Nintendo Labo vs Google

>How could nintendo sell just cardboard
>Nintendo's playerbase is so stupid for buying it
>There is no way it can sell

I hear your guy's arguments, and I raise you with this. What is it? Its called, Google Cardboard (not joking). It was released in 2016, and so far has had an adequate sales run, with 10 million peripherals being shipped through March of 2017.

So, I'm not saying its gonna be AS successful, I'm saying that when it comes to selling cardboard, its all in the marketing, so be skeptical gents.

Link for those that doubt me:

It's $15 you fucking retard -- not $70

To be fair google cardboard is $5 and the VR hype train was big when it was released

My mistake, the price for that exact thing in your picture is actually $7. Nice "argument" you faggot. You really are retarded (not joking).

Why did VR fizzle out Sup Forums

That thing is $3 and sold as a joke.

From what I can tell, the $70 is the kit, plus games, plus extra parts and pieces, while the Google was just a glasses set, so settle down

Shitty android OS, and lack of anything decent, and it was sort of flash in the pan.

If nintendo offers like, a build your own software suite, along with the templates they're giving away.

I can easily see the Labo appealing to DIY folks, or anyone with access to a 3d printer.

It's really expensive and people need to experience it to understand it. Most people that have tried VR have used half-assed implementations like Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear, so they don't understand how much different something like a Vive or a Rift is.

Not even 1-2 switch could sell at $40. Which those games is practically the same.

The cardboard shit is free
Keep crying sonygro

it was actually free for a bit

And how much for a phone with the right size display screen, phone service, and application that are good for it?

Shitty android OS, and lack of anything decent, and it was sort of flash in the pan.

If nintendo offers like, a build your own software suite, along with the templates they're giving away.

I can easily see the Labo appealing to DIY folks, or anyone with access to a 3d printer. The sensors, and all the shit they included onto the switch (needlessly, as first assumed) make a lot more sense if they essentially give you a blank slate to interface with.

And to be fair, its Nintendo.
My argument is that it would sell. Nowhere did I even mention price. Take your meds and settle down.
It hasn't. VR with phones is still going well strong, with new versions coming out all the time.
And whats the difference between this and that, except price?

>the kit
Stop glorifying it. It's literally a bunch of cardboard, some string, rubber bands, and reflective tape. I've got all that shit in my desk.

>The cardboard shit is free
Oh, so Nintendo games just cost $80 now

>no way it can sell

Nobody has said this, everyone knows it'll sell to fucking retarded soyboys.

As for google cardboard, literally costs $5 for a new set from Google.

Do you think you can play Labo without buying a Switch? And keep in mind you can do more with a phone than play video games.

And how much for a Switch, subscription and the games that are good for it?

Fucking moron.

You're actually defending $80 cardboard. Let that settle in you fucking soybaby.

Again, those sets dont include the games, the extras, and the DIY kit that the Labo does. Stop comparing incomparable things.

Why did VR die?

Of course you didn't mention price you fucking retard. Because your argument would flop instantly.

Actually it does. Cardboard comes with a kit and an app for $5.

Two words, 3D, TV, wii, mote.

shut up nintendo faggot, no one cares about google cardboard

people shat on google for selling cardboard too, why are you defending shit practices from companies? Even fucking chineses sell shit like that but made of hard plastic that won't desintegrate after 20 uses

because Nintendo is a toy company.

No, you can buy both games for $60 and download the templates to cut out your own cardboard for free.

Google Cardboard was great. I'm amazed how well it worked for a device that simple. The only problem was lack of good phone VR software.
Hopefully Nintendo can remedy this by adding VR support to their first party games. It might be the thing that finally takes VR off the ground.

>those shitty games are worth $60


The doesn't make it any less retarted.

>Cardboard games cost as much as a AAA title
Damn you kids are stupid.

>shovelware minigames for $60 AND a trip to Home Depot for a "fun" DIY cardboard cutting project
How about no?

But with google cardboard I get the kit for $15 and the games are free

this was only $5, labo is $70
regardless both are cool tech


Good VR isn't cheap enough yet....VR will come back for a final third time and crush the market when we get $250 high quality VR consoles

You think that'll stop this from selling like hotcakes?

videogames in general are toys for "adults" though

$5 vs $80+tax+tip

No, I don't think anyone here has that much faith in humanity that they wont pay $80 for a pack of cardboard. Pretty sure it's just that nobody wants games to be degraded that much that it sets a standard. If it's hard for you to understand, I hope the next major franchise title from Nintendo runs on Labo. E.g. Metroid Labo.

>Googles going to sue them for this, or whoever has the patent on papercraft

I hate the legal system

If it does well is anyone here going to change their mind? Or is Nintendo going to have to burn before they're satisfied?

>Nintendo makes a toy for kids
>Sup Forums manchilds are angry

I'll buy it if they make it work with games like Odyssey or BotW.

Doesn't make any sense. The cardboard could regularly be found under $10, even the plastic counter parts. The promise of the Google Cardboard was also more interesting than whatever Nintendo's doing with Labo. Pretty much 1-2 Switch 2?
They do know those kinds of games just barely passed on Wii cause mobile didn't really take off yet. I don't really think there's a market that goes out of its way to find the most casual console games ever at $60 or so. They really want those Wii bucks.

I thought the flight-stick was sort of cool. Then it hit me. $70 for cardboard doo-dads, or $50 for an actual flight stick. This is just grimy, even under Nintendo's pricing standards.
I don't believe for a second dumpster diving for cardboard boxes and a few rubber bands means that it takes $70 to turn a profit.

>But the software surly increases the price!
Same with the Google Cardboard. Goes for less than $10.

No. There is literally no way I'm going to buy cardboard games. I'm disappointed because I like Nintendo consoles, but the Switch doesn't have enough I'm interested in for me to consider buying one. And then they make shit like this. It's a joke. I would actually expect to see this on April 1.

You should have been here from the start. Never seen so many people getting so triggered over a TOY

>$70 for cardboard doo-dads

must suck to be poor

Actual VR is expensive, decent ones require quite a powerful rig, motion tracking isn't quite there yet, and simulating realistic movement without making you puke is near impossible.

The current Switch demographics are not kids (most are adults in their 20s to early 30s). And the people in their video are not kids. This is not for kids.

Um, sweetie it's a $60 game with $10 cardboard?


yeah, nice mix

Just for kids is an umbrella excuse in attempt to make all criticism void. Let's follow your logic- What other toys can you get in the $70 price range? Are they made of cardboard? Or is it Nintendo pulling a Nintendo?

$60 is what you pay for a AAA title, not something that's similar to a mobile game.

Only angry lad I see is you.

>Too expensive
>Too bulky/cumbersome
>You need all this other shit besides the headset to get it set up
>Everything is waggle bullshit
>VRChat, the big hot item for VR, doesn't even require VR equipment to play and even then people only play it because you can start shit with people
>Porn isn't well-made enough
I would have thought that Sony would pump out some games that would make it worth playing but it seems even they've just dropped it and left it to be done by third parties, a poor move which killed the Vita.

The ad shows adults playing with the toy. Switch demo is mostly adults now so... Nintendo is making a toy for manchildren.

>How dare you not burn money on something you don't want!
I know you're kidding, but people legitimately will defend this thing. Fanboys of all kind are a curse.

You never made stuff with cardboard as a kid? Granted the Labo stuff looks a lot sturdier than most.

>$60 is what you pay for a AAA title, not something that's similar to a mobile game.
It's for kids. Kids have shit taste.

My dad would have beat me with the cardboard if I spent $80 on it.

>muh nostalgia

All of your faces when you realize the cardboard is like 10 bucks and that you are also buying a AAA title game with it

Google Cardboard was made to be a cheap way to try out VR. Give you a quick and dirty VR experience without needing to spend big money on something you haven't even tried yet. Completely different purpose from Labo.

See Where do you get the indication that it's for kids?

Only on the Switch could cardboard games be considered a AAA title.

Why is everyone saying Google Cardboard is $5 when it's clearly $15? Am I to assume third party headsets?

google cardboard works surprisingly well and it's a pretty good low cost way to compete with the 600+ dollar vr meme headsets
something like pokemon snap etc could work well

they LITERALLY SAID that what they would show off would be "for kids and people who are kids at heart"

that last part describes basically all of Nintendo, so if they themselves are saying it's more for kids, than you know that it's really REALLY meant for kids

Plus, why is everything strictly ONLY KIDS and ONLY ADULTS? Kids can enjoy adult stuff and adults can enjoy kid stuff, you know.

>yfw that "AAA title" is hardly worth $5

>playstation move comes out
>everyone including sonygers laughs at the wii ripoff and everyone has a good time
>nintendo cardboard + shovelware comes out
>everyone laughs at it
>nintendies get mad and start flinging shit claiming people are "mad over cardboard", threads devolve into console war shitposting
>serious dissertations on how its marketed for kids and you're not the target audience, etc.
>"You're just mad over a toy."
This place is such a joyless wasteland now.

Meanwhile the Google Cardboard had them making software and an API standard for less than $10. Also,
>AAA game
with a budget of $2.50 and a king-sized Snickers bar. Keep defending the Nintendo tax.

Cardboard isn't actual VR. For $5 its pretty cool i guess.

How about the literal children in the direct?

Because its still too expensive and the headsets aren't that great yet. When they make a few more upgrades and those become as cheap as buying something like a game console it will get a lot bigger.

Alright, go play Dora the Explorer.

not that user but the games looked fine to me, although there's not much info about them so I'm somewhat skeptical of their quality. If they're like nintendoland I'd be all over it, but if they're like 1 2 switch they can fuck right off.

>bing bing

In Japan stuff costs more, we never get anything from Japan that's going to be dirt cheap, especially not a game.

Haha I bought on ebay for 3 bucks to play with my phone.
Use it twice and got over it, no harm done.

>getting so triggered
laughing at something is not "triggered"
Is "trigger" another buzzword losing its meanings?


your guy's face when there's no games released yet, and any mentioned are only in concept, so ragging on those games is basically "I have no hope, so I'm gonna spread how sad I am" and that nintendo Labo can work with old games like Legend of Zelda and Mario Odyssey because it doesn't fundamentally change how the Switch works with the joy cons, which are AA games and are some of the best games in existence at the moment.

Also your face when you realize THE THING IS TOTALLY OPTIONAL. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT.

*cardboard noises* WAHOO

How do I play a cartoon

Look, I disliked the Move and Kinect, but an attempt was made. You also look at the value for what they're asking ($70 for cardboard, $80 for PSMove and camera with game), and the whole, "it's just a toy!" argument fizzles out.

Just cause it's marketed for kidzies doesn't mean you should rip them off.


And runs off your Smartphone, which can cost upwards of $250 for any decent one that won't burn the cardboard if running VR.

>I knew exactly what you meant, but I should just leave a witty remark instead

1-2 switch sold more than 1 million units though.

so, $70 + run off switch $299 is still more expensive.
What's your point?

You can do that with the Nintendo cardboards?. Nintendo VR porn when?

>wearing a robot cardboard suit to play odyssey and zelda even though it doesn't do anything different
>there are autists itt that will do this

Let's be honest, everyone knows kids aren't going to buy this Labo cardboard shit.

Remember when no one was gonna buy Amiibo? Remember when the Switch was D.O.A?

this is marketing 101.
You just need to convince the parents and they will buy it for their kids.
Education/Healtthy vidya is a niche but will always be an available market on all time.

only the 30 year olds will

Remember when those were supposed to be aimed for "kids" as well?
In the end, manchildren are Nintendo's main target audience, and if Nintendo can see and acknowledge that, why can't you people?

amiibos offer figures of nintendo characters, switch offers first party nintendo games, what does labo offer?