Why are they so cute?
Why are they so cute?
Other urls found in this thread:
She's not cute, she's Hawaiian and probably stinks like shit
I miss Yusuke Ohmura
How do I calm down ghost loli?
their young armpits
with protec
acerola is a miracle of the universe
Can I lewd the Chicken loli?
They're cute because they were drawn with big round heads with big eyes.
I want to lick Chicken-chan's armpits!
Thats how cute little girls look user
What about her girlfriend?
Only one of them is Hawaiian.
because 2d lesbians are cute by default
acerola doesn't stink you cocksucker, I bet she smells fragrant like violets
I never said she did, but to be fair she is a wandering little waif who dresses in rags and wanders around abandoned buildings, including a supermarket that probably has more than a little rotting food.
Stop discussing little girl smells.
Huh, I've heard a lot of people saying they dislike Ohmura's art.
I want to sniff both of their legs!
it's a mystery
This. lets talk about their thighs.
My Babies
>it's a pedo thread
Hope all of you sick fuckers rot in a hole.
but what about little girl tummies
There is literally nothing wrong with sniffing lolis
I just came here for the Pokemon, /vp/ is fucking terrible and I didn't see any other thread.
Speaking of which, what does Sup Forums think of a Pokemon designed by Ken Sugimori himself? Do you even remember this Pokemon?
>he doesn't like lolis
That thing's from gen V right? That's the only thing I remember.
Yeah, it's actually pretty rare iirc. It's the counterpart of the metal ant, Durant, and it melts their insides with its flame lash tongue.
Despite having its rivalry with Durant, who I can easily recall, I do tend to forget heatmor.
Yeah. Doesn't help that as a predator and prey type of thing, Heatmor is far rarer than the absurdly common Durant.
Why was my post deleted?
Could it be because Heatmor is a shitmon? Also
>deleted posts
Nice thread, pedophiles, but this shitty thread is going to be deleted.
You misspelled sexy
>deleted posts
I dont really have the names of any Pokemon past gen 3 memorized, but I remember that design. It's pretty good.
But one of them is 11.
out of 10
That's fine
>cuck newfag janitor blocks me from posting
>I don't get banned
lol. new applications
That man gets way more credit than he deserves, especially considering the fact that he only designed anti-Genwunner arguments like Magnemite, Diglett, and Exeggcute lines. With the only praised lines of his being Gastly and Bulbasaur, where people pull the "hur dur Gengar is simple, Venusaur is overdesigned" thing. Not to mention his Gen 5 designs are pretty not noteworthy like Sawk and Throh, and the Klink line.
There are retards who think that he designed the entire original 151
you say that like it's a bad thing
Speaking of which, why did GF go back to 11 year old MCs? X and Y had 17 and everyone loved it.
Putting aside the genwar arguments, I do quite like the Exeggcute line and Magnemite. I believe that they use Magnemite primarily to shit on people who are whining about objectmons though.
>everyone loved it
my dick didn't
My dick loved both.
Serena more though
Imagine a 17 year old Chicken-chan, she'd be perfect.
Imagine a 7 year old Chicken-chan, she'd be perfect.
Yeah, I quite those types of mons too, but it does feel like people believe that he designed more popular mons like Charizard, Scyther and all that
I love the gen 7 lolis as much as the next guy, but you've gotta be crazy not to recognize how fuckable Serena is.
I want to lick Lillie's butt hole
Bland bitch. Only good with Shauna.
Woah mama
Is 11 year old Chicken-chan not enough for you?
Is 1 year old Chicken-chan not enough for you?
You are small time. Also shauna is dumpster trash
This thread has a terminal case of shit taste
How would you comfort Lana after this?
Anal sex, just what she was named for and made for
That is a little old for my taste but I can make an exception.
Acerola is really cute!
>Dressed in rags
So, what kind of panties is she wearing?
nopan, probably
I bet Hapu smells
Girls don't poop silly
>Unanimous nopan
Seriously Sup Forums don't lewd the ghost loli
Seriously reddit get out
>Venusaur is overdesigned
I've literally never heard this.
I believe someone would say it, but I also believe that they're in the Tyrannical Minority of Idiots.
If she can't afford a nice looking dress, do you really think she can afford panties?
She's a farmgirl. That goes without saying.
She could ask the Aether foundation for a pair.
Venusaur is Ken Sugimori's least liked monster because he feels it has too many details that make it tedious to draw.
Ironically also says freaking Zekrom is his favourite Gen 5 Pokemon
like She is the last of the Royal line if I recall, so her outfit might even be some recreation of an ancient dress or even an actual antique outfit that's now more patches and stitching than fabric.
I mean, i'm not saying she does wear panties but she might not just be wearing rags because poor orphan.
You will never use your status as Champion and tamer of the Tapu and Ultra-beasts to help Acerola rebuild the Alolan monarchy and become her king after BTFOing all of Unova's Imperialist Haolis
Well, he probably puts a lot of effort into the box cover legends (most of them have been designed by him afaik, Yveltal & Xerneas being exceptions) so in that sense it's not surprising if he feels that way. It's not like Zekrom is a bad choice.
Zekrom is pretty cool though, in a pretty regular way.
You guys are going to watch for her when she appears in the anime, right?
I would've expected her to appear at least once by now, she's a relatively important game NPC.
Has the anime really been that slow?
Will Chicken-chan appear?
This, to put it rather bluntly
>Has the anime really been that slow?
I think the anime messed with the pacing and events.
According to the wiki in episode 53, they fought Mother Beast
I see. Weird that a major story boss from the game would appear that early in a Pokemon season but meh. Haven't watched much since BW, had a few XYZ episodes too but largely forgot it until the BURASTO BAAAAAANtroversy erupted on /vp/.
100% adorable
It's a weird pace. They've done the cosmog and lusamine plotlines in a quicker time than anticipated.
Next arc appears to focus on the Ultra Beasts.
Game Freak realized they made a stinking turd of a game and inject waifufaggotry into it so people would criticize it less while they're busy fapping to their monthly waifus
>you will never have your own Acerola
>busy fapping to their monthly waifus
The ones who get the most porn are the lolis though, so I don't think anyone is fapping.
What would you do with an Acerola?
Because they're highly fuckable.
UBs already? I love UBs but goddamn that is a weird pace.
Also what the fuck is Kiawe doing, saying hello to that Buzzwole? Half of that looks like the official art/DW art copied and pasted.
Catch ghosts
>inconspicuous van idles in the distance
Yuck too old.