>Patch 7.3.5
>Some dungeons were dropping vanilla gear that has been UNOBTAINABLE for over 10 years due to a massive glitch in the loot system and new level scaling
>Old raid bosses now have 5-10x more HP and do WAY more damage. Some old bosses are now unsoloable due to the changes, even Asmongold couldn't solo some of them
>Leveling now takes 3x longer. Mobs have 3-5 times more health in some cases
>many other massive bugs/glitches
Nu male and sjw devs strike wow once again
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sound like a great time to play then?
Is it fixed? if not I'm resubing
I hate it when Sup Forums tries to talk about WoW. The gear was unobtainable due to retarded programing but now that mobs scale it has unfucked their loot table bringing back loot that always should've been obtainable. It's not a bug or a glitch.
If you don't know how it works lets say there's an item that only level 50 mobs in a certain dungeon can drop, but there are no level 50 mobs in the dungeon so its unobtainable
>Old raid bosses now have 5-10x more HP and do WAY more damage. Some old bosses are now unsoloable due to the changes, even Asmongold couldn't solo some of them
>Some dungeons were dropping vanilla gear that has been UNOBTAINABLE for over 10 years due to a massive glitch in the loot system and new level scaling
like what?
why was it stealth hotfixed 1hr ago then?
>Mobs have 3-5 times more health in some cases
So instead of 1 shotting all mobs all the way up to level 100, I'll be 3 shotting them?
WoW is dead why would they do that now it's too hard...
So how do sjws and numales figure into it? Stop throwing around buzzwords you child
because fuck you faggot
So it was fixed
Then fuck this game i'm not playing
Leveling is actually relatively fun again. I never thought that would happen.
Only thing they should do is buff the amount of exp you win in dungeons and rearrange the levels at which you obtain certain spells as certain classes to not make them too boring to play.
>Some dungeons were dropping vanilla gear that has been UNOBTAINABLE for over 10 years due to a massive glitch in the loot system and new level scaling
What was dropping? I'm gonna regret not taking advantage of it.
OP, just shut up.
You guys seem pretty obsessed with a game you "dropped" ages ago.
What gives?
>make a bunch of retarded changes
>blame sjws??????
the fuck is wrong with you
Nobody ever drops wow
>Some old bosses are now unsoloable due to the changes, even Asmongold couldn't solo some of them
Holy shit that was the nail in the coffin.
dead fucking expansion/game whatever same thing.
>content drought about to start
>make mythic Siege and everything after it unsoloable while also removing random transmog appearences from people (including Tusks)
>Mists of Pandaria mobs HP increased by 341%
You can no longer solo the entirety of Mythic SoO, thanks blizzard.
>leveling now takes 3-5 times longer
Hello chink gold farmer. The leveling experience is now on par with other MMOs rather than being a shit show of one shotting every enemy in the game until you reach level 100
When everything is SJW, nothing is SJW.
Your post would sound way less retarded without the "nu males and sjw"
>Some dungeons were dropping vanilla gear that has been UNOBTAINABLE for over 10 years due to a massive glitch in the loot system and new level scaling
It's not a glitch, they purposely added a bunch of pre-cata items back into the loot tables. It was on wowhead when it first showed up on the PTR
>Some dungeons were dropping vanilla gear that has been UNOBTAINABLE for over 10 years due to a massive glitch in the loot system and new level scaling
Such as? This gets the collector inside of me anxious to nab this shit before it's fixed.
It was already fixed.
this sounds great you stupid closet nu male retard
wait why did they buff old ass raids people only do for mounts and xmog??
no it wasn't
>>Old raid bosses now have 5-10x more HP and do WAY more damage. Some old bosses are now unsoloable due to the changes, even Asmongold couldn't solo some of them
they ruined old raids in WoD when they made you do tens of millions of damage per auto attack
>>Some dungeons were dropping vanilla gear that has been UNOBTAINABLE for over 10 years due to a massive glitch in the loot system and new level scaling
For fucks sake and I didn't get it
Have they added [The Nicker] back in yet?
Can you still solo Mythic SoO?
>while also removing random transmog appearences from people (including Tusks)
Wait seriously?
Which boss fucks with you?
I ran a single LFG dungeon on my lvl 43 mage and it was glorious. We actually talked and spent some time there, that's something I haven't seen in a LONG while in old world. The game is actually fun to play again.
How exactly was some shitty scrub zg weapons unobtainable for "OVER 10 YEARS"? You could still farm that shit if you really wanted to right up until cataclysm. Thats not unobtainable for over 10 years. Why must you over exagerate to make you seem like more of a faggot?
No shit wow devs are fucking retards, how on earth have you only just noticed it? If you didnt figure this out by cataclysm let alone panda land dont even mention the cluster fuck of wod you are beyond help.
As for the retard saying it was intentional. You are equally retarded. Yea im sure random zul farrak mobs were all along supposed to be dropping quest items from a zone specific boss. Moron.
glad i play the superior mmo
It's most likely not going to be "fixed;" the reason half the gear from vanilla became unobtainable was because Cataclysm overhauled dungeon mob levels, so certain items only dropped off mobs in dungeons/specific dungeons while within a certain level bracket
For example, mob levels were lowered in Uldaman, making it to where only 5 mobs had a chance to drop items like Papal Fez and only the chest at the end could have the other Uldaman BoEs.
With scaling, the previous restrictions probably got lifted, so now rare BoEs can drop again in the dungeon without being restricted by the npc level.
>mfw mad bads
does ANYONE still play WoW? i'm ashamed to admit that i was one of the ones who clung desperately to this shitty game but even I gave up on it in WoD.
Affliction can't generate soulshards while sniping small adds. Tanked my damage for High Command and Portalbitch.
Either a bug or intentionally undocumented, I'm not sure which one is worse. And nobody seems to care. Wonderful.
>Sup Forums actually celebrating and encouraging extending the grind WHILE LEVELING
What the fucking hell? Are you guys this fucking mental?
Sha of Pride despawns unless you have 3mil sustained dps
how does any of this have to do with numales or SJWs? is soloable content now considered oppressive for some reason? it just seems like they are trying to make it multiplayer again cause its an MMO
Its not an extended grind, its a normalized duration. The leveling process in WoW has been outright broken for years now with even new players with shit gear one shotting every mob they come across
The fuck?
>Warlocks getting undocumented nerfs
Blizzard would never :^)
>And nobody seems to care
Not like they would update caster animations for everyone except warlocks
It was already fixed and not what your talking about. Zul farak trolls were dropping old zg coins and a rare spawn was dropping grileks weapons and the class quest item for the trinket.
>Baine pretty much confirmed the new warchief in the cinematic
>When the Sha of Pride reaches 30% health, everyone's Pride is reset to 0, and the boss begins dealing constant raid-wide damage. Moreover, after this time, everyone unavoidably gains 5 Pride every 10 seconds, meaning that your raid has a limited amount of time to defeat the boss before they become mind controlled.
Oh okay.
It's great I first soloed SoO the day before the patch hit.
The leveling was fucking retarded before. It used to be an unfun chore because everything died so fast. But at the very least it was fast. This seems like an overcorrection though.
And how is that a problem if the game keep increasing the level cap? Those gear would end up being useless in a few levels anyways and when the honeymoon phrase is over, it would be nothing but shitty grinding to end game
Don't remind me. I almost forgot the Diablo dev team are totally incompetent, and additionally cannot program DoTs to function in a game where on-demand burst rules all.
Because for new players it a bad experience. In most zones you won't even finish the respective quest lines before outleveling everything and having to move to a new zone. This fixes the outright broken leveling up process in WoW and only shit head like you who think only the endgame matters are mad about it
Probably just Chinese and Blizzgoys at this point.
>people forced to L2P on dungeons since the very start
so, good?
>complaining that there is some semblance of challenge to leveling again
>complaining that old raid bosses are more difficult to solo now instead of just literal 1-hit-kills
Is Sup Forums really this fucking casual now?
Legion was actually a great MMO, best since WOTLK, arguably TBC. Where WOD brought a bunch of people back and then they all left a few months later. Legion kept people around
no you fuckin nigger
instead of 1 shoting them you will spent 10 frost bolts to kill a fuckin murloc that is no threat anyway because he hits you for 11 and you hit him for 80
Also, dungeon-level scaling is pretty rad. My level 60 friend and I at level 17 duo'd Deadmines, both got gear and EXP and had a funny time. This is the first time I'm happily enjoying leveling up. Let's hope Blizzard doesn't fuck this up (more than people say they already have).
You know the game is fucking dead when people are sad that they cannot farm years old content for some lousy chance of getting some stupid ass mount nobody is gonna care about.
Like what though? Does Corrupted Ashbringer drop from Four Horsemen again? I want to see a guild tear itself apart over that shit, like in the good old days.
Mob damage got buffed too, they can actually kill you now if you pull an entire area
>best since WOTLK, arguably TBC
not with those diablo 3 classes
Because the game itself has been about endgame at this point, dipshit. If they want the players to finish a questline, have a great reward at the end of the questline that would last to the endgame. Extending grind always backfire and I seen playerbase left in drove or won't bother with the game because of this, like Wildstar and Neverwinter Online.
None because there is no point in leveling until they open the sub races so you can unlike the sets
uhmm and why would you do that now? common sense beating the game mechanics again?
not to mention that you dont even have shit for AoE untill like 90
>tfw had to off-heal as enh shaman in DM because the tank didn't seem to know about the new numbers
At least it was fun but I don't know if they could've done this without me. Doesn't help that the healer was dozing off most of time.
Just like vanilla
Again they aren't extending the grind, they are normalizing it. Too little of a leveling experience is just as bad as too long of one and blizz taking steps away from 'only endgame matters' is nothing but good even if casuals lose their shit over it
One of those games is getting a major update, the other is dead.
Old naxx and new naxx aren't the same instance. So no.
No it's mostly boring green/blue trash from 5 man dungeons no one ever gave a fuck about.
>so you can unlike the sets
The fuck does that even mean?
Also who gives a shit if they're out or not. It was a dumb idea for them not to release them now but I'm not going to let that keep me from having fun. Fuck that. We need to kill ourselves some Goblins. If we don't, no one will.
>WoW leveling is piss easy and fast, only made easier and faster by the LFG tool
>Blizzard fixes leveling by making the mobs scale with you so you can actually finish zones like they intended, and greatly reduced the time it takes to level up to max.
People like OP are why the game/genre has gone to shit. Why are people so opposed to anything being remotely difficult in an MMO.
It's name was changed.
The Blackrock Slicer
Not him but he clearly meant to type in unlock the sets. As in, the racial heritage armor the allied races are getting if you level one from 20-120.
>game doens't run om my PC anymore
>even if casuals lose their shit over it
But casuals are the only people that play themepark MMOs.
>Tfw got every class i like to 110 before the changes
Feels good, i don't know why you people want to make leveling more tedious. Sure it can be
really fun the first time around, but having to redo the same quests in every zone in every expac 8 times get's really bad. This is horrible for people who love alts.
>started playing the game a week ago for the first time
>this happens
Guess thats what i get for delaying it for so long. Now it's literally unplayable for me. How the fuck i am supposed to do quests instead of everything else when the bosses have such an unfair amount of HP?
What the fuck? WoW looks like a PS2 game, how old is your PC?
good they had you man, you deserve a medal
Complaining about better leveling experience makes you a nu-male
Buy a boost if you despise the game so much
Leveling was boring and easy but at least it was fast. They made it 3 times longer but it's still boring and easy. They should halve the health and double or even triple the damage of everything in open world and dungeons to make it actually possible to die in this game.
5 years okd maybe?
It's got a shitty AMD M card is the problem.
nicker please
>makes a toast after asking permission
No he's still a cuck like always. I'd rather Gallywix over Baine for warchief
>Old raid bosses now have 5-10x more HP and do WAY more damage. Some old bosses are now unsoloable due to the changes, even Asmongold couldn't solo some of them
>Leveling now takes 3x longer. Mobs have 3-5 times more health in some cases
What's wrong with this? NuWOW was pretty shitty in regards to early-levels, this sounds like they're bringing back some challenge. New players shouldn't be held by the hand the whole fucking time, they need to die every now and then so they learn something.
>and greatly reduced the time it takes to level up to max.
No they didnt
look at this fag wanting easy mode for everything.
it took me four months to level to sixty in vanilla.
Playing WoW makes you a numale.
I mean since it was built, not since you got it from the flea market.
Well the satisfaction of carrying casual shitters is a medal in itself.
If the constant outrage and autism is anything to go by off the Official forums, now's the best time to level a character.
>only four months to hit max
>Blizzdrones think this is a long time and impressive