What were the revelations?
What were the revelations?
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tell me it was called something else in japan. it was, right?
Resident Evil Revelations 2 had the most pants-on-head retarded plot I have ever experienced. Nothing is fucking explained and none of the events make any sense. I'm not clairvoyant Capcom, you got to fill in these gargantuan gaps.
>How did Alex go from being dead on the floor with a bullet to the brain to this huge monstrosity with a big spine and a gas mask?
>How did Moira survive getting buried under a pile of rubble AND a gigantic explosion and somehow make it to Barry to deus ex machina that shit up?
>What was Alex's motivation in running tests on that little girl? What was she trying to accomplish?
Fuck this game. I could shit out a more cohesive story than this.
>How did Alex go from being dead on the floor with a bullet to the brain to this huge monstrosity with a big spine and a gas mask?
virus magic
>How did Moira survive getting buried under a pile of rubble AND a gigantic explosion and somehow make it to Barry to deus ex machina that shit up?
virus magic
>What was Alex's motivation in running tests on that little girl? What was she trying to accomplish?
immortality through brain transfer
There was a third boat, your boss was a secret asshole, and his boss was an even bigger one. there were other traitors too.
>There was a third boat
Oh yeah. That was fucking silly.
The T-Abyss virus was a modified T-Virus that was sold to Tricell (or whoever), who in turn used it to make Ouroboros.
Also the government destroyed an entire island nation just like Raccoon City and then nuked it and prevented the news from spreading.
Of course it was. It was Biohazard Revelations.
>What was Alex's motivation in running tests on that little girl? What was she trying to accomplish?
Transfering her consciousness, this is mentioned like 50 fucking times you brainlet
It was also called something else in America, pic related
>What were the revelations?
That Denim shorts over black tights is hot as fuck
Oh my god...
Too bad the hairstyle ruins the entire look.
Nah, she is great.
just a nightmare. try not to remember the fact that those games were developed for the resident evil series
>not liking short hair
Altair was still alive or some shit like that
>Generic Tier
REmake, RE4, RE2
>D Tier
ORC, Umbrella Corps
>C Tier
Gun Survivor 2, Outbreak 1 and 2, 6 (Leon and Ada)
>B Tier
Gun Survivor, RE6 (Chris and Jake), The Chronicles games
>A Tier
RE5, CODE: Veronica, 0
>S Tier
Gun Survivor 4
>SS Tier
>SSS Tier
She's literally Donte from DMC but with tits
Also, REv1 in C, REv2 in A
Moira had an actual character arc and reason for swearing. It's integral to the multiple endings
cool story bro needs more dragons
>Rebecca’s wiry muscualrness
>especially in her inner thighes
that claire was almost a sandwich
Barry is a treasure.
I love how her ass has gotten so big in her 30’s that its a tight fit for her teenage shorts
Nothing that will probably ever matter in teh rest of the series.
It was originally a game where Chris and Jill were against each other for some reason and HUNK was doing some shit but then the story got scrapped and handed to some other writer. The whole story was changed aside from the ship setting.
You forgot Gaiden.
It'd probably go in B
That traps are gay and Jews ruin everything
>"haha if i put the best games in the series on the bottom surely everyone will know how smart and unique my tastes are!"
the post
You should know realize why I called it generic
that the Rev series is hot garbage.
>You should know realize
>and somehow make it to Barry to deus ex machina that shit up?
Barry's parts take place six months after Claire and Moira's part. That island was pretty small, six months would be more than enough time, even if Moira is a slow walker.
Fuck man, I haven't slept in a day alright
Who am i looking at?
Play the dlcs mah man!
>Call your game revelations
>The previous games had bigger plot twists than revelations
Why do they do this?
It will answer the last 3 questions??
Mayday.. Mayday. This is the queen zenobia... Emergency call number...
I have this edition, i wonder if it is worth something
Fuck off trip fags
Hello 6cuck.
She was getting fucked by an old russian guy on a daily basis
i-im hetting hard, it won’t stop bobbing and im nearly fully up oh god why
I'd fuck her for cursing and being such a teen angsty bitch
Rebecca has an ugly face and is sticc. Why do you guys love her so much? Poor Billy, he got the worst girl after Sheva in RE universe
She legit looks like a character from a shitty western game. But I would still cuddle and fuck
I agree that REV2 is a shitfest but nemesis went from just a torso to a worm dog thing, some guy in 6 also went from human to t-rex and back, retarded mutations are common in resident evil.
Been playing raid mode nonstop for a lil while now. This shit is dope as fuck.
This boss was the exact definition of Bullet Sponge
That happened to Nemesis because he lost his restraint jacket and he got sprayed with acid.
>Gun survivor
Thank fuck you didn't rank seven.
Japanese name for Resident Evil Survivor. I use Gun Survivor because it rolls off the tongue and Dead Aim's actual title is Biohazard Gun Survivor 4: Heroes Never Die.
He mutated into tentacle nemesis after losing the jacket, the acid didn't do anything, it was him feeding on a mr X's crotch that made him mutate into dog nemesis.
>excellent build up
>ends up being a clone of the blind fat convict from dead aim but with a shit ton of HP
>spawns common mooks so you take even longer to kill him
just fuck my shit up
Why won't Capcom sell us a perfect 1 to 1 scale Jill sex doll?
Who should be in Revelations 3?
Can someone explain to me what exactly in the h*ck is going on in Resident Evil 7? Played the DLC< but they don't explain
>If Lucas was evil the whole time and caused the boat crash to get Eveline for the terrorists or only got in contact with the terrorists after he found out about Eveline and got infected
>If Mia was secretly working for a company, government organization, or terrorist group
>Why Chris and the BSAA were forced to work for New Umbrella
>Why Ethan was still with Umbrella in End of Zoe and gave Zoe a call
Seriously with all the bullshit Jack went through, I'd be highly surprised if Wesker is still dead in a volcano.
1 had a better raid mode than 2.
Rebecca and hunk.
Your mom
Disregard VII, it's an outlast game.
>Buy Revalations 1
>Story was shit, but RAID MODE WAS FUCKIGN TIGHT
>Buy Revalations 2
Raid mode ALONE justifies either purchase.
Especially if you have the Switch version of 2, splitscreen raid co-op is a fuckin' blast.
Mia was working for a company developing bioweapons like Umbrella used to. New Umbrella is a PMC made up of the remnants of Umbrella's security forces on a mission to make sure the kind of shit that Umbrella caused never happens again.
Billy and Rebecca
>Switch version of 2
Got that a while ago and been loving Raid mode. Not too many people online though. Quickplay finds people fast but the other one where you can see what they wanna do before joining usually only has like 4 people at most.
Ready to go where no man has gone before, Grinder?
>Mia was working for a company developing bioweapons like Umbrella used to
Was this ever laid out explicitly in the game or just heavily implied? It's obvious she was working for a company but were they actually a bioweapons company or someone trying to do medical research etc.?
It's assumed that the labs in the mine were owned by the terrorist group and not a bioweapons company, at least from what I got
I noticed that too, Quickplay lives up to it's name, but the other option is slow as shit.
Performance on splitsscreen is pretty good, even in tabletop mode though. Played that shit with a co-worker during lunch, and ended up staying an hour or two after work to keep playing.
I really, really hope they end up just making a spin-off series with just this, Raid in 2 has enough content to be it's own game, but I wanted every dollar thrown at it next time.
reminds me a lot of the Mercs 3d launch title they had for the 3ds.
That the BSAA and other anti bioweapon organizations received a boon from one of their own making a bio attack. When the people who were used and eliminated in this conspiracy come back, it's reveal the length and depth of the betrayal. Also Jessica probably works for the connections.
Also that tyrants can formulate plans.
Can you play raid mode without finishing story mode?
>tyrants can formulate plans
its a shame those plans are foiled by a person with a knife
Lucas was cured by the connectors and would report to them when something happens to eve
Mia was also working for the connectors
Chris was called in to assist with the clean up and capture of Lucas
Ethan was infected and told blue umbrella about Zoe, he was checking up on her
in 2? Yeah, Raid mode is actually it's own thing, and you can unlock errything just by playing that, and that alone.
At least, most of it.
I know for a fact all the weapons and maps are unlocked or ARE unlocked playing raid mode.
>Brain transfer
That's they same plot as house of the dead overkill!
He also planted those bear trap things
Claire, Leon, Sherry and Steve
Japan needs to get over its belief that blond hair is automatically sexier.
Steve's dead
Too bad she's going to murder him.
That chick who covers her eyes with her hair and has large semi exposed bosoms.
>Steve should be a good specimen. Perhaps he could come back alive just as I did and be able to see your sister again
I am currently working my way up to lvl50, so I can beat Ghost Ship
I loved watching people beat. I knew I had to do it too.
Wish me luck
I really need to play this again, because I can't even remember why Jill and Chris had this standoff.
Good luck!
Ah, I almost forgot that RE turned into an anime in CVX. Yeah, he may come back. Would be cool actually, Claire would get fucked at last after being cucked by Leon for all these years
They didn't have any stand off.
They didn't in the final version. False advertising