>w-why are you mad about this Sup Forums!?
Mad? I don’t think you all understand, this is the next “no games” meme of Sup Forums. this one is gonna be remebered for a long, long, long, loooooooong time, don’t you worry about that.
>w-why are you mad about this Sup Forums!?
Mad? I don’t think you all understand, this is the next “no games” meme of Sup Forums. this one is gonna be remebered for a long, long, long, loooooooong time, don’t you worry about that.
Anyone who makes wojak edits is mad.
you can just download the printouts for free, although most of the cost is for the games
>criticize something
>lol you are mad bro
Will this ever stop? People are trying to defend literal paper.
>It's for children though!
Fuck off. I know that you're gonna buy this shit.
But it is for children, and I'm not gonna buy it. Really the problem is on you for taking console wars and video game shitposting so seriously
The market will determine Labo's success or failure.
This is more significant for Sup Forums shitposting to be honest, no matter what happens now, Nintendo will always be “that cardboard guy” from now on. Even if it outsells the PS2.
Nintendo is lucky that their market is a bunch of autists.
What else is he going to do? Sexually satisfy his gf?
Imagine being this pissy about something you will never buy but will be fucking livid the first time you see some kids having a good time with.
What kind of backwards logic do you have to have to come to the conclusion Sony fanboys would be mad about Nintendo fanboys playing with cardboard?
got em
All I see is a couple of retards on Sup Forums shitposting endlessly about a game and accessory for children. Most reasonable people do not give a shit.
so are we going to expect daily thrads of soyboardtendos?
So... why are you so mad about it?
Imagine bein THIS pissy about shitposting. You know damn well this has nothing to do with the product user, this is purely about being able to shoutdown nintendo fags in threads and its gonna work.
Its the next “no games” the next 10 year meme.
>Labo sells poorly
>Labo sells well
>i..it's just because people are stupid
You aren't shutting anyone down. Most people don't give a shit, and most people defending it are false flagging wojack posters anyway.
It's one game/accessory released with little fanfare for children. All you people are doing is acting far more immature than the children that will actually play with the stupid thing.
Mind if I borrow this image, user? Got some buds that aren't allowed over here that would love to see this one XD
>im not mad!
No reply will work with this one user.
/o/ here.
Is the whole point of this board just to collect ammo so fans of different platforms can shitpost each other in a endless fight that will never have a definitive conclusion?
Triggered much, Cuckistani? Go back to being pissed off that you can't stop crying in the shower.
Pretty much. I only have a PC and I regularly false flag as a Nintendo or Sony fanboy depending on the thread.
>Nintendies get fucking cardboard for playing pretend
>Sony bros only have bloodborne
I'd be upset too if I was a sonybro desu
>triggered much
Why are these fags acting like bloodborne II just got announced as a Switch exclusive when they are talking about a cardboard box? Despite what mommy told you user, not everyone who bullies you is just jeleous of you.
Because cardboards are better than no games.
Heads up, guys. This isn't an actual fan of Sony, but an impostor. Take EXTREME caution if you dare to respond, for you may fall for his bait...
I can't wait for Joseph Anderson to tear Nintendo a new asshole over this
It's going to be glorious
>Spend A YEAR trying to convince everyone that nintendo is not going after the toddler and parents audience.
>Ruin it in mere seconds with the biggest brand exploitation in gaming history.
but can it do this???
whats even more funny that this still rings true even though all that has happened
I can only imagine how much you were shaking while typing this post.
Objectively correct. They're only going to get more mad once this gimmick prints more money than amiibos and Sony starts desperately trying to copy it.
Because they know it'll be more entertaining then the PSP lines ever were and they are still crying about bricking their Vitas so they'd have games to play on them.
>/ourguy/ Joseph Anderson doing this after exposing 06yssey as the worst 3D Mario game
Can't fucking wait. One of the most prominent voices in modern vidya by our side on thus shit.
Like you are now?
>Because cardboards are better than no games
Why are you shitting on the Switch now?
Nice projection, OP.
What? No one else cares about handhelds my man, this isn’t 1998 anymore kek. I unironically do not care about “on the go”
It disturbs me that Sup Forums has sunk to the point where people casually admit to falseflagging as if it's a fun and normal activity.
>No one else cares about handhelds my man, this isn’t 1998 anymore kek.
What is the entire nation of Japan? You know, where the Switch is kicking the PS4's teeth in because consoles are dead there?
>Make thread damage controlling your anger about cardboard
>Get called out on it
its aimed at kids, nintendo knows they will whine until parents buy it
>What is the entire nation of Japan?
Someone please give me a quick rundown of this, wtf is happening?
No, you and your shitty fetish are a minority.
this proves that scamtendo can slap their logo on anything and shitendo cucks will eat it up
is math hard for you, OP?
80$-$60 software=$20
The basic model is $70 so the cardboard is $10
Holy shit you are actually mad right now aren’t you?? Humorless.
Nintendo is trying to catch the kid demographic
They are trying this with tech demos and cardbord papercraft
retarded shitposters here dont know that the price is actully the tech demo itself.
The cardboard is free.
If cardboard is free then they would not have $70 dollar cardboard and $80
Based first poster
What else is there to do here? It's literally nothing but finding new ways to shit on whatever is popular. If you want actual discussion, you go to another site
I think it's an interesting idea. Obviously it's for kids but it's interesting nonetheless.
Also I think they're onto something with pic related. Full body VR is really expensive and takes a ton of computing power so this is a very clever workaround. Obviously much more limited than real VR but still would have some applications.
What is there to see? Do you not realize that half the posts in these threads are people laughing at you idiots for being pissed at cardboard aimed at children? Normal humans would have looked at this and not given a shit.
I still don't understand why no games is even a meme about the PS4 anymore when it has better exclusives than any other console.
This shit will be forgotten in a month, NOGAEMS will last forever, or until a Sony console gets some games. So forever
Honestly, it probably won't. It'll get its period of ridicule and then Sup Forums will probably forget about it the next time something stupid as fuck comes out.
It looks cool but I wonder how fragile the mechanism inside is
>Calling Sony fans yggers is uncensored again
>But only if you also call them soyboys
Mod incompetence actually pays off for once
I'm seeing this cardboard thing all over Sup Forums, what'd I miss?
After the game is released they will add new content in the game and start selling new cardboard designs for probably like $20
They weren't lucky, everything was planned from the start.
>target market are weak willed easily distracted manchildren
>condition them brightly colored wacky games from safe well established franchises
>so when the time came to sell shoddy shovelware, just *Bing Bing Wahoo* and watch your target market salivate like Pavlov's Dog
Is there a worse fanbase than Nintendo?
They’re literally defending a $80 cardboard with gimminicky “games”
They’re really replying to anything that badmouth their toy