Its a kids toy you fucking idiots

Its a kids toy you fucking idiots.

>it's ok to scam kids

Do you expect a low level IQ board like Sup Forums to understand simple shit like this?

We've been doing it for decades, but you really don't care about kids, do you?

Pogs say hi, faggot.

>its a toy!
>its not that expensive!
>its f-for kids!
>i dont want to be alone!

>exploiting retards is bad
>hating capitalism

I thought amiibo was fucking stupid, and that worked for some reason. Obviously I'm not going to buy this shit lmao.

Yes, it is a toy. You are right.

Good, its not meant for you. Its meant for curious young minds, not bitter fat assholes on an anonymous image board.

Kids are fucking assholes so it's how society gets back at them

Curious young cucks that will rob their parents of hard earned money for paper.

Also, what will happen if you break one of those super proprietary CARDBOARD parts like the fishing pole extension? Then I guess you cant play your fuckin game, right? What CARDBOARD TOY lasts more than a week ?

Yes, that's pretty clear. No need to be throwing insults around about it.

So are video games, yet here you are...

Fo sure
Too bad most switch players are literal manchildren who will eat this shit right up.

I wish to shame and degrade anyone on this board who dare posts at stupid reversal anal vore shit

Nintendo crowd is mostly 30+ yo manchild type.


we've been scamming kids for as long as kids have existed

As are you

You just want to laugh at "soy" people

What the fuck bros

good luck getting your 6 year old kid to build this without destroying it

Like the entire Nintendo's products?
But even if it was me when I was a lil faggot I would thought that this is pure autism

*breathes in*

that means Sup Forums is full of underage kids

I'm not the one complaining about a video game though


Video games scam children and adults alike, still.

Oh, does that mean no one can say anything about it then?

Spot the jew
You guys even trying to hide anymore


That's right. Even if its shit you cant call it shit because its a product and you don't have to buy it!

>the only thing nintenbros can do in order to defend this shit is by reaching and cherrypicking
absolutely hilarious day

>curious young minds
>on fucking Sup Forums of all places


Oh shit. I had no idea. I'm gonna try to delete any posts I made discussing it

Is someone capping anons responses to make a sweet collage of soyboys defending this shit?
Pls someone do.

>kids are the ones buying the toys

Yeah! Even if you personally think something is shit you cant tell anyone else that its shit or try to point out that its shit! Especially if its a toy or a fucking dragon dildo for your 5 month year old BECAUSE ITS FOR CHILDREN OK?

Fuck off.
is your home now.

You think your cheaply shopped image is enough to win against me?

>Its meant for curious young minds
Not even with the WiiU did you faggots damage control this hard.

>kids don't play games
>kids don't play nintendo games
whats wrong with you?

I think it won against you and all my Sup Forumsros do too.

I will dominant you, fool. Don't come up against me unless you want to leave shamed and afraid.

You wouldn't last 1 year in my shoes or even wear my shoes without dying in the first place. Your first mistake was resistance but your last will be your death.

Small, empty words, for an user who think its good sport to mock childrens toys.

Why is there a need to damage control in the first place? It's one game/accessory for a hugely successful console. This wasn't some end-all, be all announcement like some idiotic people were implying.

No one here is saying this ain't gonna sell. Oh, it will.

I gain strength from defeating children. What do you do? Nothing, fearful of the response from mere toddlers.

My sides

i leave Sup Forums for 3 hours and now theres a whole new thing people are shitposting about. what the hell is labo?

>i can't read

b8ing this hard

video games are kid toys as well. Yet here we are

>you have been warned for inciting a flamewar

Yeah, "flamewars" on Sup Forums. I've had that warning once before for shitting on Nintendo (only them). Typical.

read what? all the threads are is
>its a fucking kids toy
>its a scam

i googled it, it looks kinda like legos in the building aspect. how would that not be fun for kids?

Screw the little fuckers

I don't think I've ever laughed this fucking hard. Holy shit this is hilarious.
Nintendo wins again! No one else can make money by selling literal cardboard like they can.

>Its a kids toy you fucking idiots.

>Switch cucks pretending they aren't literal children already for still playing Bing Bing wahoo at 27

Every single toy ever made is a scam you dunce.

Pretending to be retarded is not a good way to shill user.

Now that I recall, it wasn't a warning. It was a straight up temp ban. Yeah, as if Sup Forums is above "flamewars". What sort of hugbox shit are they actually trying here? Who's the victim here that le eppik FLEM WARRRR xddd will actually hurt?

Yeah but Nintendo is going to make us buy these toys clearly marketed for children!

Oh wait, no they’re not
Wish everyone would shut the fuck up about it

What the ever loving fuck is this shit?

Is Nintendo seriously going to be selling high priced fucking cardboard cut outs?

Did I wake up into some fucking bizzaro world?

It's going to be incredibly successful and Sup Forums will never be the same again

I know that's what is so funny about it. Getting banned for talking about THE BEST NINTENDO PRODUCT EVER.

>wow i better retcon fact to fit my narrative

i just dont see whats wrong with it. i sometimes disagree with hardcore capitalists, but if kids will enjoy it and parents will buy it, good for them. if not, its not really an issue since itll just die off

It's cardboard.

>There are toys worth their price
That's hilarious, user.

Seems like a cool thing to set up for my wife's son.

whats a shame, im sure you could have provided something insightful to the situation in which we find ourselves

Why even bother defending it?
Just wait for sony to copy as they always do and then laugh as sonyroaches start backpedeling.

mods being emotional cunts? this is normal mate

implying any sales business isn't a scam

The lows nintenbros will go to fit the narrative of their overlord's product.

>sales businesses are scams
>all toys are shit/not worth their money
Like what? I kek'd anyway.

Nintendo made software that has kids build little papercraft robots and pianos and shit by following instructions from a kit. The switch's hd rumble and ir sensors then incorporate the videogame elements, like helping it move or make noise or displaying your robot on screen. It's just babies first engineering, targeting the lego audience.

Sup Forums is fucking retarded and thinks the model kits are just 70 dollars of cardboard being sold at premium to kids, because they don't know what a model kit is and forget the cartridge is included. They've already stated they'll be supplying the design patterns for free.

There's also manchildren who think this is intended for the core audience.

>all toys are shit/not worth their money
Name one toy that's actually worth it's bloated price then.

I'm so glad I'm not a parent, can you imagine kids begging for high priced fucking CARDBOARD!?

Something they'll play with for thirty seconds or so and then completely forget about and leave laying around to be crushed or some shit.

This is the stupidest shit I've seen in a while.


Better than microtransactions, famlam

The cardboard's free, the games cost money.

i got banned twice for going against nintendo probably gonna be banned a third for this post

I can't wait for Joseph Anderson to tear Nintendo a new asshole over this

It's going to be glorious

Plenty of free games to play on a touchpad. You don't need this $80 trash. There's your answer, retard.

it's worth it everytime just to get this nintendie mod's panties in a bunch.

I love it

>The cardboard's free

Somehow I don't believe you.

>Wojak edits
You deserved it

>Plenty of free games to play on a touchpad
>I have no idea what a toy is
You're fucking retarded.

He has no obligation to do it unless it sells amazingly and gets a lot of praise, that's how youtuber's like him work.

>games are not toys
>touchpads cant serve as a toy
Seems you're profoundly retarded and shouldn't be responded to.

I was clearly talking about traditional toys you irrational asshat.

I don't see what the problem with this is. I've got a 4 year old that is going to eat this shit up. Building these with my son can be a fun little project and then he gets to play around until they get wrecked and we build them again.

Would I buy this for myself? Fuck no, but for something to mess around with my son this seems interesting.

>I can't wait to watch some autist screeching for two hours about cardboard.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>wojak posters are getting banned

Fuck off retard, CHECKERS CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $5

Normal parents don't need to pay $80 for an excuse to have some arts and crafts time with their kids.

>300 dollar switch
>80 dollar cardboard set

>when the price of a normal piano is like 40 dollars and it's a real electric piano as well

nintendo are geniuses