>Achievement: Become first on the global leaderboard.
Achievement: Become first on the global leaderboard
>being this wrong and salty over a vidya thread
Go back to plebbit you cocksmoker
I think one of the older Tom Clancy games had an achievement like that.
still waiting for a game example, soyboy.
>he doesn't know
>announcing sage
Global rule 7 you newfag scumfuck
Necks don't work like that.
>Achievement: Start a new game
>30% of players have this
I was in top 5 for some mario kart 7 regionals
The map exploits used for the time were fucking stupid and need patched
>boost straight through grass into water to be recovered 3/4 way to finish line
>Game has online trophies
>but you don't need the online trophies to get the platinum, just the single player ones
>so you have the platinum with an incomplete percentage
Thanks Naughty Dog
Didn't Gears have a bunch of achievements like this? I know a few 360 titles with dead servers had this. Really rumples my OCD.
What were they fucking thinking?
Are you saying being the best in the world isn't an achievement?
>check the leaderboard
>list is full of chink/russian names with a score so high that it's not possible without hacking
>check in-game leaderboards
>the top hundred scores are all using some exploit that gives them a billion points
Why is this so common?
i remember Gears having an Achievement for playing a multiplayer match with one of the Devs
>Achievement: Pre-order the game
>Achievement: Play a match with the game devs.
I'd still bang Felix, he's soooo cute
>Achievement: play an online match with the games developers
>game devs played for half an hour at 9am on release day and never again
>giving a fucking shit about leaderboards
Yeah okay fag.
B-but user... Felix is a boy
>achievement: 10 consecutive victories on ranked mode
That means the game didn't sell because it's complete shit and only retards like you bought it
>Achievement: Win an Online Title Belt
>Title holders are asking for money in order for you to challenge them for the belt.
>back the kickstarter
I remember some boxing game for the 360 had 2 retarded achievements like this, to get one of the trophies you had to become world champion which means 200+ online fights in a row depending on how many players it had online at a given time and how lucky you were in order to get matched with the top dogs, to get another of the trophies you had to fight against the second best and keep your title, the best part? The fights were random instead of ranked, any shitter who just bought the game could fight you, whoop your ass and get the title and achievement yet you could fight for years and never find the second best player.
To this day no one else has been able to get the world champion trophy because the guy who had it has been offline for years.
I was first actually.
Kane and lynch is what you're thinking of
>Game didn't sell
>30% of player-base played the game
>Achievement: Played in the closed alpha.
Fucking Lost Planet 2
Still mad I can't buy it on Steam because of the GFWL bullshit
>game devs still play with you years after release and know players by their names
>Achievement - Play with one of the devs
>not even the devs play their game anymore
>Achievement - You are a dev
>play with the devs
>development studio has been bought by EA and shut down
>ITT: plebs not knowing based Monogatari
I fucking hated Killzone 2 leaderboards because of their inconsistency and glitchiness. Thank god I boosted that trophy with someone else and got it before Guerilla announced the server closures.
Gahara best girl
On which server?
>Play multiplayer once then play six months after again
>Play that multiplayer once
>never play it again
>Try to play it again after more than a few years
>Game servers are no longer online
The point of chievies was some sort of bonus reward for doing something special compared to other players, not a way to structure gameplay like some sort of pointless quest string.
>tfw bought KZ2 only to get the trophies before they were lost forever
I'm glad I got over the whole trophy hunting crap. It ruins your life.
The master chief collection did this solely so the boosting fags couldn't siphon that 5000 gamerscore in a week.
You must be 18 to post here. But don't worry, you'll get the cursing thing down eventually.
Didn't expect any other game to have that. I was talking about Crysis 2. Which to be honest had a fun multiplayer
>57% of FFXV trophies earned
>Platinum for 100% trophies is one of them
Thanks, dlc i never played.
Don't DLC trophies usually have a plus sign indicating you don't need them? I'm guessing 100% meant 100% of single player content pre DLC
When you never unlock the first achievement you're supposed to get.
When DLC is added the total % of the game when you view it from your trophy page or online goes from 100% to whatever it is. Even if you 100% the base game you will have a separate list of DLC trophies that factor into the total trophies for the % gain. So if you have none of the paid DLC you can only get 58% of the total trophies in Final Fantasy XV even though you 100% the main game.
Get on my level.
I feel you, i got the 50 dismember trophy in dead space 2 before i got the first story related one, same in sleeping dogs with the perfect parkour shit.
>Achievement: do a 30 minute daily run every day for 31 days
I got it I was dumb and I didn't read right. Thanks.
>Achievement: Sequence break the game
It was hard enough to complete it regularly, why even attempt the harder version
Didn't Edmund change it so it's just 30 total after constant complaints
>That first week Shadow Complex came out and everyone was trying to do it.
What game?
Intredasting, i'd actually like to know how many women i've argued with in this shit hole, i bet like 10 because all my (you)s are mainly shitflinging and calling out my shit taste in things.
Sometimes Felix addresses him/herself as a gril
>tfw all dose speedrun and vidmaster achievements in halo
>most of them named after the guys who got world records so you have to autism your way through the game to have a chance at getting them
I regret nothing
Sometimes a boy is a girl.
>Hard mode: game is entirely based on gear/stats that are explicitly pay to win and only thing you buy in the store
Lineage 2: Revolution could have been a nice cookie clicker-esque game
The times for the achievements are nowhere near competitive speedrun times.
No they aren't.
Badge of shame
I've spent the last 9 years getting 100 platinum trophies. While my friends and family members my age were finishing university and getting their careers started and having kids and getting married I was autistically grinding platinum trophies. I wish I was dead.
Can't you like, make money out of trophies now?
You would be pretty good at it
Well, at least you had some fun collecting stuff right?
>achivement: get any achievement
>it's the only achievement in game
i got like 20 in 2017
what have you been doing?
>Achievement: Preorder the game/buy the early access
>the achievement unlocks one day while you open up the game for no real reason, years after the game's been out
University is just as valuable as videogame trophies nowadays
I would have platted Lost Planet 2 had it not been for that bullshit trophy.
did you even bother reading the op, just throw your computer out the window
Just get that one then
>non-hidden achievement is a spoiler
I get a platinum or two in a short amount of time and then get severely depressed and literally don't play a single video game for 3-4 months at a time.
>play for one hour
>already have half of the achievements
>He believes in the "sage doesn't work" meme
Trust me, newfags like you have been spouting this retarded shit for almost a decade now. You clearly have no understanding of how it's supposed to work in the first place or you try to do so in a thread where 30+ other people are posting and thus the effects are negated. Either way you're a mongoloid and should stop posting.
>Achievement: Beat the game without dying on the hardest difficulty
>play for one hour
>already have half of the achievements
>the last achievement takes 500 hours to get
that's good, achievements are shit so you might as well unlock all of them in a single playthrough instead of autistically grinding in multiplayer for them
Sounds like an actual fucking achievement.
>Beat the game on the hardest difficulty where you die in one hit and have to start from the beginning
>Achievement: invite 8 people from your friend list to a single session
It would be if the number one spot wasn't always some hacking chink or slav.
>achievement get online achievement
>online has been shut down for years
Killzone 2 did that well. You could chapter select, so it just kept track of your minimum deaths per chapter.
maybe at one point, but it quickly became the case that achievements became a way to make OCD people uncomfortable.
Lost Planet 2 has an achievement for starting up the game five years after you first played the game. I think there's also a six months achievement but I don't know of any other game with the five year one.
Yes, it was Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfare, at least the 360 version.
What the fuck no it doesn't. It has the 6 month one but sure as fuck not a 5 year achievement.
Huh, maybe I'm confusing it with something else. I seem to remember my PS3 telling me that I had celebrated an anniversary just a year or so ago in that game.
I might just be confusing it with "keeper of the flame" though.