I don't think I can afford PC gaming anymore. We're actually reaching $2000 for one component ... we're gonna reach $5000 to get started as a PC gamer, versus $500 for a plug and play console.
Am I wrong?
I don't think I can afford PC gaming anymore. We're actually reaching $2000 for one component ... we're gonna reach $5000 to get started as a PC gamer, versus $500 for a plug and play console.
Am I wrong?
GPU prices are relatively normal here in Australia, can get a gaming x 1080ti for $1249AU ($992US, but our prices include tax) which as far as I'm aware is basically what they've always cost.
RAM prices are still fucking ridiculous and way up from 12 months ago.
at those prices... isn't it cheaper to buy a prebuilt? lmao
The prices would go down soon, when miners would start selling their rigs. Right now it's cheaper to buy a prebuilt PC or to go with a laptop for a change.
I want to sell my 1080ti but then I won't have a 1080ti
is this just a USA thing or has OP picked out a random overpriced one? prices are around half that in UK
This cryptocurrency shit is fucking retarded, people spending thousands upon thousands of dollars for GPUs so they can mine for internet monopoly money.
>tfw you already have a 1080Ti and only paid $700 for it
feels good
Ironically your better off just buying a pre-built right now because they haven't been affected by this.
>versus $500 for a plug and play console.
This make's your post reek of false flagging, you act like prices will stay this high forever.
As long as it is profitable why not? I'd sell you shit if you'll pay me for the shit, I'd even hire some shitting people to get more shit for you. At one point some poor people would die because they can't afford shitting but who cares anyway.
You can build a good pc for 600 dollars with a ryzen cpu and then skip the paid online and pirate a few single player games to equalize the cost of say vs a xbox one x. Microcenter gives a 30 dollar discount with that cpu + mobo combo. Then you'd be saving beyond that point. For lower end builds I don't think it's worth building a 200 dollar pc vs an xbox one s tbqh. PC has more games than it tho but you need to build it
Wow so hard
INB4 Mouse/keyboard
So, does that mean at some point in the near future, we'll start seeing used 1080's flooding the market? Or does mining basically fry them?
Well to be honest we have no clue if that's the new price or if that's a bubble. We may see new GPU models catered to miners soon, or nerfed-for-mining desktop ones in the future.
Buy some cardboard
It's going to be hard to nerf gaming cards for mining without fucking up gaming performance
Someone needs to hack the Xbox One X so it can run linux and be a $500 cryptominer
>falling for third party scalpers
i got a 1070 at microcenter 2 weeks ago for normal shelf price.
Yes we inevitably will see the flood of Titans, Vegas and 1080 flooding the second hand market. If the mining rig had been cooled properly these GPUs would be as good as any other second hand ones, but if not they may be falling apart and shitting pixels. Miners wouldn't probably even know since it can mine just fine but have picrelated as an output. They wouldn't check each GPU since they have tons on them.
Why I know that would happen is because not only I've mined in the past, it's also the way cryptos work - if more people are mining difficulty rises and so old GPUs are fast to go out of fashion, and as soon as there would ASIC things for new cryptos all GPU mining goes out of the window fast.
I wouldn't panic, mining profits were absolutely crushed these past two days. People are gonna panic sell their components on the second hand market, and people are gonna stop buying GPUs in bulk.
What you should worry about is Nvidia discontinuing them to prepare for Vega.
All it takes is Nvidia making a separate line of GPUs that are nerfed in terms of CUDA operation just by its drivers, much like they limit their Desktop GPU usage in datacenters. They'll sell you desktop 1080 and then they'll sell miners a low-profile low-memory cheaper 1080 to a miner for the same price. There is a lot of extra hardware that goes into desktop cards that is useless for mining.
once all the crypto mining dumbasses realize that they need a fucking supercomputer to make one bitcoin a decade we'll see a flood of barely used titans for cheap as they try to recoup at least some of their investment
there's also a chance that gpu companies will notice this market of drooling chubby wannabe-anarchist pedophile drug addicts and start marketing crypto cards
my personal hope is that governments crack down on cryptocurrency like they have in asia, everyone knows the only use it has is to buy custom produced videos of children being brutally raped and bundles of heroin
And nobody will buy them because a large part of the financial strategy for these mining investments as that you can flip the hardware when you're done, mostly to gamers. No gamer will buy a used mining card, and miners will all be buying whatever is the best from the investment point of view (probably not a used card since if it no longer makes sense for that miner it probably doesn't make sense for the other).
>$5000 to "get started"
This is 0/10 level bait.
For the recommend cost of building a PC a few years ago you can still easily get by with a rig that doesn't have any major compromises. You still get a powerful quad core with an SSD and a large HDD, and quality components all around. The CPU and GPU are both dated for sure, but they're still good enough to run most modern AAAs at 60 FPS with setting tweaks or better if you're okay with 30 FPS
It's not ideal, for sure, but this will get you 90% of the way there and you can upgrade later once the craze dies down
Looks like I need to update the build though, RAM and mobo are poof, but the idea still stands because the price difference for this level of hardware doesn't fluctuate that much.
Over 10 year years ago I spent $1700 on Two Nvidia 8800 Ultras. Think that was more expensive back then too with inflation.
Suck it up or go AMD.
It's not profitable though, it's a scam and economists have been warning us about it for years. The earthy adopters are going to get rich and the late supporters will lose their shirt. That's a pyramid scam.
Well if CUDA is nerfed on a driver level there is not too much they could do, hacks and all would break all the time and with mining downtime is expensive, not to mention that they are basically buying whatever is in the store right now. Even overclocked RGB G4M3R editions that has like twice the price for premium. These people aren't all so thoughtful as you think of them, and at least in my experience the cards can pay for themselves thrice in a year. Not a lot of people would buy ex-mining card anyway, especially on the higher end spectrum, as these are premium already, and miners are rarely willing to cut off more than 1/3 of the price if they are about to upgrade. However if the ASIC miners would get here we would see panic and flood of used GPUs for very good prices.
Just bought an RX 380 4gb in November
Am I going to last until the prices come down bros?
Here I am sitting in front of a rig that I've got for my Litecoin money.
The thing is it's not profitable. Turning bitcoins into cash is difficult especially with the wildly fluctuating prices, and most of the other alt-coins simply aren't valuable enough to even cover the cost of the electricity bill that the 2000W PSU will be causing. Unless you're mining on an industrial scale it's a mug's game.
That and to most people bitcoins are associated with junkies, pedophiles and ISIS. Why the fuck do you think the demise of isis coincided with a surge in bitcoin prices, they had a fuckload of assets to quickly liquify while their state collapsed around them and bitcoin is perfect for it.
mfw when I am sitting here with a cheap-ass electricity and an easy way to turn any crypto into cash with no paper trail
If you haven't already cashed out, do it now. While you still can. The roaring 20s are over and you are about to see the dust bowl.
>not having a pc already
pleb. keep it that way. you are cherry picking the highest prices btw. collect more yous please. anyone with a fuckign brain would price shop and just go to the local microcenter.
Here, updated the build since the parts in the old one went kaput. pcpartpicker.com
Everything I said before still applies and this build is $50 less than the old one as well, using a newer platform with better performance
No one's using 980tis for mining, right? Just buy one of those for $200-300 used, and it'll last you two or three years if you're only running games at 1920x1080.
When the bubble inevitably bursts and new GPUs come out the prices will go back to normal, just wait and save your money for an even better rig two years fro now.
Yeah just wait BTC is crashing hard right now and hopefully it stays that way.
It's already going back up
Or keep looking at prices elsewhere/ import GPU's
you'll be surprised, miners are grabbing everything they could reach off the shelves, all decent cards are sold out where I live, and others are overpriced to oblivion
This. I went to a Fry's Electronics yesterday to piss away some time before a doctor's appointment and their entire row of graphics cards were empty.
>gather $1200 for a good computer last week.
>Look around for some.
Fuck man....
>PC gaming is over
>Nintendo got carded
>Sony forgot about movie games and VR
Did MS see this coming? They're the only ones left who actually listen to their fans and deliver.
>Fry's Electronics
>not always empty
I went there to find a 970 a few years ago before the mining boom after frying my old 760, but they were completely out of stock of any worthwhile card. Always seems to be the case with my local Fry's when I need to buy a major component.
>live in russia
>ruble falls, 3x costs.
>games are fucking expensive
>2017, hard to find a videocard with big prices
Why its so hard to play in russia?
Thats why most of my friends play shit like world of tanks, hearthstone, csgo, warface and freetoplayshit?
I hate this games generation...
I guess I hadn't visited them in awhile. I remember that they were pretty decent when I was a teenager.
>live in russia
good riddance, we don't need more of you cheaters. I'm kidding, I am sorry to hear that.
How bad are console prices in Russia?
California? There's one in Arizona I used to go to that was alright because it wasn't as packed with people.
This 2BH. I'd like to cash in, but the only backup card I have is a faulty GTX 690 and there's no sign of prices settling down any time soon, so what would I use?
I'm in the same boat, I paid $700 for mine so selling it for $1200 would be awesome. At the same time I play at 4K and there's just no other card that does it adequately, especially not that I can get right now.
Console is pretty cheap at Russia (350-400$), but games for them are too expensive. So we use steam thanks to regional prices.
I hate cheaters btw.
still like $200 usd over price
>Console is pretty cheap at Russia (350-400$), but games for them are too expensive. So we use steam thanks to regional prices.
That seems to be the problem in most countries, the hardware is so-so but games are really expensive. Here in the states new games aren't too bad if you use places like Amazon since all new games are marked 20% off. I play on both since I'm a loser with too much time on his hands, most of the shit I buy on Steam I don't even end up playing because at $5-10 I don't feel as pressured to play.
>I hate cheaters btw.
I was just joking user, I'm sure many people in Russia hate the reputation they get due to a few assholes trying to ruin it for everyone.
> He thinks he needs the newest GPU to play his vidya
Anyone who sinks $700+ into their rig yearly is a dumbass, a GPU from 2015 can still easily play new releases and will continue to do so until 2020.
I just bought a 1080 in October for like 600, why the fuck are they so expensive now?
On 1080p60 you need to be playing on all low. Or maybe even 1080p30 for the more demanding games.
>talking about affording pc components when you were looking at a 1080 ti anyway
nice try
did you know you didn't have to buy the latest model?
I have a 970 and get 1080/60+ on any new game I've played
And I thought I was overpaying for a $300 1060 6GB back in August, this is fucking crazy
At least the 2 year warranty with the card allows me to upgrade for nothing
On what setting?
>one of the top gpus is too expensive!!
then get a cheaper one
medium w/ some high settings
Only retards don't know where to find properly priced cards. Stick to console gaming, OP.
>Notify When Available
Oh the irony
Lmao. What a fucking retard.
>they fell for my bait
>$600 item
>$10 MIR
Ultra. Only game that gave me trouble was Deus ex but apparently that was a bad port
you can just buy an older model?
GPUs have always been a step ahead of PC game devs, you never needed the latest model to run maxed out
Good thing I already own my machine. post yfw you built your PC before cryptofags
>he didn't buy at launch
Lmao, dumb consoleshits.
>tfw 4 year old GPU (r9 290)
>was thinking about picking up a 1070 for my new 144hz monitor
>cryptoniggers hit
>prices will never be reasonable again
saved me some cash I guess
you are me except i got a 1070 just before prices skyrocketed.
might be able to sell the 290 for a decent price
How are the pre-built companies going to make money when they have to buy the parts too
>inb4 they pay less
obviously, but not 1,000 dollars less
1060's are still like $500 right now with no signs of slowing down.
And that's if you can even find one.
They don't buy off the shelf, faggot. They buy from the manufacturer
Crypto mining
1060s is definitely not an older model.
Were talking about 900 series and lower as they are awful at mining.
looks like my model fetches around $300 on ebay
so that's less than half the cost of a new 1070 at this point
so I'll just deal with the lower framerate until crypto crashes
If you want Maxed out 1080 you pretty much need at least a 1060. Maybe a 970 if you can find one? Def not new though.
>implying the manufacturer isn't jacking up the price at this level of demand
> single channel RAM
duh, well if you dont plant to upgrade maybe 2x4 ram is better
The prices are jacked up by the manufacturers as well user
There is a low quantity of cards, hence the prices
my PC is already good enough to run anything on mostly high settings and get 60+ fps, but it's definitely worrying for future upgrading.
>webm reaction image
more like digital beanie babies. cryptos are nothing more than pogs and baseball cards.
also take off your trip, fag.
>PC is dead
>Xbone has no games
>Switch is cardboard
Why haven't you purchased a PS4 Pro yet?
it's only been a couple months? absolutely. Graphics haven't improved in 10 years and I highly doubt some company is going to be ballsy enough to decide to be the next Crytek any time soon.
I'm not retarded.
honestly most good games run on toasters. it's only normies and casuals that care too hard about gameplay.
I've had my 970 for so long I'm afraid it's going to die out and I'll be completely fucked.
Not sure if it's bad luck but these 10 series cards have been faulty as shit for me. Had to just send in my 1070 for the third time to EVGA. Keep having this fucking issues with hardware acceleration and videos completely crashing my computer with the card. Also, its drivers would randomly fail and then it would be impossible to reinstall them. Haven't had this many RMAs with a card ever.
>to get started
>getting started with the highest grade components
Literally no one does this you fucking faggot
git gud
Weren't cryptocucks panicking recently? What happened?
>PC is dead
I have an 850 and same on max settings
I'm thinking of selling my 1080ti. It means I'll be stuck with console only + integrated graphics but I think I can be OK with that for a while. Hoping the mining craze dies down in 6 months and I can get an 1180 or whatever is new and expensive then