AR Cars move thanks to the HD rumble and are higly customizables but move somewhat slow. (It takes about 30 minutes to make it)
>The fishing rod is is totally fuctional and the reel make sounds, it works like a motion controller.
>The fishing game is actually deep and it's more complex than it actually sounds.
>The piano works with the right joycon IR camera, and it recognises the key you push thanks to an reflective tape. It works really fast.
>You can change the sounds of the piano.

And I think thats about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

how the fuck did they make a moving car using rumble?
the piano one sounds dope tech-wise, but the whole thing is way overpriced considering it's some minigames and cardboard mostly; they'd have to be really good minigames for me to care.

>you can change the sounds of the paino
Holy shit. What if it has a mode thats like the music composer mode from Mario Paint?

Maybe one day through hacking if people can't manage to do it.

>making the robot is longer than the order 1886


Probably more fun and interactive too.

idk Nintendo Magic.

>No queda ahí la cosa: el piano tiene unos 'tornillos' (también se construyen en cartón) que cambian su sonido. Puedes tocar el piano como una instrumento clásico, pero también como un coro de señores mayores gruñones o de gatos. Es posible también insertar en una ranura especial otras piezas de cartón con la forma de ondas longitudinales para crear efectos de sintetizador. Y, por último, si meneas el cuerpo del instrumento... pues creas un efecto de reverberación.
I'm to lazy to translate everything but basically you put in the Piano some kin of "screws" that come with the kit and can change the sounds to Angry old mans, cats, classic instruments or and a synth

>multiple people with switches and labo

The more I hear about Labo the more interested I am in its workings and its potential.
Imagine themed Labo sets. Paper Mario cross-over for instance. Nintendo has the raw IP power to make this work alone.

First seconds trailer I believe was new yoshi game

>its actually cool as fuck
Only Sup Forums could be so retarded to not trust based nintendo.

And if you shake it, it creates a reverb effect. Pretty neat, won't buy one but kids (the actual market for this) will love it.

It's okay when Nintendo does it :)

Imagine having this shit as a kid, it's like bionicle on another level.

It's quite clear Labo is a tech-demo for the Joy-Cons. Accessories for them is woefully under-utilized. This shows just how much potential they actually have if developers actually gave a damn. I can see Indie Games developers doing something unique with them after seeing this.

Yeah but it's cardboard, it will fall apart. Are they selling cheap replacements without the software?

people seem to forget that the big piece of the pie for products is not the material but the production and development of said product. yeah it's fucking card board alright but they are cut out specifically engineered and designed to work as DIY toys. Who knows what the development cost was for this not to mention the production line they have to set up. And all of this even WITHOUT mentioning the software.

Yeah, and the templates will be online so you can cut the cardboard out yourself. Although, without the software it's pretty pointless.

don't be fooled. I'm pumped.
>coating the cardboard in lacquer or polymer paint
it's like a home arcade.

>The finished Toy-Cons are surprisingly sturdy, but won’t stand up to extended enthusiastic play with younger kids. They do, however, dispense with the need to ever spend money on plastic accessories. Nintendo plans to offer replacement cardboard kits and templates for players who break theirs, but the easier solution is just to mend it. You can stick the cardboard Toy-Cons back together with glue or tape, reinforce them, or decorate them with pens, washi tape or googly eyes, without affecting their functionality. It’s easy to imagine creative players and the online maker community taking this customisation in unexpected directions.

Somewhere in your house is an old and forgotten cardboard box filled with random junk that will remain sturdy as it had been when it was first used and forgotten. People are really under-estimating how durable cardboard is. Nevermind the fact that any damages can be easily fixed with duct-tape.

Its fucking cardboard. You can buy a cardboard sheet or cardboard box for $1 or less. Paying $80 for cardboard which Nintendo is doing is a ripoff. You can make those Labo things by yourself for cheaper instead of paying $80 for it.

not that user, but you're not actually paying 80 for the cardboard alone, you're paying more around 20 for it. Still a ripoff, but you're exaggerating a lot by claiming the cardboard alone is 80.

>The finished Toy-Cons are surprisingly sturdy, but won’t stand up to extended enthusiastic play with younger kids

No shit. Kids are masters of destruction nowadays. They break anything today.

Well, it's not just cardboard here. It's $70 for the variety set and $80 for the robot set. Both of them have other things beside the cardboard that is needed to complete it.

Like the game cartridge

I'd buy it solely for the fishing game.

Sega Bass Fishing on Dreamcast with the fishing rod controller is unironically the best time we have ever had playing a game as a family.

I meant for the things beyond that. Like the robot set uses a lot of strings and some screws in addition to duct-tape. It's not pure cardboard here.

I'd be all over this shit if it was LEGO instead since that's more durable.

If this was lego it would be fucking over $100, maybe even $200 considering how fucking stupidly overpriced legos are these days.