I can't lie, this seriously impacted my perception of Nintendo and my chances of actually buying a Switch. Earlier today, I was planning on buying one at some point... but after seeing this, I have to question the sanity of the people running this company and their devotion to quality. Nintendo has always been an odd bird, but this... this is, wow.
I can't lie, this seriously impacted my perception of Nintendo and my chances of actually buying a Switch...
what exactly is the problem?
The problem? Well, let's see, instead of putting the time and effort into giving me something I actually care about, like say, a new Star Fox game, Nintendo wants to sell me fucking cardboard for $80. You tell me, what's the problem with your brain?
>this seriously impacted my perception of Nintendo and my chances of actually buying a Switch.
same t b h
it's for kids and is overpriced. what's new. afaik the kid's toy industry is always overpriced and nintendo is just capitalizing on it.
Nintendo wants to sell kids this stuff, not you
>a new Star Fox game
I mean everyone hated the last one, not really sure what they can do about it.
Not enforce awful motion controls for one, but even then people criticized the game for being too similar to sf64.
Also, why do you assume the hardware engineers at Nintendo are also software designers?
This is literally how I felt about amiibos but you faggots bought into this shit anyway.
I get the feeling it will sell regardless AGAIN.
i dont think you understand how videogame development works
its not like the team assembled to make a new star fox was ready on the side and then all of them were quickly rushed into a cardboard box factory and made into slaves
Why do Sup Forums posters seemingly enjoy lying or LARPing? It just seems very weird and very much like a circle-jerk.
As you may or may not know, Nintendo just revealed an upcoming video game that comes with a cardboard peripheral. For some odd reason, this board is posting that this package only comes with the cardboard, and that no video game is included.
Why? Is there something about not having sex that makes you LARP and lie?
What is the point of making things up and not being truthful, not only to each other but to yourselves? An outside perspective would call it pathetic.
>adults upset about cardboard
It's literally for kids, you autist. Parents will buy this shit for their children while the neckbeards like you who ONLY WANT GAMES FOR MEN will buy this to play another version of Skyrim. Here's your (You).
>instead of making something for me, a company is making something for someone else!
lol are you going to complain about tampax making tampons too big to shove up your pee-hole too?
>Nintendo wants to sell me
Did you just admit to being incredibly underage? This shit isn't even for teenagers, it's for literal children. Does SingStar make you pissed at Sony for wanting to turn you, YOU SPECIFICALLY, into a fag?
You are not the demographic for this product, calm down. You don't have to buy everything they show to you, there still others things you can play with.
What's larping?
Star Fox Zero proved that they can't into Star Fox
let it go, man
I actually think I might add this to my filter list. Should probably help block even more shitposting.
Fuck making AAA Nintendo titles that the Switch desperately needs. We're going to sell you motherfucking cardboard.
and here I thought the fusion mode amiibo scam and mini emulator boxes which scalpers have a monopoly over, was the bottom of the toilet bowl for Nintendo, then they go and do this.
Fucking sad m8 real fuckin sad
Let's just ignore the fucking fact that it's literally non functional folded cardboard. It's glorified fucking origami. And fuck anyone saying this is in the DIY spirit.
oh fuck nintendo might sue me now SHIT
i actually own one and im making the same question to myself, i know you faggots will defend this with "its for kids not for you" but think about it, selling cardboard to kids?
You better have a patent on that cardboard, friendo.
Why do most of you think Nintendo is going to stop making games and concentrate 100% of their efforts into Labo? Nintendo can do more than one thing at a time. Do you think Nintendo is just two guys in a closet?
Live action role playing, it just sounds funny but basically they're making up a scenario
They are so innovative they sold you a console that can be used as a console, handheld, piano, fishing rod, biker wheel, (primitive) mo-cap suit, etc. and more to come. This what was rumored all along. The ability to have different toy like controls for specific games. Literally mentioned tons of times in the rumors. The next step will be VR. And all of that will be possible with just the console and some inexpensive future "hardware". The cardboard aspect itself is a selling point as you also should get enjoyment out of assembling this.