Make an RPG party

Use pic related as a template

Can I add a girl character?

sure why not

If you're going to make a party to adheres to modern standards, you must have nothing but human characters.


3 blacks and a Pitt bull

Hood rpg

Sounds sick

Just draw Cloud, Tifa, Red XIII, and Barret


there already is one are you blind?

I'm surprised nobody's made such a thing in RPGMaker yet.
>4 nameable character RPG, tutorial is them as kids, main game is them beating up literal aliens or some shit that invaded their neighborhood and inadvertently saving the day


I had fun drawing this even though I know it's shit

I don't need a template

Was gonna make a persona 5 edit with Joker, Ann, Ryuji, and Morgana. Didn't care to start or finish.

Did you just assume his gender?

would play this game


Is this the new FFXV DLC?

Nice, user

>Cinematic Experience Protagonist
>Shotgun Potato
>Pirate Captain-Turned-Butler
>Johnny Reb



I laughed. Got me.


the dogodile is my self insert


>3 out of 5 will fuck up the team from time to time
i'm sure the only reason they aren't all dead is thanks to GRIZZRILLWAUS fucking everything up

I'm going for a suikoden style


Cool alien

Guess the game

Either NV or Fallout 2



That's fucking earthbound


Except they're not black.

fallout 2, goris is best companion

ding, Fallout 2

>Jet Force Gemini in the 1900s


roll. im not spamming, i swear

>vaultman has a spear
>dog doesn't look like Godard from Jimmy Neutron

Clearly Fallout 2

Saved me the effort, gaved me a giggle.

36=20girls+16=pirate girl


Let's see here...


pls no monk

give me jewess


Roll Roll Roll

rollin my dudes




Fight both good and evil.


holy shit. i'm going to steal this if you dont mind. good shit user

roll like

couldn't think of a use for the dog


poor tails

100 years in ms paint



that's attack the block

Thank fuck this thread is still up too waaay too long.

>player protag is a mage

my brother



Red and Blue's hands turned out alright, what happened with Green's left?

That's mildly disturbing.

I'd totally play this.

hi FuPoo how u doin'

MY hands started cramping, was using a mouse and drawing left to right. Its why i copped out on the dog

>blobber protagonists

Classic Mega with RPG elements

Capcom, you fucking idiots, make it happen.

That fucking plane dog literally made me spit out my drink. Tenouttaten

This is for rolling dice.

>persona 6 leaked art

Ah, that's fine then.

i want to use magic pls



Can't be bothered drawing the others


>Roll dice
>11 Paladin class
>14 Necromancer

Paladin is the holy variant. So you become a Death Knight or she becomes a Hexer or something.

Could do with less memes if making an actual game but otherwise pretty solid.

Came to the thread just for this

>Roll d20
>6 three times in a row

set in a apocalyptic future where genetic modified animals/beings have become commonplace due to wars

the story would be restoring the "green" of the earth.

I straight up don't understand why people are treating this like a rolling thread when your post numbers don't really work for this chart.

boring team, but optimal.

just the average Sup Forums intelligence

Gave up after big boy really. Didn't even feel like doing the normal dude. But it's big fire boy and electric dog

forgot my file fuck

Siamese quadruplets

Let's go.