Let's have a nice thread

Let's have a nice thread.
What did you do today?
What is your favourite video game and why?

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worked and came on here. had some laughs, singing a song.
i really have no answer for the video game one. but it'll be nier automata and mhw when i get a psfo

I try finish my book, but just could write like 4 pages

I dont know. I play so many games, but never enough to come to a census on the subject

I love Kass!

I expanded on pic related!

My top 5 favorite videogames, in no particular order, are La-mulana, Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy 6, Lisa, and Killer 7! I like them all because they're a whole and complete package filled with variety of atmosphere, gameplay mechanics, and thought-provoking stimulation, while Lisa is there because I loved the story and music but only wish it was longer, had more content, and better gameplay!

sm64, because until odyssey it was the best alignment of platforming in 3d plus incredibly entertaining levels and design

Played video games, shitposted on Sup Forums avoiding all the threads bitching about cardboard's been pretty hard, cooked some pasta for dinner.

Spyro 2 probably? I've never thought of any particular game as my favourite.

I went shopping today and stared at my phone in confusion over cardboard Switch peripherals.

>nier automata
that's a really good one, i hope you enjoy it
>I try finish my book, but just could write like 4 pages
What's it about?
You have a lot of favourites!
>until odyssey
what did odyssey do better?
>avoiding all the threads bitching about cardboard's been pretty hard
i find avoiding threads about current topics is quite healthy, good on you for cooking pasta, it's 10/10 if you make it right
what did you shop for?

sorry i didn't reply properly to you

A story about the 8 incarnations of the devil in purgatory talking about their lives when in flesh as they wait for the arrive of the 9th.

I'm picturing a more religious and darker version of that one episode of Batman: The Animated Series. That what you going for or something much less comedic?

Just woke up, will play something. Alone. Again.
Favorites are Lineage II, Mass Effect and Dark Souls.

I didn't do anything except feel sorry for myself
>favorite game
uh... Super Mario Galaxy 1 makes me feel nostalgic, I guess

i hope you have a nice day OP

i just worked today, nothing special

these are my favorite video games

>Just woke up, will play something. Alone. Again.
What are some genres you like, user? I won't promise anything good but I can try to play some games with you. Loneliness is really bad, I should know.
>Super Mario Galaxy
The Comet Observatory and the library are superb and I dislike mario galaxy 2 for inadvertedly shitting on them.
>i hope you have a nice day OP
Thanks, user, it means a lot.
Also that is a beautiful 3x3.

also please don't feel sorry for yourself, try to improve, look at what you can do, not what's gone wrong and woe is me, please

I was going for a more dramatic/depressive aproach, the people locked in purgatory only find out they were pieces of the devil after dying and they all had their share of suffering. So far i have ony made the tale of the 7th and 4th incarnation, still have a bit of trouble with the others, maybe i'll reduce the cast.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

>What are some genres you like, user?
Unfortunately, MMO. Already tried everything we have now, so until Bless, Lost Ark, WoW Classic or anything decent will came out there is nothing to play. I burn out from any other game fast, also I don't know how to communicate out of MMO, so yeah heh... Better not bother, but thanks. I don't deserve friend.

>I don't deserve friend.
Do not think like that. I don't like MMOs, but name some ones I could try for free and I might look into them. Everybody deserves friends, I'm a horrible cynical asshole yet I've got friends I would cut off my own limbs to protect, I want everyone to feel the same way.

hi I had a nice day and I'm considering masturbating

favorite game? crusader kings, you can basically do anything and you use your imagination

Is it based at all on the 7 deadly sins or are you more just trying to make sympathetic bad (bad as in morally bad not badly written) characters?
>hi I had a nice day
Glad to hear it!
>crusader kings
The first one or the second? I love the second one provided I pirated the DLCs but I heard some people saying the first one is better, not sure why though

I'm making them more sympathetic bad with some just being plain bad.

Do you have a working title?

The 9th guest

i hope it goes great and if I see it on amazon in the next year I'll consider a look at it
best of luck, user

Good for you, never had feel like this one. I'm egoistical enough to never feel like this. Only hope is if I met somebody to become something more meaningful in my life than my ego. Not sure male friend could do it.

Thanks, pal. Really hope i don't lost my will to continue.

>Also that is a beautiful 3x3.
thank you OP

this is a good thread. good job!

LISTEN TO ME you need to read Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. it will change your life.

It's my birthday.

Went to Disneyland for the first time. Always assumed I'd see fake looking animatronics like FNAF but was surprised at how convincing everything was.

Casually playing and cooping with random people on DS3 lately. Fun way to kill a few hours into the night

Please don't do it, I was in a similar situation last year and I am so glad I didn't do it. Seriously I'm good at listening to people vent, I don't want a suicide case here, j even have the timestamp of minutes before I was about to jump off beachy head

I picked up my new car today, it's small but comfortable, I really like it.

My favourite game is EVE Online, I like it when games allow you to do whatever you want, and the game's narrative takes backseat to the achievements of it's playerbase.

>Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain
sounds very philosophical, title remins me of Life of Pi. I'll have a look!
I've only ever been able to go to Disneyland Paris years ago as a kid but I loved every second of it.
I always wanted to get into Dark Souls but the dumb jokes and such turned me off. If it's really that good I might give it a try.
>I picked up my new car today, it's small but comfortable, I really like it.
If it gets the job done and it's comfy for you, and you can afford it, you did well!
>EVE online
Everyone's heard about the player battle, and while the spreadsheet simulator takes centrestage, there is no way I can't respect a game that goes full player control on everything.

Doing a 100% of this game, so far loving how even the sidequests have some character development, as small as it is.

I like your subtlety

second one, and I've never heard people speak about the first one (it looks like garbage desu)

whats your fave game? nobody has asked you that

It's just a picture, user. I can't even finish myself. Pathetic.

>I like your subtlety
I legit can't tell if that's sarcasm or not but whatever
>whats your fave game? nobody has asked you that
It's gonna have to be Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. I'm biased because I played it a lot when I was young but I legitimately believe it's one of the most well-designed FPS games of it's decade.
user, seriously, if you need to vent, just give some info where to contact you and I'll listen, promise.

I tried looking some stuff about this game but I'm not sure what to make of it? What's so great about it?

If you want to start the series, definitely go chronological. Going back to DS1 feels very restrictive and awkward and the flaws -really- stick out now and are much harder to ignore unlike my first playthrough.

DS3 feels really arcadey after I learned the general gist and strategy. I always build in a similar way by leveling a lot of health before any damage stats and when in doubt, spam roll.

>I'll have a look!
it's a self help book that is extremely philosophical and honestly spiritual. if that turns you off, check it out anyways. it's cheap.

Ran some errands, exchanged my copy of Xeno 2 for some eshop cash, getting ready to start a new job tomorrow.

Twewy is my all time favorite. Incredibly unique and fun gameplay, fantastic story, innovative systems that make use of the hardware. And All of it elevates the other aspects. I'm incredibly excited to play it again on the Switch, and hopefully it'll do well enough to fund a sequel

The atmosphere in Galaxy 1 is a big reason why I like it more than the second game. It's excellent, and aside from early Minecraft I've yet to see a game that matches it. Little touches like the library add a lot more than many people would think.
Well, part of the problem is that I'm realizing I don't know how to do anything. My ancestors were farmers, but I wasn't raised on a farm. My fathers side of the family owns real estate, but I don't know anything about business. So I need to know how to do something, yet I'm stuck in a liberal arts college when I should be in a trade school. But I'd have to pay for a trade myself, whereas my family gladly supports me through a worthless liberal arts education. Because if it worked for them, obviously it works for me too, and there are no other options.

not much, really. lurked a bit.
have too many I love to have one 'favorite', but one of the highest on the list would have to be Persona 3 FES.
mostly because of the story, characters, gameplay, atmosphere, etc... it was also my first SMT/Persona game.

Overseas trip atm. An hour or two of XB2 post game before bed every other night.


>it's a self help book that is extremely philosophical and honestly spiritual
Sounds like something people need at this time, meaning it's pretty important. Thanks for the recommend, user.
I'm so sorry I forgot to reply to you.
Happy Birthday! What did you do & get?
>this is a good thread. good job!
Thank you, I just want to help.
>getting ready to start a new job tomorrow.
I'm starting mine this weekend, best of luck to the both of us!
>Twewy is my all time favorite
I've heard a lot of good things about it. I hope the switch version lives up!
>The atmosphere in Galaxy 1 is a big reason why I like it more than the second game. It's excellent, and aside from early Minecraft I've yet to see a game that matches it. Little touches like the library add a lot more than many people would think.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
What are your passions? Is there any way you could apply them to make some money? Is there any way you could make some money on the side while learning your passion and how to make money from it? Most importantly, can you talk to your family & any friends honestly about it to garner some advice & experience? I have no experience in trade or business besides a school grade from years ago but from what I gathered a lot of it is just pragmatism & confidence in meetings.
>Overseas trip atm.
Where are you? My father once went on several sailor jobs to Scotland back in the 2000s, and he always had lots of stories to tell.

It won't change anything. World will be same, my current life state will be same, my past will be same. Some random things can change something, but sure it's not forced venting. But thanks again.

no sarcasm ;)

I've never heard of it before but it looks wacky af

I've been playing Redwall inspired games lately so I decided to pick up a copy and read it again for the first time in 10 years, its still great
I've been playing a lot of Tooth and Tail and Armello, I found out there's an official redwall game but it looks like shit which upsets me. Are there any other games out there with a Redwall or similar setting worth trying out?

tasty chinese food

fuck chop sticks i'll use a fork

fortune cookies please
thank you

Played some Granblue and got 1/4 of my needed Revenant weapons. Playing Pokemon RPG right now, which has been alright.

Gonna play some Maplestory with my friends tonight, and maybe some XC2 later if I have the time. Doing alright.

Favorite game is probably JSRF. Creative level design, simple but fluid gameplay, and an aesthetic to die for.

Went to work, came home, watched some YouTube videos, played a little bit of Undertale, drew a bit of porn, and watched Sup Forumsirgins get utterly pissed off over cardboard of all things.

Don't really have an exact favorite game, so I can't answer that.

I've mostly been playing Switch games today and reading fallout about the Labo It's pretty harmless and my niece and nephew would love it.

Thanks for the good luck, same to you!
And definitely give twewy a shot, unless there are reports of it being broken in some regard. The announcement of the port with added content made me happier than any video game announcement ever has.
Also, you're a real swell guy for making a thread like this and responding to everyone

>Persona 3 FES.
I don't own any consoles but what would be the best Persona game to get into for a beginner? Also what's with the SMT/Persona rivalry?
Stop it, I seriously am getting a bit worried now, the dumbest and smallest of things can change a whole lot of shit, just try, please.
Thanks user. It's an old FPS by around a dozen Croatians but it's a lot of fun. They made a third one about 6 years ago and it was okay, and they're making a fourth one now.
I'm not quite sure what Redwall really is, can you give some detail? I could probably give you a game or two that's at least tangentially related.
Chinese food is really good, especially in health, what with all the noodles & greens in there.
>Favorite game is probably JSRF
A superb choice, people really need to remember it more fondly, especially on Sup Forums where that type of thing is generally appreciated.
>drew a bit of porn
You any good at it? I tried drawing earlier but I can only do stickmen & tracing at the moment. I tried doing this a while back and I thought it was okay at the time, as part of a "webcomic" I thought of doing.
>Don't really have an exact favorite game, so I can't answer that.
That probably means you play a lot of games! Good on you!
>my niece and nephew would love it.
I hope they do, I don't know much about it myself but if it makes a child happy and helps them grow up healthy I'm all for it.
I'll definitely give it a shot at some point, I don't have a console so I'll have to try Desmume or something but the critical reception can't be for nothing, surely.
>Also, you're a real swell guy for making a thread like this and responding to everyone
Thank you user, I appreciate it a lot, even if it might not look like it.

Well the great part about it in my opinion is just that the game felt fresh to me and the story gets legit, it felt like playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon again but in all honestly, if you look at the negatives the game is somewhat generic in some situations
-Combat can get repetitive in the late game once you get all the attacks
-The whole Animal Crossing-like "collect things to restock people's shops" features can get really annoying sometimes, at least you get the option to restock every single shop at once later in the game
-Story is really generic with some clichés and the same goes about the aforementioned character development, beyond doing their sidequests, they go back to just have the same lines. (opinion: however the only reason i was engaged to the story was because i didn't expect this cutesy game to get actually serious, then again this is all me, i'm sure anyone else doesn't give a damn about the story)

The one plus i can give it objectively is the music:youtube.com/watch?v=wAbhnKWb0jM

I bought a copy of Redwall and started reading it again for the first time in 10 years and its still great.
Are there any Redwall inspired games out there worth playing? I've played Armello and Tooth and Tail, those are great but the official Redwall game looks like shit

>The one plus i can give it objectively is the music:
That feels like it's got a sort of arabian nights feel to it, so the setting at least is a bit unique. All those other flaws really seem like something you can overlook, especially if you love it enough to 100% it.
You already posted that, silly!

>what are your passions
vidya and Sup Forums... I don't have much else going for me.
>Is there any way you could apply them to make some money?
Well, I suppose I could learn Javascript. Creating a game all by myself would be a daunting task, but even if I were to make some successful tech demos, that would be a very solid start. It's not impossible.
Loved Redwall as a kid. I had all the books. Probably one of the series I reread the most aside from Deltora Quest.
It makes more sense if you were in the Nintendo announcement anticipation threads. Of course many anons repeatedly predicted that whatever it was would disappoint, but the thread was full of wild predictions about a full Direct or a new IP announcement. To see them get their hopes dashed that badly, and for the announcement to be so absurd, was incredibly funny.

I've been playing Hearthstone. I got the murlocalypse quest on my murloc pally. I also made it to rank 12 somehow and I still need half the deck that I'm trying to piece together, including all the expensive cards. Warlocks and there Voidlords are starting to rustle me tho. I've also got FFVII and REmake to try to finish before MHWorld drops.

Diablo 2 or WoW for nostalgia
The most recent games that I've put a ton of time into are Soul Cal V and Bloodborne.

I double posted because Sup Forums keeps saying I failed the captcha

Not anthro but actual animals that can speak and use tools/weapons and have actual societies
I can't really explain the setting much after that really, Redwall is sorta renaissance era European but it doesn't have to be like that, Tooth and Tail is more WW1 but has the same feeling as Redwall

>vidya and Sup Forums... I don't have much else going for me.
That's fine! My hobbies aren't that great either, the most unique ones are Anime, Classical to Medieval history and, funnily enough, programming!
>Well, I suppose I could learn Javascript.
You can absolutely. When I was young I used codecademy (100% free last i checked, no bullshit microtransactions or subs or anything like that, i hope) to learn HTML, CSS and they had courses for javascript too. It's what got me really into tech as a young boy. I can't create a game myself because I don't have any creativity but if I did I would sure as hell apply it!
>Diablo 2 or WoW for nostalgia
I absolutely adore those two. I can fault blizzard for what they are now but in the end they are responsible for the classics as well.
That does sound really nice. I recall this one game that I'm fairly certain isn't out yet, can't remember the name, where you play as this mouse in a suit of kinght's armour. Tooth & tail seemed okay to me but some of the reviews put me off, what did you think of it, user?

sounds interesting, I'll check it out. Java's website has its own tutorial though, so I might use that instead... or both, depending on how I feel.
It would be nice actually knowing a little more about how computers work, considering they're such a big part of everyday life now.

>Also what's with the SMT/Persona rivalry?
Persona 3 & 4 (especially 4) attract casual gamers who like simple mechanics, lower difficulty levels and dating sims, instead of lore-obsessing tryhards. Can't blame them because these gamers are mostly underage and they refuse to play other Megaten games unless they have dating-sim features and animu cliches.
Real fans play as many megaten games as they can because demons/persona are all the same shit.

Yeah the flaws can be overlooked, mostly because the "repetitive" combat doesn't feel so repetitive when the game has a nice enemy diversity along with multiple weapons and characters to play with, as i said, the restocking and resource gathering can be eased out. and the story, while it had some clichés, it pulled a PMD and had a great twist.

Also i'm a dumbass and forgot to post that Einhander and R-type III are my favorite games.

I speak from experience and mainly using the webdev courses they had, but javascript is a nice step to learn before moving to java, good luck user.
>they refuse to play other Megaten games unless they have dating-sim features and animu cliches.
>Real fans play as many megaten games as they can because demons/persona are all the same shit.
Don't be so mean, I myself thought of getting Persona 5 in some way because the idea seemed really neat to me. I just wanted to understand why people seem to be at eachother's throats about it.

>taking time out of your night to be this nice to random nerds online.
You're a good dude and I've attempted to send well wishes your way via my brain meat and metaphysics. God speed.

>R-type III
I'm more of a Raiden kind of guy but that's still a very solid choice, good on you, user!

Tooth and Tail is a lot of fun, they've been updating regularly fine tuning the game and its the most balanced its been as well as fixing a lot if the map generation issues
The campaigns pretty lack luster but if you like the writing and setting you can make it to the end riding on that, the game has a great sense of humour and the characters are great
The game is heavily multiplayer focused and its a lot of fun with friends, theyre trying something new with the RTS genre and its kind of refreshing because it doesn't play like any other. For one your camera is glued to your commander and you call all your units to their location, it relies less on APM but rather min/maxing your resources which is neato too, its real fast and most games go for about 10 minutes and with four players it gets absolutely chaotic

I am just a sucker for shoot em ups, but R-type 3 won my heart with the badass music, the BEST charging shot, even though it feels casual to use because the previous games had this thing where the charge shot cannot be held forever, it usually resetted at the middle of the charge but still, how the game is designed makes the big charge shot balanced. Oh and the Hyper Mode is orgasmic to use, there's also the music which was like the most rocking shit the SNES could give out.
And Einhander is another favorite because the graphics still hold up despite being a PSX game along with THAT weapon variety and GOAT music, shame the game is really short

The amount of effort I have to put in compared to how it might improve someone else's day/night makes it absolutely worth it in my eyes. Hell, I might even make this a nightly thing I do, as a more positive version of a 4am thread.
Sounds like Pikmin mixed with WC3. Are there any bot matches in MP? That's how I could get into WC3 and starcraft.
>shame the game is really short
A short game is one that doesn't outstay its welcome. Luigi's Mansion and Gunpoint would not be so beloved if they were ages longer, and if Banjo Tooie were a bit shorter it'd surpass Kazooie immediately.

Yeah, agreed. Einhander being short isn't really an issue but i kinda wish it was just a wee bit longer, mostly because that ending makes me feel like it could've been a final level.

Today was pretty average, but im felling alright myself. Next month im back to university, so the dread to go there is coming back slowly, but im managing somehow. Im also thinking about going back to the gym, i really wanna give a shot and try to get fit once more, feels pretty shitty being a fat fuck. I also wanna create guts for myself and try to at least start writing a book, probably something on the lines of a sci-fi/cyber punk novel, but i dont feel motivated to even start.

One thing that makes me happy is that i will see my girlfriend tomorrow, so theres that.

I've also been playing a lot of monster hunter stories lately, as well as darkest dungeon, its good shit.

Cleanes up my room and finished my homework like those usual days :>

Finished Nier automata and I must say I wasn't ready for a Yoko Taro game. Damn rollercoaster feels

>but i dont feel motivated to even start.
think of a title, a main character, and a general theme that the book would be about, and go from there.
Your level of self-improvement is also leagues above mine, I'm really happy for you, and I hope your girlfriend treats you right and you treat her right in return.
Monhun is also really dang good.
People really keep saying to play the original nier and while I love tomato, I should get a console to play the OG one day, at the very least out of respect. I mean, someone who loves MGS2 & MGS1 would get really angry at me if I say I only played MGS2 and loved it.

>ending makes me feel like it could've been a final level.
A rushed ending? Those are kinda annoying.

I've been helping my friend by transcribing some audio for him. It's alright, kinda boring but nice to help someone who has too much on his plate.

My favourite game nostalgia wise is EarthBound. I'll never forget finding that big ass box in Jumbo Video and being like 'damn i gotta play that'. I didn't even have a SNES, but you could rent them there so it was a real neat experience.

>I've been helping my friend by transcribing some audio for him. It's alright, kinda boring but nice to help someone who has too much on his plate.
I bet he'll definitely appreciate the help if he's got lots to do already.
A brilliant game, I really liked how it could go from spooky as hell to comedic and then back in the span of a few minutes

Thanks man, i hope that you will find someone to call yours one day as well. And i do treat her right, im planning on proposing to her once i finish my college and at least get a decent job.
And once i finally get around to write that book, i hope that you will be able to read it user.

Cheers and stay safe

>im planning on proposing to her once i finish my college and at least get a decent job.
All the best over there, user. Stay safe.

Not really rushed, the game's story is basically, you're being sent into a suicidal mission to stop a nuke that strikes the moon, where your base is located [people are at war, your band is on the moon, the rest is on earth] but you get betrayed so you kick your own side's ass and blow their precious Hyperion, and the game ends with you rushing to the moon and blow everyone up, i feel like that could've been an additional level but, the game is still satisfying on its ending.

Yeah I've helped him a couple other times with transcribing and he's been very genuinely thankful. It's such a waste of his time since it has nothing to do with his studies.

I should really get back to work... nice thread though, you've put me in good mood.

Oh yeah, that sounds like a star wars IV death star sort of thing. Something like that could definitely make its own level, with the right music and the right difficulty the tension could be huge. A shame it had to be a cutscene, I suppose
>nice thread though, you've put me in good mood.
I'm really happy to hear that, user.

Theres an offline vs bots or you can enable them in a multiplayer lobby if that's what you're after, I know they're adding a coop campaign at some point and they have an alpha version of their map editor which can run scripts and what not for custom games. If you're not totally convinced to get it I'd say take a peek at it maybe a year later since they're adding more and more content over time.
However the ost is easily my favourite most of 2017, the whole game has a soviet Russian aesthetic even going as far as to have all the characters speak in a faux Russian language

that does sound pretty nice, I might have a look if there's a sale near on the horizon. Biggest problem I saw in reviews was the mapgen so if they're fixing that and I can have bot matches I see no reason to not get it.

I made some progress for the game i want to make, i opened blender and created a very basic character (head, both legs, torso & both arms all being rectangles / cubes)
I've been completely lacking motivation to make the model for it, and in fact closed blender some 15 minutes later when i tried but failed at creating a skeleton
I'll try again later / tomorrow though

>What is your favourite video game and why?
THPS3, just love arcade games like that, the maps are pretty good and the game is very challenging even for experimented players
The various gamemodes are also very fun to play with other people

>what did odyssey do better?
the platforming is the same but the level design is different, SM64 was about figuring out what to do to get a star, with exploring the level (which is actually quite small) as a secondary/by product of this, Odyssey changed this by allowing free exploration of bigger environments while offering the movement options that 64 had and not limiting the exploration by forcing you out once you get a moon/star rather letting you explore for as much as you want

ooh, what kind of game is it? is it like TH? I've got a friend who's really into THUGPRO and he's been into a lot of mods in that scene too.

I just had some calls from family and few friends, before getting back to my studies (preparing for placements).
Didn't get anything, but that's fine.

I saw that Joseph Anderson video and I was quite skeptical but hearing something like this really makes me wonder about how fun the exploration really is. Thanks, user.
Best of luck to your studies & career, happy birthday!

>makes me wonder about how fun the exploration really is
back then Projared said something on his review that made me think, he criticized the game's difficulty/reward system because getting 1 moon is quite easy and that there was little to gain from it, that is people seeing the 64 gameplay and assuming the game tries to do the same but that's not the case, the game wants you to enjoy traversing the world, getting as many moons as you can from each world and only after finishing the game once giving you access to real challenging moons that actually require platforming to get and not simple exploration

I heard that the really late moons aren't very challenging but if they seem that way then I guess I can't say anything. Projared seemed to have a good head on his shoulders, so I see no reason to doubt him.

Okay guys, It's 5am where I am now, meaning I've been replying to you for 3 hours! I'll hold on to an archive of this thread for the books & games anons are working on in this thread, and I sincerely hope you find happiness in some way that isn't destructive. The same is true for the rest of you. Good night guys, get lots of sleep. You've all got big days tomorrow!

I have already planned to play the OG nier on weekends, I started gaming like a year ago when I got my first actual gaming pc rig :>

>Is it like TH?
No, it's not, it's an hack and slash kinda in the same vein as devil may cry, with however the aim of offering much more control over your own movement and attacks, and a bigger focus on fast-paced fighting.
I absolutely love fast paced-games in general, with a sweetspot for fighting fast-paced games, but there are absolutely no games that have been able to satisfy in that regard. So i thought i'd make my own.

I wish I could get back into Maplestory, but it feels so empty.

I just enjoy the hyper flashy animations, and sense of progression. I'd never hard commit time to it, but it's one of those things that's fun to catch up with friends over. I honestly wouldn't really recommend it as an actual mmo. There's PSO, Final Fantasy, and fuck even Granblue to scratch that itch.

I just got done reviewing my kanji for the day, and I was planning to hop on my main computer to have a poke around and see if there's anything I'd like to play, and if not I was probably just going to poke around and watch some Football Manager stuff.
>favourite game
Will never not be City of Heroes, probably. I wish something would come out that could catch that same spark I had for that game.