Have you ever went into the game completely blind, not watching any trailers or reading reviews

Have you ever went into the game completely blind, not watching any trailers or reading reviews
and being surprised by some of the gameplay or story elements?
I remember playing Spec Ops: The Line and being amazed by the anti-war message in a game that looked like a third person COD clone.

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Prey 2017
Amazing game.

Just started playing it.

The Witcher trilogy. I got the first 2 games dirt cheap before the third came out and they were a pleasant surprise. Sure the first game has some hot garbage responsiveness, but everything else made up for it

every game i play. don't want to know nuthin. but coming here kinda kills it. but not really

I went into a cardboard once but it was overflowing with soy

I only got OneShot 'cause it was on sale and some dude said it was good, knew literally nothing else about it. Good game, I'd recommend anybody into cutesy pixel games pick it up.

Prey ‘17. Knew it was an “immersive sim” on a space station but not much else. Liked it a ton.

I try to go into most games blind.

I prefer the unresponsiveness of the first game to the mess that is the witcher 2

Were is this from?

Infamous 1, it was fun, the ending got to me and I still love it.

When I was a kid I'd just buy whatever was in a franchise I liked. You'd walk into the Game Crazy, see Battle Network 2, and be all, "Oh shit, they made another one?? DAD. DAAAAAAD." Didn't know if it'd be any good or not. You just went by the cover art. Or you'd inherit a Playstation of Xbox from your cousins along with all the games. Wouldn't know wtf they were like till you played them. Download all the Mega Man ROMs off plasticman and be so fucking thrilled to discover all the new robot masters in each subsequent one.

Final Fantasy IX, Parappa, Ocarina of Time, WarCraft II, Tropico, Black & White, etc. Played all of that era blind. I remember seeing Super Smash Brothers Melee at my friend's house for the very first time. Fucking unreal. Graphics couldn't possibly get any better! It was like playing a movie.

fuck i miss that feeling

>Spec Ops
>Anything other than overrated shit

Ah, an idiot, I see.

Full art, don't know who's the artist but it looks cool.

It's shit if you already know about the unusual story, that is the point of the post, dumbass.

Undertale, it was amazing. I normally never pay attention to little indie games like that, and I had never even heard of it until it came out and Sup Forums wouldn't stop posting about it. I figured if something made Sup Forums that mad then it was probably worth checking out


Both Bioshock and Metro 2033. I was extremely pleased with the atmosphere and gameplay of both games, even with their flaws.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

>never played the first game
>bought if off a bogo
>didn't know what was going on at all for the most part, didn't like how battles were automatic instead of letting you slash your sword and fire the gun on your own terms, shoved it aside for a few months
>spring break comes
>pick it up because nothing to do
>mfw the world, the music, the mechs

It became my favorite RPG as of yet. Granted, I don't play many. Story was eh, but I was taken in by the world and it's great soundtrack.

I also caved and got the first Xenoblade from the eShop, it was also pretty good. Haven't gotten XB2 on switch, though.

Persona 5 and Nier/Nier Automata. I knew I was buying them because of previous games or recommendations and went in blind in both. I loved them both.

Observer, really fucking amazing game that blew my mind every step of the way until that shitty ass excuse of an ending

All of them. Only watch first trailers E3/TGS etc

I knew very little about Dark Souls going in, all I knew was Sup Forums wouldn't shut up about it, so I gave it a try because I like action rpgs and it was great.

Somehow I missed Demon's Souls completely.

im gonna keep blogposting

Before they got passé, the little QuickTime events felt fucking historical at the time: the intro to StarCraft, the intro to the Sims, the boss intros in MMX3, all the FF animations on the PS1. Fucking stunning, given what a leap they were from the recent (at the time) N64. You'd keep playing games on the sole hope of seeing more of them. I'd go to the fansites to collect them so I could watch them over and over again instead of keeping save states right before the events would be triggered.

then you'd massage your nuts with the rumble feature

Went in blind myself, it was still shit.

The gameplay, story and characters were all inane, pretentious shit and nothing but yet another CoD-clone. Except CoD at least has fun gameplay to go with the braindead story. Spec Ops didn't even have that.

Played Demon's Souls after already hearing and knowing alot about Dark Souls and it ended up not being so impressive as it should have been.


Bloodborne: The entire second half and Yhaargul. The Dungeons, and the Shaman Bone Blade

Witcher 3. Pre-ordered it because I had some $ codes and hit wallet cap. One of the best game surprises of my life alongside Shadow of the Colossus, which I bought because the clerk said it was "a good RPG".

>reddit spacing
>probably a phoneposter
>would have attached an anime smug girl to his post if he was on pc
this is the Sup Forums we all know and love

mods, my dude

No problem user

You got 1 out of 4, better luck next time.

>reddit spacing

Fuck off with this retardation, it makes no sense.

>it makes no sense.
At first I was like you. But later I discovered sudden rise of "reddit spacing" across all boards. This is not boogeyman.

Using spaces in posts has been done on messageboards for years before Sup Forums even launched you mongoloid, and even if that wasn't true it's still the case that people were posting like that on Sup Forums for the years before reddit existed.

It's not even from online boards. It comes from how people type in fucking emails, the same reason > is used so extensively. Stop using an utterly retarded meme to call someone 'reddit', find some other reason.

I bought bravely default without knowing nothing of the game and I don't have regrets

t. Redditor




Here's your (You)s, fuck off retards.

watched only like 1 or 2 trailers, but stayed away from everything else

was not disappointed

I only watch trailers at e3 because of a tradition of mine

New games news eventually come to me via various channels but I never EVER read reviews of games

yes. probably the only way you can appreciate "the void"

Is it a metaphor or is "the void" from ice-pick lodge?

I did that for Pokemon X. Everything that was hype for the trailers (kanto starters, free lucario, megas) confused and angered me

The first game had a certain charm to it that the other games haven't been able to replicate to me.

Yeah, I didn't know anything about Metal Gear Solid 3 or that it was even being worked on until I saw a commercial one day saying it was out. Went out and bought it without even knowing it was a prequel and was confused as shit why Snake looked so young in the 60s.

I bought Xcom EU on a whim during a christmas sale because I was bored, knew nothing and expected to refund it before 2 hours

Ended up being my favorite game that year and sunk hundreds of hours into that and XCOM 2 when it released. Became my favorite series.

I honestly think going in blind helped with that, made the struggles of that first playthrough feel more real/genuine.

Persona 5. Love the SMT and Persona series, just didn't bother looking up Persona 5 stuff. It released, got hyped and picked it up day 1.

>Listening to that battle theme for the first time
A 30 second battle turned into a 10 minute one.

Bioshock Infinite.

Hadn't even played the first two, but bought it on a whim on PC at launch and played through it using my mighty HD 4870.

I had ___fun.

I go into every Soulsborne game blind, as intended.

Lisa the painful
And that game surprised me even when some cunt spoiled the ending on this board

the game yes

I had the fortune of playing through TWEWY blind.



Yeah Bloodborne

Best fucking desision of my life. I knew almost nothing about but London (it was not) and werewolfs. I didn’t even knew it was a From game, or how the combat played out.

I only bought it day one because it came out on my Bday March 24, and had few PS4 games so I thought why not. After the huge letdown that was DS2, playing a good Souls game never felt so good. And how fucking bizarre it got the more you played just made it better.

Fucking newfag.

The Wrath Eats Whore and Yetis

>it's a fucking mobile game
nothing of value was lost

No it's not, you retard.

Literally the first google result

fuck your lazy ass

There's no way she can lose, right?

norve watanabe is the artist.

>I remember playing Spec Ops: The Line and being amazed by the anti-war message in a game that looked like a third person COD clone.

So you're dumb?

I go into every Souls genre game blind. Why would you want to ruin that?

Please explain how being surprised by the unusual story in a generic looking game makes you dumb.

I went into metal gear 5 fully blind, all i knew about was the previous games (which i had never played, sorry Sup Forums) and it was amazing. still my favorite game of all time

Surprisingly i hadn't heard of no man's sky at all so i just picked it while expecting some space sim and enjoyed it.

Not unless the author wants to get shot.

You can't? As I thought.
So far everyone who hates this game can't bring any real argument on why they hate it.

I haven't done this since I was a kid. Battlefront II and San Andreas come to mind. Two of my favourite ever games.

this game

when I saw the cover was like daaam, not what I expected but liked the combat mechanics.

Mass Effect 1

I bought a 4870 video card and it was on the box art of the packaging and had a offer for $20 off the price of the game.

I didn't even know Bioware made it until I installed the game.

patrician taste

I had this exact same experience. What a ride, I tell ya.

no you are user, becase it's a fucking mobile game

I go into most games semi blind. I might see an article or two or have a vague understanding of the premise, but if something at the very least looks interesting, I'll probably buy it if I have the time and cash. It makes playing games almost like an adventure where you will never know what happens next. Pic related I saw this on Gamestop's preorder list, saw the cover, and preordered it on a whim. Best purchase I ever made on that system.

I loved this game.

got it used really cheap
disliked at first cause difficulty but after i got the hang of it daaaam it was good.

literally stood and screamed WHAT!! when the truth is revealed to Ryu. didnt saw that one coming.

the sequels were kind of dissapointing though only liked NG2.

Sup Forums hates it for some unknown reason

I read Higurashi pretty much completely blind. All I had some idea that it was a murder mystery VN, thought that was someone's idea of a joke for the first 4 hours or so.

Played FF4 recently, and never knew anything about the game except Cecil and Kain were in it

I hated all the fake deaths that happened. They literally did it like 3 times in the game

The Evil Within 2. Granted, I did hear about it but just that it was a great game. Bought it with some bonus money and started playing it. Sure, just from the title and first couple of minutes, I am in some sort of spooky game.

Later on, I discovered its more than that. Its "open-world" survival horror and it is actually pretty damn good.

I think think I will ever go into a game COMPLETELY blind (just buying a random fucking game) because I at least need to know if the game is bad or not being spending my cash.

FFIX. I wemt with my birtday money as a kid planning to get FFVII after playing it at a friends place. They were out of VII so i picked up IX instead. Was great.

Jilted fans of the original game who never got their proper sequel.

Bravely Default and Etrian Odyssey, i was very keen on not using guides for both games.
Etrian Odyssey is very annoying since you have to grind the map and you will miss a lot of secret passages, you somehow develop a sense for where to look for after a lot of play.
I wish making the map was more automatic, it gets annoying.

the non-mobile TWEWY, user

the one that came out on the DS in 2007

I fucking love the whole PTSD thing in the line and I'm so glad I played it blind
One of the very few good tps shooters out there

I wasn't sure at about it at first, the art style looked weird to me and I had heard bad things about the gameplay.

Once I started the first level and immediately saw how esoteric and stylish it is, I was hooked, it put me in some sort of trance. I played as much as I possibly could every single day, to see what crazy shit was gonna happen next and to hear the next bumpin' track. When I finished the story, it felt like waking up from a sweet dream, it made me tear up a little bit. Now I got a hankering to replay it for the millionth time.

That NISA horror game. Yoma-something.

Pretty fun though I'm too lazy to try the sequel.

Pic related. What a ride.

>Have you ever went into the game completely blind, not watching any trailers or reading reviews
and being surprised by some of the gameplay or story elements?
The first No More Heroes for Wii. It was an amazing experience and one of my favorites.

The first Bioshock
I was looking for new games to burn for my 360 and that was the only one that seemed fun
Had no idea it was a horror game and loved every second of it

Pretty much all I knew about Yakuza 0 was that Kuze's theme is fucking amazing.

Same reasons v hates anything

Devil may cry 2, never again

I knew nothing about and that game hooked me so hard I beat it in a day
And vlr was even better. I didn't sleep three days because of that game. I would go to work come straight home play it all night and then go back to work until I 100 percented it. Then ztd had to go and be a piece of a shit.

Should I play it?
Don't know anything about it except is the favorite game of an handful friends of mine

Same, although I was initially put off by the strange gameplay style at first so it took me weeks to find the time to play it, get a hang of it and actually get through the first stage.

That ending to the first stage got me hooked.

Yes. Try not to be put off by the main characters emo-ness.