Nonsensical and generic areas without any thought put into them

>Nonsensical and generic areas without any thought put into them
>Boring, uninspired boss fights, the whole game has at best 4-5 well designed ones (including DLC)
>janky as fuck controls, movement and attacks have zero weight to them
>looks like a PS2 era MMO with its atrocious art and animations
>retarded double wielding mechanic
>several cheap deaths and unfair situations, totally misses the point of Dark Souls 1's difficulty
>Souls Memory & Agape Ring encourage extreme twinking and effectively prevent you from ever buying consumables if you care about your PVP tier

Why are there so many people defending this piece of shit recently?


>why do people like what I don't like?!

You have autism.

Because despite its flaws, it is to me the best Souls game. To me, Dark Souls 3 feels way too linear and short (The DLC is pretty short too), and is by FAR the easiest Dark Souls game. It seems like there's a fucking bonfire around every corner. Dark Souls 1 is very good, but there are some connection issues with the game and some questionable balancing choices. Again, the DLC is too short for this game.

A lot of people agree that DS2 had the best PvP in any souls game. Besides the soul level issue, the weapons were extremely well balanced and allowed for a ton of different unique builds. I personally really liked the theme that DS2 has compared to DS3 as well. DS3 just feels completely dead and too baron.

Barren* oops

Don't forget, it had the most differences in NG+, too.

It sold more copies than the original at the time. Therefore there are hundreds of thousands of people out there which their first contact with this series was this piece of shit. They're forever tainted by it.

>>retarded double wielding mechanic

But powerstancing was fucking awesome, user

Is "more content" a good thing when most of it is shit, though?
DS3's areas are significantly better designed, utilizing shortcuts in a similar way to Bloodborne and parts of DS1 and the number of memorable bosses is significantly higher.
Even the shit bosses in DS3 are significantly better than a lot of the lows DS2 wastes your time with.

I'll give you the PVP, if it didn't have Soul Memory it would easily be the best, but i can't agree with the longer = better argument.

>Don't forget, it had the most differences in NG+, too.

randomly placing Red Phantoms doesn't count as a "difference"

Also, the hardest DS3 bosses at least in my opinion are harder than almost any DS2 boss, with a few exceptions like Fume Knight and Ancient Dragon maybe.
However difficulty is pretty subjective.

No, but new items, new enemy placements, new weapons, new souls and new lore do. If you're going to disparage a game that's so polarising, at least bring something new to the table. 50% of people here are saying the same damn shit.

>Ctrl+F ADP
>no results
Funny how DaS2 haters now avoid the issue like fire after they've outed themselves as casuals complaining about it.

>50% of people here are saying the same damn shit.

because they have said all the things wrong about DaS2 and the DaS2 fans go "LALALALALALLALA DIDN'T HEAR"

that's because ADP is a problem acknowledged by the developers so why complain about it?

I just finished 2 for the first time recently, and I really liked it, but I think it is by far the easiest of the 3. Idk if I was over leveled or what, but with a mostly strength/stamina/vitality build, I felt kinda OP near the end.

That's not your fault, DS2 has a very poor difficulty curve and gives you more souls than you reasonably need to beat it.

ADP is a indefensibly bad mechanic, just like soul memory. Everyone already knows this.

So bring something new to the table, m8. Don't bore everyone here.

The Fume Knight is more difficult than any boss in Dark Souls 3 (excluding Midir). I think I died fighting him more than any other boss in the Dark Souls franchise.

And you have to admit, dropping down to fight the Loyce King in the Old Chaos with a bunch of Loyce Knights was pretty badass. Even he was pretty tough.

And don't even get me started on those fucking cats out in the wasteland of Eleum Loyce. I never beat those fuckers.

what else new can be brought? The problems have been discussed to death

>ADP is a indefensibly bad mechanic, just like soul memory. Everyone already knows this.
which is why they are not in Dark Souls 3. because even the developers knew people hated it

>The problems have been discussed to death

yet, here you are

Well i said there are a few exceptions, but i personally found the average difficulty level of the bosses in DS3 higher than DS2, so many DS2 bosses use the exact same strategy or have dull movesets.

But some reason From Software made the most retarded decision in a Souls game and make poise completely fucking worthless.

>literal children that have never played DeS or DaS1 arguing which pile of shit is better

the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums souls threads

it can work with proper hyper armor

It doesn't work in 3, but it does work in Demon's Souls

Because its not a piece of shit at all and is one of the better entries in the series. The only big negative it has is that everything is slower paced.

3 > 2 > 1 > Demons

I have played all the Souls game

2 was the worst and I bought into none of the "SotFS fixed it" memes

I agree, but 3 is only slightly less shit than 2

Because it's objectively better than DaS1.

DaS2 > DeS > DaS3 > DaS

>3 > 2 > 1 > Demons
This opinion is part of the underage poster starter pack.

Thanks for that image user, i'll put it to good use

Only retards regretting their purchase defend it.
Pay them no mind, the game is widely acknowledged as being the worst souls.

I agree.

DaS2 is the lowest rated Souls by people who actually play games

>DS3's areas are significantly better designed,

Which dark souls 3 areas would you say have good design? most of the first 2/3 of the game felt really weak and uninteresting to me. Also the number of "door does not open from this side" obvious shortcuts and the extremely meta enemy placement really took me out of the experience, it's like its trying so hard to be a dark souls game that it took me out of the experience. they also feel really uninspired, none of them are original ideas and many of them have been executed much better (farron keep is an inferior blighttown, carthus is an inferior catacombs)

also which bosses are memorabe in dark souls 3? most of them are indistinguishable and revolve around adapting to their moveset's slight-off timings. most of the standard 1v1 combat encounter boss in the game are identical to eachother in terms of gameplay and it makes most of them feel like a chore. this isn't to say dark souls 2 is any better, but i would honestly say dark souls 3 does boss fights just as bad as dark souls 2

Why would I regret spending $5 on the best Souls game?

Cathedral of the Deep, Grand Archives, High Wall, Undead Settlement, Lothric Castle and partially Irythill all had a more intricate layout than pretty much any area in DS2 and while it's highly subjectively, i would also argue that pretty much any area in 3 simply looks more appealing than in 2.

As for bosses, we have Gundyr as arguably the best tutorial boss in the series, Abyss Watchers, Pontiff, Aldrich, Yhorm depending on how you like his gimmick (i understand if you hate him), Dancer, Twin Princes, Champion Gundyr (unless you figure out how to parry him lol), Nameless King and Soul of Cinder were all very well designed and brought unique mechanics and/or dodge patterns to the table and this isn't even going into the DLC, which has almost exclusively good bosses.

>What was the deal with Velka? Was she Gwyn's wife?
>Who was Sen?
>How did Artorias hunt Darkwraiths (New Londo knights) if he died at Oolacile, which fell before New Londo?
>Who were Crossbreed Priscilla's parents?
>Where did Gwynevere go with Flame God Flann?
>What happened to the other deities period?
>Why couldn't we usurp the First Flame in Dark Souls 1?
>Why was Drangleic sealed away into the past?
>Who was Heide?
>What was the Ancient Dragon about?
>What did Vendrick steal from the Giants?
>Why were the DS2 Giants different to the Giants in 1&3?
>What happened to the Bearer of the Curse after he found a way to stave off the curse?
>How did Gwynevere end up married to Oceiros? Or was it her daughter?
>Where the fuck does Yorshka come from? What's her deal?
>Where the fuck does Filianore come from? What's her deal?
>Where the fuck does Rosaria come from? What's her deal?
>What was that shit about Gertrude and the Angels?
>How did Ornstein die to the Chosen Undead and make it to Archdragon Peak at the same time?
>Did the Lords of Cinder link the fire or not? If they did, why do they need to do it again? That's bullshit, it'd make more sense if they refused and five refusals = Unkindled time.
>How come no one ever, not even fucking ONCE mentioned Gwyn using Slave Knights and Ringed Knights literally ever?

>And don't even get me started on those fucking cats out in the wasteland of Eleum Loyce. I never beat those fuckers.
I'm still wondering what they were thinking with that.
Since when is dark souls suppose to be designed with coop in mind?

BB > DS1 >>> DS3 (basically DS1 with a bunch of BB assets but with none of the magic of either) >>>>>>>> DS2

Supposedly the Ornstein in DS1 was not real, same for the one in DS2, but yeah most of the lore is pretty open ended and i think everyone should understand that its main purpose is to create a cool, mysterious atmosphere while playing through the game, not to be an actual story.

i agree with most of the areas you've listed but they're a small portion of the game overall

also areas like undead settlement are really hurt by the linear nature of the game and becomes a level you just rush through to get to the good stuff.

every boss you listed (with the exception of thorm and abysswatchers phase 1) is an identical fight mechanically, every one of them is a standard combat encounter with attacks designed to bait you into pressing the roll button too early so you get caught out. none of them have unique mechanics or dodge patterns. you fight every single one of them in the same way and there's no real gameplay difference between them. literally all you do in these fights is learn the right timings to roll their attacks and counter. it absolutely baffles me that people still don't understand this when they recognised it within days when dark souls 2 came out

Also, do you all think DS1: Remastered will just include a graphically updated version of the game? Or will it include balancing changes and other things?

>Supposedly the Ornstein in DS1 was not real
I don't know why people complain about this in 3.
Half of the shit in Anor Londo wasn't real and just an illusion of Gwyndolin, why shouldn't the fake princess have fake guards as well?
Also Archdragon Peak seemed like it was a kind of limbo/fever dream sort of deal.

>every one of them is a standard combat encounter with attacks designed to bait you into pressing the roll button too early so you get caught out. none of them have unique mechanics or dodge patterns. you fight every single one of them in the same way and there's no real gameplay difference between them. literally all you do in these fights is learn the right timings to roll their attacks and counter
Not the guy you argued with, but how is it worse than DS2's bosses? We get it, you watched mathewmatosis' video, but you can't just throw it out there without explaining how DS2's bosses are better than that

>>Nonsensical and generic areas without any thought put into them
>>Boring, uninspired boss fights, the whole game has at best 4-5 well designed ones (including DLC)
>>janky as fuck controls, movement and attacks have zero weight to them
>>looks like a PS2 era MMO with its atrocious art and animations
>>retarded double wielding mechanic
>>several cheap deaths and unfair situations, totally misses the point of Dark Souls 1's difficulty
>>Souls Memory & Agape Ring encourage extreme twinking and effectively prevent you from ever buying consumables if you care about your PVP tier
And yet with all of that, it's still the best souls game. Huh.

>unfair situations
How, exactly? DS had far worse situations and was far more buggier than DS2. Get the fuck out of here.

im not argueing that dark souls 2 did it better, in fact i even acknowledged that dark souls 2 had the same problem

i'm just confused as to why both games have the same problem yet one is considered a low point of the series and the other is considered to have some of the best bosses in gaming

some of dark souls 3's bosses are good but only in a vacuum, the actual process of going through the game is exhausting because its the same shit back to back for hours. the same is true in dark souls 2

That is literally what Dark Souls is though, you're complaining about having to jump in Mario.
The difference between those bosses and the random armor dudes in DS2 is that they are better executed.
There is no other boss in DS3 that attacks times its attacks and moves the way the Dancer does, Pontiff's Stand tells you which attack is coming next and allows you to get hits in that you otherwise might not have, Champion Gundyr is hyper aggressive and does near infinite-feeling attack chains that leave much less time to heal than most other bosses and so on and so forth.
Meanwhile all the humanoid bosses in DS2 had a nearly identical moveset, with the only difference being their size and maybe 1-2 signature moves, it's not at all comparable in my opinion.

I died more often to the run to Alonne than to Fume Knight.

>A flavor character about as important as Flan. No, she fucking wasn't.
>Maybe a mistranslation. Sen=1,000. As in, the fortress of 1,000 traps.
>Either your chronology is wrong, or the darkwraiths are just any servants of the dark.
>Who knows? Maybe one of Seath's experiments.
>Away. Everyone's dying anyway.
>Either died, went insane, or fled to various hideaway.
>1. We didn't have control in the dark. 2. That plot point was made up after DS1.
>Vendrick's fuckery.
>A nation, probably. "Heide knights".
>A fake dragon made by Aldia.
>The kinship. It's an item. You get it.
>Different races of giants.
>May have been a daughter, may have been a reincarnation. Cycles.
>Something about Priscilla, maybe.
>A daughter Gwyn sold off, so he didn't write anything about. She has a magic egg.
>Deep tainted god, maybe. She was reborn, we have no way of knowing.
>Angels are one end to the undead. She thought they were divine. She got locked up for heresy and died.
>Ornstein in Anor Londo was an illusion. Gwyndolin is good at them.
>They did, and they don't want to do it again cuz it hurts. They need to because they're strongest so they can still burn a bit.
>Slave knights were probably unaffiliated, and the ring knights were humanity's soldiers. Gwyn repressed the ring knight's stories because he wanted all the glory.

I believe it's confirmed to have dedicated servers and uses DS3'S password system.

>That is literally what Dark Souls is though,

no it's not, dark souls is an adventure series, not an action/combat series, which is why it uses gimmick bosses so often and has such simplistic combat

to give examples of non-gimmick bosses which don't rely exclusively on learning roll timings:

>quelaag requires you to be mindful of your environment as she'll fill the floor with lava, she also has an aoe attack which prevents you from getting greedy and can also be used if you get trapped in a corner. while you do have to dodge/avoid/block her attacks, there's more going on in this fight than just that
>orstien and smough, there's two of them so you have to be mindful of both of them and try and split them up from eachother to do damage safely
>all of the bosses where you can use the environment to your advanage in some way (e.g. tauros demon)

dark souls 3 has absolutely nothing like this. almost every non gimmick fight is a roll and r1 fight, where the only variables are you and the boss and the game relies on its combat despite having the shallowest combat in the series

even straight up 1v1 fights in dark souls 2 end up being more mechanically interesting than those in 3 simply because the game has actual stamina management, allowing a boss like fume knight to keep the pressure up even when you've got his moveset down. once you learn the moveset of a dark souls 3 boss its trivialised forever because the game has nothing else going on than learning when to press roll

all dark souls 3 has going for it is presentation that effectively fools people, it's like how people think of hollowing in dark souls 2 as a penalty but think of embering in dark souls 3 as a bonus whent they're almost identical mechanically. the things you listed are different ways of presenting the same idea; every boss in the game attacks like dancer does in that it baits you into thinking its attacking so you roll early and get hit, it just looks different when dancer does it

Who had the idea for Alonne Kights? Who decided to make them look so cool, but also make them the most annoying standard enemy type in the game and then also make every area they appear in absolute AIDS?

Almost every non-gimmick fight in DS2 is roll diagonally, attack once and then repeat until you win.

im not defending dark souls 2 so much as attacking dark souls 3

Fair enough.

>another one
Is this what you have instead of friends user? Inflaming shitposts?

im tired of these fucking threads
post webm's of From's "polishing"

I disagree on Dark Souls having simplistic combat, almost every 3D action game works the same, Dark Souls simply cuts out the flashiness of over the top animations and long combos that makes many games more appear more intricate.
Is it very complex? Of course not, but it's a solid combat system with a good risk/reward balance for different actions (i do admit it's somewhat off in DS3 though).

I like the gimmicky fights in DS1 a lot and do miss that kind of design in large portions of DS3, but DS2 barely had anything like that either and did almost everything else worse than DS3.

Stamina is an issue in DS3, but not as much as you make it out to be, many bosses have gapclosers to punish people who roll away too much, they are much more aggressive than most DS1&2 bosses and constantly stay on your ass.
It's like you said, once you learn the moveset most bosses lose a large chunk of their challenge, but i don't see how that's any different in the past games, stamina never was enough of a factor to change that.

That would be the non-contrarianfag interpretation user.

>>Nonsensical and generic areas without any thought put into them
>>Boring, uninspired boss fights, the whole game has at best 4-5 well designed ones (including DLC)
Like every Dark Souls game
>>janky as fuck controls, movement and attacks have zero weight to them
Like every Dark Souls game
>>looks like a PS2 era MMO with its atrocious art and animations
Not really. Exaggeration.
>>retarded double wielding mechanic
Nah it's fine.
>>several cheap deaths and unfair situations, totally misses the point of Dark Souls 1's difficulty
This is true, but it's also way more true in Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne
>>Souls Memory & Agape Ring encourage extreme twinking and effectively prevent you from ever buying consumables if you care about your PVP tier
Which no one does

>The Fume Knight is more difficult than any boss in Dark Souls 3



>why are there so many people defending this

It’s the influx of PCfaggots attempting to downplay the fact that DS3 was better than DS2 because DS3 was too similar to Bloodborne and theyre fucking pissing themselves since BB hasn’t and won’t be ported to PC. They’re already in a bad mood since current GPU prices have made PC gaming irrelevant next to consoles and PC has zero games besides indie trash and their “better graphics”. they’ve gotta take it out on something.

>>Nonsensical and generic areas without any thought put into them
>>Boring, uninspired boss fights, the whole game has at best 4-5 well designed ones (including DLC)
>>janky as fuck controls, movement and attacks have zero weight to them
>>looks like a PS2 era MMO with its atrocious art and animations
>>retarded double wielding mechanic
thats just your opinion
>>several cheap deaths and unfair situations, totally misses the point of Dark Souls 1's difficulty
objectively false
>>Souls Memory & Agape Ring encourage extreme twinking and effectively prevent you from ever buying consumables if you care about your PVP tier

>boss doesn't have 1080 degree tracking on stab attacks with busted hitboxes and 28 hit combos
wow 2ez 4 me lol

>>retarded double wielding mechanic

Hey fuck off, power stancing is great. Mostly agree with everything else though.

I remember a time when posters on Sup Forums didn't unironically appeal to "game journalists" to defend a video game.

So far I only see DaS2fags doing it at least.


I don't actually hate powerstancing, it just looks really stupid to me when someone holds 2 UGS like that. (which is why i also hate the RKPGS from the DS3 DLC) lol

>20 patches and a $60 rerelease later

Honestly the whole "dark souls 2 is bad guyz X)" is the biggest hivemind mentality that needs to die. Challenge your average souls fan to explain how their complaints about dark sousl 2 don't apply to 1, 3, or bloodborne. Watch what happens when you do.

You're a fucking retard

You are about to be wrong

>Nonsensical and generic areas without any thought put into them

Majula being one of the most open and creative hubworlds out of the 3 games, and is not firelink shrine. Maps such as Earthen Peak keeping you on your toes to survive and needing top thinking to beat some areas without killing yourself to poison. Other maps such as Drangleic Castle being large, open, and genuinely awe inspiring.

>Boring, uninspired boss fights, the whole game has at best 4-5 well designed ones (including DLC)

Ah yes, lets remember the last time you had to fight a giant hunk of flesh in the middle of a lava flooded area. Or a 2 headed sentry in the hull of the ship. TOTALLY generic ideas.

>janky as fuck controls, movement and attacks have zero weight to them

Take your Parkinson medication then, controls in ds2 were hailed at being significantly better that ds1, which were hailed for being tight and simple.

>looks like a PS2 era MMO with its atrocious art and animations

Stop playing on console then, scrub. Thats an issue you brought on yourself.

>retarded double wielding mechanic
Whats wrong with it? I had no issue with it.

>several cheap deaths and unfair situations, totally misses the point of Dark Souls 1's difficulty

Its called "Trial and Error" learning. Dont run into an area you don't know. Git Gud.

>Souls Memory & Agape Ring encourage extreme twinking and effectively prevent you from ever buying consumables if you care about your PVP tier

Then don't do Pvp. Dark Souls 2 is NOT a pvp only game. You realize what the agape ring does right? It stops you from leveling up. So unless you have someone giving you OP shit for PVP, you'll be fine.

>Maps such as Earthen Peak keeping you on your toes to survive and needing top thinking to beat some areas without killing yourself to poison.

You're on my side, but you're also retarded.

Go away DS2Barneyfag, it's still the best souls game.

fist off, you should really get off the rotted and wooden crutch that is darksouls 1, everyone sucks that game off like its the second cumming of christ, once you stop seeing through its african goggles, then we'll have a nice civil discussion about darksouls 2.

gr8 response m8
