/ourguy/ Phil is putting nintenbabies in their place. How can one man be this based?

>jEw-celeb is /ourguy/

Fuck off Phil.

>DPS too autistic to realize it's made for little kids and not for greasy middle aged men who play with said toys for a living

>DSP knowing anything about business or trends
dude recorded his tv screen for "playthroughs" well into 2013. Some people think he might legit be autistic

Twitter isn't videogames. Fuck off.

Too bad the majority of switch players are soyboy manchildren.

Yeah I agree, with that money you could pay one tenth of a prostitute to pretend to be your gf


I had girlfriends for free back in my day as well Phil

He does realize it you dipshit, in fact he mentions while he was the target audience he did it for free, which is his whole point, btw - it's way too overpriced

He's only insufferable when he's on video because that's his act, it's a character he plays

His criticisms of shit like this are usually on point

>He's only pretending to be retarded

didn't this guy hire an escort to pretend to be his girlfriend?

Didn't he pay $3000 for a pretend girlfriend?

DSP had better show more appreciation for cardboard, he'll be living in it soon.

>Using a wojak as a rebuttal

Haha yes unlike games such as Mario which are made for adults like us

Yeah and also she pegged him

that whole "it's the same" attitude is how your aunt and grandma bought you a polystation with CTA5 for christmas


>find massive following by simply using what you got and saving thousands by not buying some garbage capture devise that’ll be outdated in 6 months
Can you try not to be so SEETHING in your next post?

It was a catfish/hacked account. Twitter deleted, facebook deleted when someone else on twitter said she knew the person and it turned out it was some mom who worked at target and not a high class hooker from the Netherlands.

This all happened like last night.

ok phil, wheres your proof?

DSP when are you going to play Sunshine?

Just go to the thread on kiwi farms dumb ass.


I'll be damned. I do wonder if his "girlfriend" is real though

"um" fuck OFF what is it with people and writing like this it's autistic

"um, x just did y and i'm shocked" "um, we need to talk about" NO LOOK WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR FUCKING CANCER.

>when you make a sick twitter post

Um sweetie, you need to calm down.

Um, its one of his many autistic tics

so this is the average sonyfag

Can someone explain who this guy is and what he's talking about?

At least I don't have to pay for women

/ourguy/ is streaming demon's souls right now and powering through it like a madman
get in the stream and show your support to our absolute lord DSP

>greasy middle aged men who play with said toys for a living
You mean, the average nintenbro?

Nice try Phil

reminder this dude paid $3000 for a whore to fuck him with a strap on

>mfw Nintendo cuck him by not letting him monetise footage of their games

>What the fuck is this about?
>Look up Nintendo Labo

You mean the average person over the age of 12 who still plays video games?

>Wii U didn't get any games
>Switch gets games and sells like hotcakes
>Uh oh guys we better think of a new name to call them!!
Can't spell Sony without Soy!

>Just donated 25 bits to phil and he thanked me
Feels good man

Yes because kids can very easily 100% all Mario games

>neo-Sup Forums is on the same wavelength as dipshitphil

He did not play with a Switch and a LABO when he was a kid.

Nintenbros pay their bills by playing games?

isnt this the guy that BTFO the SOK after they tried to destroy him with their autism?

Lucky for him/his parents, since it's definitely not worth the money

His sweat would probably prevent him from doing much anyway.

I think it's the guy who masturbated on stream in front of children.

He secretly wants it so he can build a house that he can actually afford.

>If you have money to buy this stupid cardboard shit, you have money to pay my taxes!
What did he mean by this?

Parents don't deserve to be fucking scammed like this, you ungrateful shit.

>i-it's for children, grown ups shouldn't get involved
>400 dollars just to get started with this
>made for profit by adults

>makes over $565,000 dollars a year
>still begs for money from his fans
why is this allowed?

fucking rolling over here, good one