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All this tells me is what age group is most likely to answer an email survey.
You are right.
Anyone who defends that shitty gimmick is not an adult.
So? Doesn't disprove all the middle age men who play kids games
Nintendo recently been releasing a lot of press note implying they want to grow their younger market in new ways, so yeah memes aside thats what this is but whatever.
>nintendo notice that the switch isn't selling well or being used by the child demographic
>they respond with labo, a product line targeted towards that demographic
it's not hard OP
Nice safe space faggot.
The keyword there is PURCHASER. Why the fuck would a kid under 12 have the money to buy a console?
>3.5% response rate out of 800,000 on a console with 10 million user strong base
That should help sell it to children really well.
The bitch demographic is teens, they refuse to be associated with Nintendo. That explains a lot about this board.
>nintendo sells cardboard
>shitposters go crazy
>turns out the cardboard is free
>go even crazier
>>turns out the cardboard is free
please don't spread misinformation just so you can shitpost more
>for the kit since you could buy the game and schematics and source your own cardboard
I guess it's okay to be a brony because a lot of manchildren do it
This graph is garbage. Everyone knows girls play games just as much as guys.
on SONY maybe
oh snap GOTEM
No its actually a fairly good representation of the generation who grew up in Nintendo's prime where they were a common household name.
Kill yourself dumb pigskin cracker
Can you name any 12 year olds who can afford a switch? If these are purchasing statistics than the majority of the adult child disparity is because the adults are buying the system for their kids, fucking dumb shit
>reading comprehension
Look at the whole fucking image before you post, you mongrel.
Wait so the game is just fucking instructions on how to assembly plus some shovelware?
That's hilarious.
So children weren't interested in Switch so Nintendo makes something to appeal more to them? What is Nintendo thinking?
What's hilarious is your continuous denial for a kid's game.
Shit I didn't see this retard until it was too late. I might as well spell it out for you too:
>Question: What is the age and gender of the person in your household who had the strongest desire to purchase Nintendo Switch?
>kids game where they send you cardboard and virtual assembly instructions
yes it is very hilarious
that's literally the people who grew up with nintendo and can't let fucking go
the labo market is about 40% of the Switch userbase.
>he wasn't smart enough as a kid to comprehend assembly instructions
so you're the kid who broke all the toys he got for christmas
>he wasn't creative enough as a kid to assemble his own robot suit out of FREE BOXES
man it must feel horrible to have been such a brainlet as a kid
Thanks for proving the point, faggot.
With such a pitiful presence on the child demographic it's no wonder they're trying to expand and capitalize over that niche.
This happens every single time this pictures comes up.
>Question: what is the age and gender of the person in your household who had the strongest desire to purchase Nintendo Switch?
Listen up, dickfuck
Kids from 5-12 have no desire to purchase a multi hundred dollar console when they have 8 cents in their shitty piggy bank, the adult with the resources has the desire.
>less then 30,000 answers for a console with 10 million owners (that's 0.3%)
>answers only from people who signed up for a fucking loyalty program and accepted an email survey
>pretty poorly worded/ambigious question
oh jee i wonder what kind of results that'd lead to and whether they'd be biased or accurate
>nintendo gives you the chance to make your robot suit work in video games when you had to imagine in the past
>he wants to stick to his imagination while other people are using the console
i call it enhancing my experience, you angry child
>Only Nu-male adults, hipster adults and adults with too much throwaway money want to play Nintendo
>10% of trannies and vagoos getting btfo
Good graph.
>Kids from 5-12 have no desire to purchase a multi hundred dollar console
surely you can't be this stupid right? what does the retail value of a product matter to the effectiveness of advertisement?
Kids are piss easy to advertise to.
my 12 year old cousin mowed lawns until he could afford a xbox one and a flat screen.
>Gets proven wrong
>Goes apeshit
Maybe you should get Labo, it's catered towards children.
No, you listen. The question boils down to who desired it the most. Are you telling me that some ten year old faggot wouldn't ask for something expensive? Kids have no concept of value. God you're a fucking idiot.
>nintendo gives you the chance to make your robot suit work in video games when you had to imagine in the past
For $80 bucks.
Are you too young to remember the build and program robots that were popular as fuck? They were about $50 for a real building and robot experience.
This is fucking cardboard and cheap wiring to connect it to a "video game" in the switch. Half the product for twice the price.
No shit, it still mentions the purchaser in the small text. How many bought it so their kids would shut the fuck up about it?
My point is kids cant desire to purchase a product they dont have money for, ye idiot
2% to 7%. Less than 14% are under 18.
that's wrong though you retard. Kid's toys wouldn't be such a huge market if that were true.
>kids can't desire a toy they see
confirmed for never being around a child. Probably a good thing.
Look this is a programmable remote control car that you can build and mod for less than the price of nintendo's shit.
But because it's nintendo it's a better product right?
Granted, the question is worded poorly, but you autists taking it too literally.
That's what we adults would call an outlier. Have you even heard that term before?
>For $80 bucks.
>They were about $50 for a real building and robot experience.
counting for inflation they should be $100+, Labo is still cheaper
This is fucking cardboard so it's easy to mend and replace. None of the build and program robots had anything like a video game to attach your creations to. Half the product? It's twice you seething manchild. You're literally getting mad at something you won't buy.
fuck this one even helps build an understanding of physics
Nintendo is trying to break into a totally separate market in the laziest and cheapest way possible. It is truly amazing to witness.
>email survey
>600k people got the email
>11% response rate
So 66k people = the whole switch userbase. But yeah keep being fucking retarded.
>It's twice you seething manchild.
Keep telling yourself that.
>getting mad at something you won't buy
I'm laughing at the absolute state nintendo has fallen to in 2018. I thought things were looking up with the switch and then they go and pull something like this.
Sad thing is it is going to sell like hotcakes, and nintendo is going to become even lazier because they will realize they can sell anything.
>Look this is a programmable remote control car that you can build and mod for less than the price of nintendo's shit.
Where's the video game?
If one part gets broken, how much will it cost to replace? Fucking morons.
>Keep telling yourself that.
Well it's true. You're having a fucking meltdown over a kid's toy you won't buy.
>I'm l-laughing
It is going to make Nintendo laugh all the way to the bank and you'll still be lonely in your mom's basement crying about shit you don't own, just like now. ;)
I hope any parents who bought a Switch for their kid isn't as dumb you and understood the point of the fucking question.
>he thinks it's going to be something more than shovelware to sell along with the cardboard
I can tell you are young just by how high your expectations are.
And why does the remote control car have to have a video game? This might be a surprise for you, BUT YOU CAN PLAY WITH IT OUTSIDE.
>it's true
yes keep telling yourself that little boy.
>It is going to make Nintendo laugh all the way to the bank and you'll still be lonely in your mom's basement crying about shit you don't own, just like now. ;)
Yet them making a killing off of this is one of the reasons I find it so hilarious. Because people like you will fucking buy it.
This type of comedy gold is priceless.
>I can tell you are young just by how high your expectations are.
I can tell how young you are just by how mad you're getting.
Wow amazing guess i can take the labos outside too
>Yet them making a killing off of this is one of the reasons I find it so hilarious. Because people like you will fucking buy it.
Underage autism at its finest
>lmao u mad bro?
and you call others autistic while you defend nintendo selling LITERAL CARDBOARD
I don't get it, the average gamer age is something like 35.
>no u
don't call others autistic when you get mad at nintendo for selling cardboard and everyone else who's gonna buy it.
>10M user base
>survey says as of April 17th (aka 1 month after release)
you can desire something while not having the ability to acquire it, you half a meatball
Smooth mang
>responses to an email survey
>Look at the whole fucking image before you post, you mongrel
>you autists taking it too literally
pick one
>from an email survey sent to costumers
>response rate: about 3.5%
>quotes people arguing against labo haters
>links image of actual switch usage
well of course kids under 16 aren't buying it for themselves.... who bought you games when you were 12?
like 80% my mom, 20% me.
youre telling me you earned actual money when you were 12? sure
>how do surveys work
I need this, teach me fampai
Allowance money? Money from relatives? Selling old games I had? Yeah I had some money as a kid and bought games sometimes.
Read the fine print doofus.
>allowance money
yea because thats your actual money and not your moms.
>selling old games
who bought those huh?
A bunch of man children and numales. Color me surprised.
Your question was who bought your games when you were 12. My response said I sometimes bought my own games with the money I had at the time. No I didn't make that money, but I sometimes used it to buy a game I wanted to. Usually Wii games cuz that's what I liked as a 12 year old.
>people give you money
>can do with it as you please
>take that money to buy some vidya
What's so complex about that?
1. This is data from very soon after the Switch's launch. It is obvious that looking at people who bought the Switch at launch will give you data that reflects largely existing game fans with enough money to decide on their own to make a major purchasing decision.
2. Looking at just the person with the strongest desire to purchase the Switch does not give you the entire demographic of actual users. Nintendo's survey also shows that most Switch consoles are used by more than one person within the household. That means there are many Switch users who are not represented in this data.
3. The console's existing demographic does not decide the target demographic for all future projects. If interest in the console is skewed towards one demographic, it's all the more reason to try and provide more to appeal to other demographics.
Doesn't that question not really ask what they're trying to ask. Not many
>purchaser age/gender distribution
What's the best way to attract new demographics? Add things that appeal to young people. Building shit and interesting ways to use game devices help bring in young people.