Metal Gear Survive beta

will you play it Sup Forums?

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I mean I'm gonna try it.

Probably, yah.

Kate Beckinsale could walk into my living room right now and offer me sexual pleasure if I played Metal Gear Survive and I still wouldn't fucking buy this piece of garbage.

>Loyal to a hack

It's konami's fault right :^)

I hope its better than MGS5


Wait, it's not on pc

I don't hate Survive because I'm in love with Kojima. I hate Survive because it requires a constant internet connection, features microtransactions and doesn't even have Snake as the protagonist.

Also, you don't have to love Kojima to realize Konami is literally worse than AIDS and cancer. I am not supporting this game because Konami is the Japanese EA.

Do you need ps+ to play?

lol no, MT faggotry on it. I'm not supporting jews

>Hurrr he doesn't like to eat shit like me

>requires a constant internet connection,
>2018 and this is somehow a problem
>features microtransactions
MGSV has them too
>and doesn't even have Snake as the protagonist.
Do you really want Snake in this?
Granted it would still have a better story than MGSV

>Always online


most certainly not

Can't get any matches in Europe

>features microtransactions
They've already shown them to be nothing more than 2% boosts and things you can get in game normally. Also apparently you can get small amounts of the cash shop currency just by playing.

If it's alive six months down the line, I might pick it up.

It really depends on if it ends up being "Man MGSV really didn't exploit this engine" or "Man, take the crazy out of Metal Gear and it's really shit."


Lucky for you she’d give you sexual pleasure if you played it, not bought it, right? So just play it, get your pleasure and be done

But how do you even know it's shit?

>not on the US store

The microtransaction is almost not there.
But yeah the strongest hate/turn off is the constant online, despite how you can play the co-op missions by yourself (And get a load more materials, with no depleting stamina)

>us psn
>add to cart
>eu psn
>add to basket

What the fuck? Also, what's the size of the beta?


nice, thanks

downloading. here i go!

looks like shit desu

Fucking no.
This is the worst case of reusing assets and a franchise name to attempt to bring in fans of the past games.

Absolutely fucking not, especially after the shit show with 5.

While I despise the idea that Kojima has no part in this, the gameplay engine alone makes me want to take another shot at it. It also looks to be one of the more effectively designed crafting mechanics as the entire game seems centered around this concept. Also combat looks as great as the swarming enemies give a different combat pattern from infantry units in past metal gear games. And as we all know, a change in game design necessitates a change in play style and I'm all the more for it. Sure, it's a shameless cash grab, but there is the chance that there is a legitimately good game being buried all that consumer hate.

Based Caramel told me that this game was really the first part of chapter 3, so of course I’ll be playing it

Not a priority

Sure, I'll try the beta, and, if I like it, I'll buy it!

>Kojimaless MGS
>generic zombie shooter
>loot boxes
hahahah no

It's a zombie sandbox clone full of recycled assets either lifted straight from MGS V or minimally edited in a hack job any amateur modder could pull off from what's been shown so far. Even as they've replaced most of the DD assets from MGS V with proper MSF models, they still looked to have lifted those assets straight out of the cutscenes they were made for. Small portion of it is still MGS V Diamond Dogs era shit which doesn't jive with their story.

The guy they put in charge of it means well but they want 30? dollars for that shit?

They've only shown a recycled Kabul too, so if they're keeping a ton of custom content under wraps they should probably show just a little more.

Good news is that if MGS V modding continues or it gets a second wind and there's a major effort to crack the rest of the files that need to be deciphered, might be able to back port some of the Surviva assets.


you could say you were going to play the game and have sex with her and when the time comes just play for a few seconds and give up she didn't say how long you have the play the game

this is why you fail at life OP

It's just a mod for 30 bucks.

No,it's just another bland shooter with zombies and crafting

literally a spin-off that's not pretending to be anything other than that.

t. started the series with 5

anyone got an US link for the open beta?

Rising did fine without Kojima or Snake.

Kojima stepped in to can the original Rising and set Platinum on the path to developing Rising: Revengeance.

But it is fine without Snake. It just needs good execution.

is it UK only or something? cos im not gonna bother digging up my britbong account for this

They know it'll be datamined and we'll find out the game has 10 hours worth of content.

Game has HDR on the X version.
Things are looking promising.

>everybody loves Nintendo Labo
>"fucking stupid for children"

>everybody hates Metal Gear Survive
>"hey guys give it a chance come on"

typical Sup Forums contrarianism

Sorry for bringing this guy, but he explains pretty well why Survive Microtransactions and always online is worrying

Always online is worrying because the game doesn't really need a constant internet connection

Microtransactions might make the game pay2win since you are getting boost packs and the fact that Konami is heavily involved with Pachinko shit, they might even bring lootboxes

not out yet, probably around midnight

Well, it still is a beta, who knows what will come up on the official launch.
Still Gamespot is purposefully using some aggressive words.

I already saw the video like how he forgot to mention that MGSV IS P2W.
This is a COOP online game and so far the microtransactions do really effect you at all if you play with friends.

>sorry guys, what you've seen doesn't matter because this guy says something bad MIGHT happen


>requires constant internet connection

Nevermind that it's just another generic horde mode shooter

Labo is retarded and so is this.

This is Konami we're talking about, so don't really get your hopes high up

The game being always online is worrying for the beggining

i cant wait to pay real money to increase my stamina meter so i can complete more actions per hour!

I'm only every playing this online with friends.
Online only means nothing to me.

>MGSV has them too
And now we know it was Konami, not Kojima that forced them in there.

The beta? Sure, why not? It's free afterall.
I'm really ambivalent about the whole game, I'm definitely not excited and I don't expect it to be _great_ in any way, but I'm pretty sure to buy it because it's co-op and it's less than full-retail price.
So getting a hands on feel is just logical, even if only to calibrate my expectations of the final product.

>quick match searches NA cause I'm on my NA PSN
>no one was dumb enough to download it in that region but me

god dammit


it's a solid game but zombie and crafting games are incredibly boring
also if you've played mgsv it feels like a shell of a game

I'll play more SDVX for you, my dude.

time to cue up those playlists



The original Rising wasn't even supposed to be directed by Kojima.

If I could actually download it, then I'd give it a shot. I can't get it to pull up on the store for the life of me

Oh shit, I wonder if any part of the cassette player made it to Survive. Haven't seen anything yet.

The game seems fun when you get the hang of it but holy shit this beta is an awful introduction to it.

Fucking kill yourself

Nah, he's fine. Can't have Konami shilling unchallenged in these threads. For example, calling out MGSV for microtransactions and then saying Survive is totally fine as if Konami wasn't responsible for both is pretty suspect.

>no PC beta

Well he's right, it could be anal beads.

now thats a kek

So fucking what?
Nobody was bitch about that and the game has been out for 2 years, but now since their lord and Savior Kojima isn't part of this, its now a problem. Either both are fine or neither are fine.

No single player, no story, only the shitty journa-gamers had access to it, but the failed badly.

Neither are fine. Plus, I recall lots of bitching about FOB P2W.

But you can play the beta yourself right now.
The real problem isn't the lack of single-player, it's that there's no tutorial outside of the tips menu and you have to try and figure out the UI and map in the 3 minutes before the first wave starts when you start the mission. At least they give you some time to adjust to the controls first in the waiting room.

FOB was extremely p2w that why it upsets me more that NOW people are getting upset about microtransactions in this game its nowhere near as bad as MGSV

fuck yea, why wouldn't i? its going to be good and ill have fun, or its going to be shit and ill have fun seeing just how shitty it is. it's a win win, my money is on shit though.

The beta is pretty eh. The gathering and crafting is pretty run of the mill, the only fun thing in the middle of these base defense missions are the little side objectives that pop up, but even that it's really eh. It could be fun for $20, not $40.

>no PC

I know it was a gook cash grab, but I actually wanted to try it. I guess I shouldn't be upset considering what it'll be, but that still sucks.

>can't find it on the NA PlayStation store

Konami forced microtransactions into an otherwise mostly single-player game. Technically, you didn't have to make a FOB if you didn't want any of the rewards. The difference here is Konami has a game genre (survival, crafting, base building) that is built around sucking wallets dry with a P2W model. It's a little more transparent this time.


because it's not the 18th in NA, you fuck.

>that is built around sucking wallets dry with a P2W model
[citation needed]

>he difference here is Konami has a game genre (survival, crafting, base building) that is built around sucking wallets dry with a P2W model.
But that wrong.
FoB was p2w because unless you didn't you're resources and staff would be taken, you would have to pay to keep your base secure.
Survivals microtransactions are geared to making the grind a little less bad, not defending yourself against others players with larger wallets.

Didn't know it was suppose to be up on the 18th, thanks user
fuck you too

love you too

>implying p2w only applies to pvp

Rather play a P2W in a PVE game than in a PVP