>a whole board has stopped in it's track over cardboard
Are you guys really going to get angry over literal cardboard for the next year because it has nintendo's name on it?
A whole board has stopped in it's track over cardboard
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Is this how nintendo manchildren cope? They say people are mad when they laugh at them for buying $80 cardboard?
I'm laughing my ass out of this shit, and hope the joke never gets old.
nice image of your wife's son there soy boy.
People are bent out of shape because it's so expensive.
Its more of a guilt by association that a company that has been ridiculed finally releases something as a new low and everyone is just fucking laughing. Thats the response if you weren't retarded.
>NO you're the one that's upset! Not me!
Nice try, Laboy, but we can tell you're just seething because you can't handle Nintendo being laughed at
You don't need to buy the 80 dollars not, you can get the layout for free and use your own cardboard.
But carry on, keep shitposting
>expect game company to make game
>they make hard paper instead
me american no like bad nintendo >:(
You're missing the point. They're still trying to charge a ton of money for it. Key word: trying. And people will buy it.
When I said I wanted a sequel this isn't what I meant.
>"Mom can I borrow $80? I need to buy cardboard"
I don't remember nintedofags stopping the whole board over this.
Guess sonyroaches are just obsessed.
>Welp, Johnny broke the flimsy cardboard again. At least we can spend 2 hours fixing his game! Wow, Nintendo are such creative geniuses.
How can that cat afford 80 dollars?
It looks pretty neat honestly.
The problem is that it's fucking cardboard and it won't last long at all. Little Billy's going to crush something day 1 and mom and dad will have to buy a replacement cardboard pack.
>Just print it yourself
This shit's way too fucking complicated. Parent's won't want to cut cardboard with a razor for an hour while their kids watch from the side.
It was fun to laugh at but that was also during E3 so we had more to pay attention to
>it's just cardboard
it's 80 dollars fag.
I've literally been laughing for an hour straight. My insides hurt. Nintendo has truly brought more joy into the world by dumping this cardboard turd on us. What a blessing.
Fuck off, my man. Seriously FUCK off. Now.
You all do this shit all the time and for what? Fucking Playstation does so much dumb shit and yet you fags defend them. Nintendo tries to do something original and cool, and what do you do?
You shit on it, you fucking SHIT on it, because you are afraid of change or anything actually original (hence why most of you just play old ass games and never praise the new innovative ones).
Why don't you people man up and just voice actual fucking criticism for once instead of hiding behind you LE EBIC mayamays and shit. I bet most of the people on this board are just edgy, underage, teen memer fags.
Speak up, be honest, save your Family guy level jokes for later. What the hell is wrong with Nintendo trying something new, what is is about Labo that makes you all like this?
>I-I'm not mad!
Whenever someone says they're laughing on Sup Forums, they're not really laughing
I forgot this Lynx ad existed, thanks for the memories
The cardboard is free.
The games are, not the cardboard you autist.
No-one's getting you to pay $80 just for cardboard.
>a minor peripheral in a huge E3 display
>the new direction Nintendo will be taking for 2018
Yeah, they're totally the same
this much damage control. sony is shit, but nintendo is utter shit
It's made for kids. Seriously sweetiepies, go play some videogames and cool off.
It's a joke product at a joke price. Nothing about it is defensible from a consumer perspective.
This is probably the weakest soyboy response I've read all month.
>>the new direction Nintendo will be taking for 2018
you sure like to blow things out of proportion
>constant threads about cardboard
>legit vidya threads get pushed off the board in a matter of minutes
Sage. Report. Mods are fags.
You're telling is to stop laughing right now. You are a horrible, evil person.
I can't, my cardboard got wet :(
/tg/ is continuously angry over literal cardboard that costs way more than this, why don't people ever give them shit for it?
I haven't laughed this hard in a long time and I love Nintendo.
Quit talking about yourself Soyboy
>mulriple threads of people laughing at it
its a nice change actually. usually this board is 90% porn and threads that are like "what are some video games where [politics]?"
How much of the "game" which looks like VR trash to me depends on the fucking cardboard? It looks like another 1-2 Switch travesty to me.
What's this about cardboard now? I haven't been paying attention.
>this much damage control
why can't you be like the rest of us and have a good laugh?
Do you swim with your cardboard? Little sweat wont ruin any cardboard sweetie.
>announcing reports and sages
If you weren't such a raging Nintendo fanboy you could have a laugh with the rest of us.
Like it fucking matters. Fuck mods.
But you're not laughing
Posting reaction pics isn't laughing
>because it has nintendo's name on it?
Stopped reading there.
there is no way this post is real. post a timestamped picture of yourself. it will tell us if you're serious or not. hardcore nintenfats have a certain look
>because Nintendo
It wouldn't be ok if sony did it either.
I'm not laughing now because you're such a fucking bummer
Play with your cardboard it will calm you down
I cried from laughing so hard when I watched the trailer in all honestly. I knew this was going to turn into a shitstorm.
Haha, what? Where? Canada?
quick mods delete this post before we go back to having actual discussions
You mean tech demo
He spilled his soy milk.
I've just now watched the trailer. It's an interesting idea on paper, but the cardboard stuff looks too fragile.
Yeah I don't think people have realized what a shitty "game" they have to really offer. Its just another 1-2 Switch repeat at the look of it. Are these games going to be worth the triple A price point? 60+ dollar games tend to have at least 20-50 hours of solid gameplay. It also reminds me of trash VR games.
But even VR games are less than $50
>people switch to chocolate for their obligatory lynx gift sets
What happened to africa? At least that was tolerable
we all laughed at PS move, too. together
>post yfw Sup Forums lost its shit over Nintendo making toys for children
If they were trying they'd actually put a price on the layout too. This is so fucking benign considering it's a literal child's toy.
>this is a toy
Most toys have some sort of durability
The chuckles of some nobodies on Sup Forums are even more benign and yet for some reason this has got you all worked up. Ever think about how criticizing people for taking a joke seriously (when they're laughing) you expose yourself as the one taking shit too seriously?
>people aren't allowed to find humor in Nintendo selling cardboard for 70 bucks
Sorry, I forgot Sup Forums is a police state where making fun of Nintendo is forbidden.
Yeah, and? Who Ian holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy a kids toy?
Then who the fuck cares?
Someone holding a gun to your head making you post this?
>doesn't realize this is a board for discussing things with no stipulation on purchasing
welcome to Sup Forums dipshit
It's a side effect of OBSESSION
This was my sister’s reaction. she loves it
The real answer is to buy your own lynx set and wear it to every pre-xmas gathering, thus warding off any unwanted Chocolate ones. Altho I usually buy the fancy charcoal "Touch-release technology" or whatever the fuck they're called ones
Worked up in so far as I'm having a slightly worse night of browsing on Sup Forums than usual then yes. It has provoked a few laughs I'll admit but when actually considering that it is a fucking party game for kids with an optional moneydump for card board, optional being the key word here really, it is out of proportion with shit threads popping up left and right, killing slow but interesting threads in the process.
tldr stop shitting up the board so massively over a children's toy
I've already seen it, but thanks.
If you don't let people get it out of their system they'll drag it out for months. Complaining just pours gas on the fire. Go to threads you like and keep them up yourself if you're so invested in enjoying yourself on Sup Forums. If people agree with you they'll join you.
>a minor peripheral in a huge E3 display
It took up almost half it's E3 presentation that year and was toted as being Sony's new direction with kids games.
>the new direction Nintendo will be taking for 2018
This was literally never said, and even Nintendo is just treating it as a fun series of mini games for children that involve building toys and customizing them with pens.
Well, you're not wrong. Maybe bunkering out on another board while this shit plays out is a more intelligent approach than shitpositng about shitposting. Or even play a bit of vidya for once.
Hahahaha at least it wasn't fucking cardboard.
This has been the case since November 2016. It's like every other week something Nintendo related and the board just shits itself.
Microsoft and Sony haven't done anything exciting to really send the board into a frenzy. Persona released but people had already played the PS3 version. Horizon released but was overshadowed by BotW literally days later. Nier and Nioh came out but were smaller successes that got more traction when they went multiplatform.
Monster Hunter World reveal at E3 was the only legit HAPPENING that didn't come from Nintendo out of the last year. Even then, here we are weeks before release and we're too busy arguing about fucking cardboard.
I went searching for the trailer myself after making my first post.
I can practically hear you throwing that tantrum and crying from here.
I hope you're getting paid to slide
yeah, it's paper
>People bringing attention to Sony's kid toy foibles while they try to make fun of Nintendo kid toys
>Nearly half a million views already
if Sony or Microsoft has done it instead you'd get the same result of people laughing at it, lay off your victim complex son
Can one construct a cardboard-like material using soybeans?
Wow that anger
I laughed not mockingly but honestly incredulous at Nintendo. This reminds me of old time of making shit from construction paper and popsicle sticks. Sounds cool and great with kids that love to build.
If anything people are mad because Nintendo would be the perfect one to do this and succeed where others will not and will be laughed at. Well, people are laughing now because why not? I know I did and I will on release date.
Laughing at a silly product means people are angry? What world do you live in?
The SJW world where everything is us vs them