Was GDQ ever good?

Was GDQ ever good?

That's like asking if Sup Forums was ever good, there's a lot of subjective viewpoints. The only truly objective viewpoint is that it's only gotten worse with time and popularity.

>getting cucked by your own brother

did anything cringey happen this year? preferably equal to the tranny makeout session.

>raising another man's child
>saying "my wife's son" during a stream

the only gdq that was good is the one where wigwam said "fucking niggers"


Greetings from cancer. My germany was recently mothered with diagnosis so this $3.50 is for killing the saved animals. HOYPE

I don't know about good, did it used to be about speed running and not about brand shilling? did it used to not be a scam/money laundering operation? Yes.

2013 and earlier wasnt as good as people think they remember, people were constantly erupting into loud annoying nervous laughter over nothing and there were way too many $5 etc donations being read

Anyone have a good list of the actual fun runs from this year? I liked Resident Evil 7, thought 3d World was Alright, and Dying light was good. I also liked Risk of Rain but that was mainly due to how much I played it myself.


Mike > Mark
This is a universal truth

Arabian Prince and El Matador

I watched all week. Mental illness was (mostly) designated to hours when the more normal folk were either working or sleeping.

But I’ve read that the summer GDQ’s are more lax with the Tranny PDA

No, but I've got an ESA list if you want it.

wow that's a big snake

Runs I found fun:
- Both MGS’s
- mega man relay race
- MT’s Punchout/super punch out 2 games 1 controller run
- bloodbourne
- I also enjoyed the Zelda runs even tho they aren’t exciting
- the runs you mentioned

GrandPOOBear's Super Dram World 2 run was fun to watch, just because GrandPOOBear is the fucking shit.

there was something comfy about the idea of a few bros doing what they like and supporting each other

then it got out of hand

I really enjoyed 2011-2013
2014 I could just immediately tell it had been fucked