Which one Sup Forums?

Which one Sup Forums?

do a 360 and walk away

resident evil. I can easily survive a horde of zombies no problem.
dogs are avoidable if u are above them, tyrants want nothing to do with you

in silent hill, well, fuck that place.

Raccoon City.
At least you can fight RE monsters.
Silent Hill subjects you to some eldritch Freudian bullshit.

Raccoon City and it's not even fucking close, I mean we're talking Zombies versus some absolutely terrifying insane shit straight out of your worst nightmares.

But you are guaranteed infected if you go to raccoon, you only have to deal with your fears in silent hill.

its time i faced my demons and dealt with my sins. off to silent hill i go

what? but you would just walk right into it again? i dont get this


That is what I said there user. Is there a problem? At least you have a chance to survive.

>guaranteed infected
There were survivors of the Raccoon incident.
As long as you got out before they nuked it, which was long after it went to complete shit, you're good to go.

Stop off and solve a puzzle for some bullets or something and you'll be fine.

If you actively choose to go to Silent Hill with nothing influencing you at all, you won't experience anything bad because the power behind the town hasn't called you. Raccoon City is a death sentence where the REAL real world is hell.

>find gun
>kill self
>die because of nuke
>Die slowly because of eldritch horror
>die of shock
>die very fast because of eldritch horror
>tiny chance of surviving

>I'm retarded
that's all you had to say.

The survivors either never got damaged or found a cure though user.

Chance of surviving still there amigo. And at least you can power walk past anything in silent hill.

>I'm an expert on vague, evil, haunted towns
Cultists fuck off.

Cultists please leave

The worst thing I've ever done is inadvertently get my friend expelled and cheated on a girlfriend of a few months. Silent Hill will be p normal for me

in that case all I'd see was our Lord Jesus Christ, as I'm a God fearing christian.


Enjoy the whole town centered around insecurity while nowhere is safe along with hallucinations and guilt.

I would go to silent hill and enjoy the VR experience. I'll probably come out broken and fucked up but i'll live. Honestly everyone here likes to pretend they'd make it against crazy zombies but I don't think I would.

Silent Hill. Yeah, it'd suck, and I'll probably die really horribly, but since it's shaped around your own psyche, you wind up knowing a lot more about yourself then you ever might otherwise.

Silent hill because I want to fuck a bubble head nurse

Enjoy warped religious figures and stories.

Enjoy eldritch horrors

no i seriously dont get this comment. if he turned 360 degrees, he would just make a circle. he would be right where he was from the beginning and walk right into one of the two places.

Better question:
Silent Hill or Hanuda Village?

Silent Hill manipulates your inner demons to create a hellscape for you, puts you in someone else's hellscape or subjects you to a cult of nutters.

Hanuda Village is a secluded Japanese town cursed by eldritch gods but at least it doesn't gets its ammo from your dirty laundry.
But all the signs are in moonrune.

I have a clean mind and have not done anything imoral.

Silent Hill.

I'd go for raccoon city, i really DO NOT want to go into silent hill and get raped by what i fear the most.

But what if I fear a group of lolis with rock cds and beer?

You'd be fucked.
Friendly reminder that you can be clean and be sucked into someone else's bullshit-verse.


I've had bad acid trips that are probably only a fraction of what Silent Hill would do to me, and they were fucking terrifying, but at least in Silent Hill I could grab any kind of blunt object and reliably defend myself.

Nurses only appear in Jame's version of silent hill you absolute retard
Most people on Sup Forums probably don't speak japanese.
Giant rivers of bear and killer lolis who blast Wayward Son from boomboxes inside of their stomachs. It'd be pretty funny to have someone experience your shitshow.

Oh shit. Yeah that's way worse than a collapsing city with zambabos and killer mutants.

Uh.. James isn't afraid of mannequin legs or nurses, he isn't even afraid of the LARPing KKK guy wearing an iron helmet.

Alessa wasn't afraid of moths or pterodactyls, she in fact loved butterflies and moths going as far as collecting them.

Uh.. Cybil experienced Silent Hill like everyone else and the only reason she was sent there is because the local Silent Hill police department stopped responding.

Henry also experienced a variation of Silent Hill and he was just a guy who enjoyed taking pictures and rented the wrong apartment.

>find gun
>shoot self
>Can't take the easy way out this time, pussy.

You can experience another persons great experience of silent hill.

My biggest fear is being lonely if I went to silent hill there would be nothing there I'd be damned there it would literally send you insane that's the biggest horror loosing your mind

what level of irony are you on?

Instead you're very smart for posting a meme out of context aren't you?

My grammar is pretty scary too

>tfw shotacon
Guess I'll stop at the first guns & ammo store I see as i'm entering Raccoon City. I am not willingly choosing to let Pyramid Head ass rape me eternally. At least I can knowingly die in Raccoon City and the worst that can happen is get eaten, ripped to shreds, or blown up by the nuke. Gruesome but plain old death over eternal psychological/eldritch torture where I don't know if i'm dead or not.

Reminder that going to Silent Hill can:
>curse you to "remain" in Silent Hill's version of the world
>pull you into another person's torment, so no you aren't fine if "lol I have no demons"
>actively has Cultists going around making it worse


>slow zombies
>maybe some BOW's
>maybe some guys with MP5's
>eventually a nuke
>guns and ammo everywhere
>if you set the time on the VCR, you hear a click and 12 shotgun shells fall out of the slot

im not being ironic here this makes no sense

>Cybil experienced Silent Hill like everyone
That implies that the nightmare of one person (Alessa) has been projected onto actual reality. If someone like Alessa isn't there, the cultists are all dead, and you have no deep mental issues you haven't sorted out, Silent Hill should be fine.

then kill yourself new faggot

>>slow zombies
>>maybe some BOW's
>>maybe some guys with MP5's
Can't you see this as the reason why RC is the worse option. These are real things in the real world. If you go to RC, you WILL face these real threats all the time. You can escape SH, but not RC.

I've fired guns, I've never been assaulted by my inner demons made manifest.
What if SH never spawns me a gun?
At least I know I can shoot myself if it comes to it in RC.

The only reason it doesn't affect Laura is because children are for rituals of sacrifice for the God. If you're an adult, Silent Hill will tear your soul apart regardless of who you are or what you did.

So I haven't really gotten into Silent Hill much, but am I wrong in my understanding that the town is escapable so long as you're able to conquer your inner demons and repent in the town's eyes?

obviously Raccoon City. I'd rather be shot or zombified than have to inhabit my own perception of a living nightmare, possibly eternally

There's more to it than that

I've had nightmares about being zombified, you basically lose your sanity. But it's so slow and torturing that the reason why zombies want to kill others that are zombies or not is because we want to kill each other as fast as possible so neither of anyone will suffer the torture of walking around insane... flesh rotting and everything

We can join forces, bruh.

I thought Reddit was the only place that beat memes to death.

The town's power is not moralistic or judgmental, it's not even sentient. It just keeps churning out hellish stuff with some input from your brain.

Where the fuck are you getting that from?

And just being within 10 meters is enough to get infected. Like I was somewhere in the dream where I thought "gee, I can't get infected here". Then slowly you start losing your mind, and think "shit, this must be the virus, I think I'm infected! How the fuck?!" Then I saw and heard other zombies coming. Next thing I knew my head was blown off.

>fight your inner demons or fight thousands of zombies and hundreds of bio-weapons designed to be as deadly as possible some of which can turn fucking invisible

The town isn't a sentient being. It's just an alternate dimension thing where the human subconscious becomes reality and your inner struggles become physical monsters. I don't think you can actually leave, but the monsters do go away if you manage to find peace with yourself.

>slow zombies that can easily be dodged(especially when you're not limited by tank controls) vs flying pterodactyls, strong monkeys, 300lbs mountain of fat that can take lots of punishment and having to face the personification of Satan

REfag pls.

They were nightmares, can't really explain why I wad respawning in them though. Like each respawn was the typical "Can't be infected here!" And the inevitable infection no matter how long it would take in the nightmare.

>he thinks zombies are all your have to worry about in raccoon city
the hole city is a playground for umbrella's bio organic weaponry, this includes shit designed to destroy battalions of infantry

Every silent hill game up til Homecoming is designed specifically to make it possible to just run past every monster.

It makes perfect sense, go back to school kid

Try hitting a hunter with a pipe. I dare you.

So what if my two greatest fears are my little sister dying and people judging me (crippling social anxiety to the point where I am constantly spending my money on material things to try and seek approval of others - clothes, a new phone every year, etc - and spending several hours in the bathroom every morning to make sure I catch any possible flaws - pimples, stray hairs, etc. - before others do)?

>heart on the outside
terrible design


>he says, fully understanding that zombified dogs, birds, and other mammals are exactly as agile as they are uninfected and that zombified reptiles, insects, and plants are SUBSTANTIALLY more dangerous than they could ever be

It's not really your fears manifest but painful memories and the things that you hate yourself for.

Silent Hill since I'm pretty much perfect and have no inner demons. Come on personal flaws, you ain't got nothing I can't handle.

Racoon city. Those little critters are adorable and pretty passive as long as you let them eat their trash in peace.

It's a meme as old as time you retarded faggot. Google it.

Everyone fears pain and death, so technically the town has the upper hand over everyone.

Hanyūda & Granite Orphanage >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both


>become Buddhist
ez pz

Just played SH1 for the first time. Getting into the whole series, gonna do 2 next and try and play them all. Ideally in release order.
Thinking of trying RE next, really just missed the golden age of horror when I was growing up so I'm trying now
What other series should I try
Is Fatal Frame worth it?

>go to Silent Hill
>not searching for my daughter, didn't murder my wife, not involved with any cult shit, don't live in a haunted apartment
>just a normal mentally stable dude having a pleasant trip in a lake side resort town

fatal frame is good if you want to get spooked but I never really cared for it

>painful memories and the things that you hate yourself for.
Painful memories: fucking up in front of people
Things I hate myself for: not doing my best, being apathetic towards everything unless I get something out of it, etc.
I do however hate both of my parents. Like I have actual hatred for both of them.

Pain, yes. But I honestly want to die but don't want to kill myself so I'd just let the town kill me desu.

What about now?

Too lazy to match font in MS Paint.

>lead chill life
>fall for vacation trap in lake side town
>every day of trip men running around town casually asking if ive seen their daughters
It's a nice place to visit

>go to detroit

Death by nuclear immolation please

In a body bag?

I bet you fear the possibility of having your eyes gouged out or being raped by a tall black guy with a 20 inch dick in a jail cell. How about being castrated with no anesthesia then being forced to eat your own testicles or swimming in a river of shit? See? i already found some of your fears and i bet i did a better job than Silent Hill.

Too bad only SH3 features a torture room, because all Silent Hill games should've had torture devices everywhere, as a reminder of what happens to little fags who think they're pure.

I have some good news for both of you

Is the Detroit trip action-packed?

>b-b-but you fear violence
That's not some deep seated character flaw or personal demon jackass

This. Silent Hill is meant to be survivable. By design. It’s like those early Saw films. It’s gonna suck worse than anything in existence, but unlike Racoon City, it’s meant for you to survive

Oh damn, wouldn't want to go to detroit...!

Silent Hill ez since I'd rather fight personal demons and discount baphomet than try to survive Umbrella's bioweapons with a nuke about to be dropped.

Grabbing Aglaophotis from the hospital in SH also goes a lot further than mixing Daylight at the university in RE since encounters with everything that isn't a generic zombie or crow would be fatal

Assuming I can sight jack too, Hanuda ez

It's like i said above, James is not afraid or traumatized of nurses, mannequins or rapists wearing a piece of iron on their heads, he is in fact afraid of being raped or having that huge knife impaled through his chest or being hit in the head with those pipes the nurses carry.

Many creatures in Silent Hill carry weapons or sharp objects, the creatures are directly attacking the protagonist in violent ways and that's why the protagonist has to defend himself. So it's literally the fear of violence that keeps the protagonist of these games going.

Lol so why would anyone go to raccoon land when they can just go here and meditate for 5 minutes for peace and there will be no monsters?

if you're in silent hill you're already dead/doomed. there is no way out.

racoon city is fucked but at least you have a chance.

easy choice

The nurses directly agonize James for a variety of personal reasons ranging from their appearances bullying his sexual deprivation in the later end of his marriage to his constant exposure to hospital staff while Mary was getting ineffectually treated. Your fixation on rape and violence sounds like garbage from American Horror Story

>So it's literally the fear of violence that keeps the protagonist of these games going.
brainlet, did you even play the games? saying violence was the main motivator for characters like Heather or Henry delving into SH is absurd

Which Girls are present and do any of them have a thing for me?

I only played 2 because my friends told me it's the only good one and the other ones suck, but i bet they have something to do with Satan and bullshit like that right? Yeah, not interested.