I can't wait for this faggot and his shit fanbase to defend this cardboard shit


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Are you jealous?

t. Cap

Vinny looks pretty cute on this picture for some reason. More than usual. And if anything I feel he's gonna make fun of it.

I'm not 12, so I have no idea who the fuck this is. Care to explain?

>boasts about being Italian
>isn't even hairy
How can you even fuck up this hard


I am a vinny fan.

I own zero nintendo products.

I don't see anything wrong with Labo. I think it may be neat, or a failure. But nothing wrong with it.

he used to be a likable streamer. he used to mostly corrupt old snes and 64 games and mod them or play really weird fan games.

now hes just an average streamer that has a terrible personality.


This is a Nintendo board and if you don't like it you can go back to you know where
I'll be playing piano, pilot a mecha and race bikes while sonykids play Bloodborne for the millionth time

>tfw Vinny will spend a lifetime playing shitty Mario fan games to pander to his child audience

As much as a NIntendo shill he is, he won't defend it. He'll just say it's not for him and move along.

didnt this guy used to post here?

Is that Christian O'Neill?

Vinny is a fan of Nintendo but he isn't a brainless follower. He has bashed Nintendo stuff before and he doesn't really have a problem with doing it. I honestly think he's going to joke about it and then move on, review it when he gets an early copy, and probably say it's not really his thing.

>move on
That's not in the Sony vocabulary
It's going to be shitposted for the next month because they have nothing to do


I like his Sup Forums - Video Games Spoiler Image Dad Hat Cap Black

He won't even post a single Wojack?
Not even a single jab at soy-nu-nintenbros? Not even a greentext?
This guy sounds like an idiot.

Like what, everyone enjoys their games and that's it?

Why would he defend it, it's not like he's a fanboy or anything.

He doesn't defend anything Nintendo makes

Am I the only one who wasn't surprised when the announcement wasn't a game? They literally said it was just a "new interactive experience."
Also, hi Cap.



Delet this

Vinny shirtless? When?

Why would you even post Vinny on here? His streams are made to be chill, they're not there to be anything deeper. If you get triggered by him enjoying nintendo shit then you honestly need to take medicine.

Labo isn’t aimed at adults it’s a childs toy. And any “adult” who feels Nintendo is forcing this on them has exposed themselves as a full blown manchild.

Sorry a stranger on the internet insulted your pseudo-friend.

Isn't that the whole point of posting on Sup Forums? You'd have to be brainless to take these threads seriously.

he has 2 days a week devoted to playing trash games & rom hacks, and usually one or two days devoted to an older game

it's almost like you have no idea what you're talking about

>childs toy
>$80 each plus $300 base system
>extremely fragile
what sane parent would buy this for their kids

Vinny a cute

Is he a furry?

>thinking vinny is the worst of the ndf
Hold my fucking beer

Because he started on Sup Forums

>implying parents don’t buy their children thousands of dollars worth of dumb shit just to keep them occupied

He sucks but doesn’t he usually shit on them.

They have both been very critical of Nintendo though. Way more than your average nintard. Matt from TwoBestFriends is way, way, way worse.

>using the word psuedo

Nice to see that psyc degree kept you unemployed.

Nah, Vinny will actually realize its a FUCKING KIDS TOY and not care unlike you dumb niggers.

Don't think so. You can tell he gets uneasy when someone post furry stuff during the art.

>expecting the streamer who constantly subtly shits on nintendo for how they treat anyone who streams their games and nintendo rom racks to praise the company with blind loyalty

Most parents these days just throw a tablet or smartphone at them. There are a lot of youtube channels that exploit this by making tons and tons of shit videos that exploit the video recommendation algorithm.

Even Matt isn't defending this cardboard shit.

Back to twitch, nobody cares about your eceleb stalking.

its got serious potential. I'd love to see what they do with this kind of stuff in the future. I don't see what people are complaining about though.

>we're gonna release an interactive experience aimed at kids
>oh shit, its aimed towards younger people

20 dollars for cardboard + 60 dollars for a port of a WiiU game is wrong.

He's uncomfortable with his furry mods and is triggered by anime, so I don't think he is in any of that stuff.

What? Matt rarely talks about Nintendo period, much less actively defends them like a fanboy.

Jokes on you, I only watch full sauce :^)

Nah, He is a big boy who can defend himself.

Vinesauce has always been background noises to me. Sometime there is a good fun stream to be watched. Sometimes its about 6 hours of shitty duck noises from a 30 year old man trying to peddle his somewhat crappy band.

Pretty much this, he goes on about how he hates all the memes around him yet he envokes them all the fucking time

he’s hot as fuck though. do you think he’s into twink femboys?

He's fine with them
He has a furry making the edits for the main channel and has another in charge of the Full Sauce channel
also vineraptor

>port of a Wii U game
God you don't even have a single clue of what you're talking about.

You clearly don't listen to the podcasts, he defends nintendo at every single turn.

He doesn't seem to be into the whole anime thing, but I've never seen him do anything but be friendly towards this guy here :

Don't know about any other vinesauce furry mod/members.

>30 year old man trying to peddle his somewhat crappy band
Do you think he knows that the only reason his band gets any recognition is because of its association with his stream?

ALL of his mods are furfaggots. Whenever they join him in a game they always have shit like "wolf" or "fox" in their name.

vinny did nothing wrong

why are we talking about cardboard ? Vinny is great, so is Joel

Of course. Before Vinesauce got big, he got depressed knowing that he'll only be recconized for his Streams rather than something he is actually passionate about.

Probably, but it's just a hobby for him so I don't think he really care.

It is for children you brainlet, same as Lego. Are you that deprived of human interactions that you are willing to make threads about this shit?
Slice up the arm and disappear.

Man. I'm surprised how big and popular Vinny and the Vinesauce team are today.
How did it happen?


not even joking
they streamed minecraft when it was popular and they blew up
eventually they got so sick they had a seperate channel named vinecraft so they could stop only streaming minecraft and play other video games

>it's just a hobby for him
Music is his real passion and all of his idols are musicians, I kind of feel bad for him.

When will Study_Guy return to us? He was the best.

The only thing Vinny ever did wrong was not make more stuff with Mechagamezilla

Combination of corruptions and the YouTube channel.

I want to kissu imakuni!!!!

he won't
what now?

Tenacity mostly, vinny had a few one hit wonders with his corruption videos, second life, and worlds exploration, but what really did it for him was constantly never endingly streaming and recording long form videos.

I listen to him sometimes, he's funny but when he pretends he's Italian or when he BLATANTLY makes up stories to sound more interesting, he sounds like a massive fag (which he is)

t. italian

>tfw permabanned from his chat because i shit on clowns

he doesn't defend anything unconditionally period, vinny actively shits on games he doesn't like.

I thought corruptions were his passion?

Isn't that how any streamer is supposed to gather a fanbase? Or how you're supposed to accomplish anything at all, really? Without dedication and tenacity, you just end up sitting around doing nothing and accomplishing nothing. You get out what you put in, and all that.

Reminder that Vinny:

Practically raped Ima in New York
Took Jens virginity then left her and stopped talking to her
Stopped being friends with KY over a stream dispute
Stole Kickstarter money for personal gain then lied about donating it to charity

Literally the worst cancer on the internet. Im glad his mother died so she didn't have to see him like this.

yea that's how Joel became a streamer

Vinny isn't going to defend it you Sonybro fuck

>watching vinnys stream
>see Sup Forums

>that time he "accidentally" upskirted some anime model in a shitty phone game.
How much of a week do you think he is off stream?


Do you have proof of any of your claims? Because I already know the last two are bullshit.

Doubt it all you want vineshitter. It's all unfortunately true.

someone will believe this

he definetly ''rapes'' ima alrigh

>Uh, I, uh, actually LIKE the labo. Am I funny like Joel yet?

she's so fucking annoying. If it weren't obvious that vinny is a closet homo i'd think that the only reason why he sometimes streams with her is that he wants her pucci (and she's hideous)

>Saying things and not having to back them up
The internet sure is great.

ITT: Blind retards. Proof of all this shit has been posted 1000 times.

You probably are 12, because he used to shill his stream site back in 2010 on Sup Forums religiously. You can even see the 2010 Sup Forums influences in his older videos, especially Final Fantasy 4.0.

Ima is thirsty as fuck for Vinny!

>he didn't post the pastebin
If you're gonna shitpost, at least do it right.

i stopped watching vinny becuase he doesnt like anime (serious)

Great then post any of it.

>chill, handsome, nintenbro that likes video games and rock music
>decides to stream games on twitch
>get a decent sized fanbase
>over time fanbase becomes composed of furries, weebs, children, and raging nintendo fans
>fans discover he is a musician and start to show up and meme IRL at shows he does locally with his band
>gets very nervous going to cons and in public because of his fanbase
>fanbase gets upset when a 30 something New Yorker doesn't get all the meme and anime references in the games he streams
vinny had a hard life

Post it again for us uninformedfags.