It's actually going to be successful, isn't it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yep, then sony will do it's own version and then video games will be okay.
Can I make stuff with Little Caesars Pizza? It's basically cardboard anyway
the only reason Sup Forums is shitting itself over it is because they legitimately don't understand the actual product
It is, but I'm not going to buy it. It's a kids thing, so it doesn't really appeal to me that much. Unless they start tying it in to Nintendo IPs. Link's Crossbow Training with a cardboard crafted crossbow would be pretty sweet.
>It's actually going to be successful, isn't it?
Yes, because Nintendo fans.
this is actually a fun idea for kids, the manchilds that pretend that nintendo is not a toy are the ones who are upset
Of course it is.
They are literally selling small amounts of cardboard and string for 70$.
They sell 5 of them and they're fine.
Sup Forums is always wrong
It's the opposite of Sup Forums
not literally no, there's a game included as well
Nintendo is going to win. Sup Forums is going to lose their minds. It's going to be awesome.
Is something actually happening with cardboard? Did I miss something?
Nintendo announced a line of diy controller building kits. Sup Forums's losing their shit because it's cardboard.
Are we just going to ignore how fucking genius this is on Nintendo's part?
Think about it. Nintendo loves gimmicky perpherals, but those are expensive to manufacture if the console you use it with doesn't sell like hotcakes, right? You've gotta pay for the creation of a lot of plastic, get a lot of paint, get some LEDs if applicable (Like with the Zapper), then you gotta buy the screws to keep it together, etc
Are all those expenses too much for you? Then it's simple, just use fucking cardboard instead. You know how inexpensive cardboard is? Cardboard is like, the joke item that you get because you have to make something on a budget that will buy you three candy bars and a two liter of coke. The only phrase that exists that tops that is dirt cheap, and that's because dirt is pretty much fucking free if you don't need it in huge quantities.
Essentially, the only thing they've spent a normal amount of money on is the creation of the game. The profit margins on this thing has to be astounding. Even if it doesn't sell that much, they're still going to make a good bit of money with it.
If this thing sells, even if it sells like a normal game, it's going to make Nintendo a stupid amount of profit.
Thanks, just looked up a trailer.
Actually looks really cool, but the price seems like too much.
>going to be successful
It already is.
This is made to appeal to the Minecraft generation, Youtubers are going to be all over this game.
Third best selling on Amazon. Who knows.
Fourth best in the video games section. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves here.
If you don't want to buy the cardboard, Nintendo's offering the patterns for print-out on their official site. No word on if the game's going to be sold in a non-kit version, but you'll probably be able to get it used cheap.
Right, that. But hey, could just be post-announcement hype. Still have until April.
It's called scalping
Time for some fresh OC
>sony invests in keeping bloodborne an exclusive
>loses to splatoon
>sony pays capcom to have the next monster hunter
>loses to cardboard
Or maybe because we're amazed by the fact that this is what Nintendo will have while the rest of the planet play the new monster Hunter.
A french interview confirmed that the game's going to be sold individually at regular price, at least in Europe.
should've known all this shitposting is from salty sony fanboys - how does it feel knowing the cardboard will outsell monster hunter world? Let alone the fact that this is just some small sub-brand for the switch, there's still other normal games releasing for it all the same.
At least this is a clever play on words and doesn't rely on that neo-Sup Forums soy maymay.
Chances are this will get some kids into computer science or programming. if you learn that stuff young you're based
missing the open mouth
oc pls save
>the rest of the planet play the new monster Hunter.
sounds like the "rest of the world" is going to be playing with cardboard instead amazon.com
Why can't sonigros learn how to spell?
It could just do well over japan and be considered an overwhelming success
Contrarians need to shitpost about something, though
Sony already did this embarrassment
Make sure you lube up before the next Nintendick in your ass
>will outsell monster hunter world
*Is outselling MHW. Fixed that for you.
No one gives a fuck about mongo hunter
>Another wojack edit
You need to be lobotomized.
>Splatoon sold more than Bloodborne
>On the WiiU
I'm fucking shocked
I fucking love both games, but if I had to choose, it'd be Bloodborne. And the meme game about KIDSQUIDKIDSQUID sold better? Gimmie the stats, I don't think I want to believe that
Also if the Labo sells more than Monster Hunter I will shit my pants. Hell, what are we gonna do if the Labo outsells shit like Horizon or, god forbid, Breath of the Wild? The shitposting would be horrible.
The real question is if they keep supporting this or if they'll drop support after a week and blame costumers like sony did with the vita.
>Sup Forums is laughing at nintendo selling literal cardboard
>its outselling fucking MHW
>MFW the absurdity of this entire situation
>Gimmie the stats, I don't think I want to believe that
Splatoon sold nearly 2 million more, and splatoon 2 has beat bloodborne already
Splatoon vgchartz.com
Bloodborne vgchartz.com
well its outselling fucking MHW like you can see:
i mean how fucking expensive is it to buy literal fucking cardboard? this has got to be some of the highest profit margin i've seen in a longass time.
>fresh OC
>Another goddamn wojak edit
Do this board a favor and jump off a cliff.
Nintendicksuckers are mentally ill.
Nintendo is the only company I know who could drive this board bat-shit insane.
>something just announced today is getting more preorders now than another game that you've been able to preorder for months now
really makes you think
The only mentally ill here is you for being upset at literal paper.
>post wojak
>call others mentally ill
Dont get me wrong. paying 80 bucks for that is stupid but your obsession for wojak edits is something that isnt normal.
I'm a PCfag, but i find it god damn hilarious literal nintendo brand cardboard is outselling what should be a surefire success in MHW, what the actual hell are sonyfags doing?
>shitposting means he is upset
how does it feel to be mentally ill?
>stating a clever manufacturing bypass with good marketing is sucking Nintendo's dick
>Google Cardboard comes out
>it's neat but nobody gets hyped because it's just cardboard
>Nintendo Labo comes out
>it's just a more limited Wii Play with cardboard attachments
>most people recognize it's ridiculous to sell this shit for $70
>shills come out in absolute full force to try to defend it
>dozens and dozens of anons switching from "B-But it's just for kids" to "S-Stop saying it's just for kids!"
>endless corporate dicksucking how "clever" Nintendo is to convince them, the ever vigilant and unbiased consumer, to buy cardboard
The only thing I hope to get from this is that it shits up /po/ hard enough that Nintendo gets contained to its own board.
Only the mentally ill shitpost and post/create wojak edits.
>Shitposting is mentally ill
It literally is.
so I'll ask again
How does it feel to be mentally ill?
I dont know you tell me.
>Nintendo labo announced
>Normal humans either think it's neat or think it's overpriced and don't give a shit about it
>Sup Forums shits itself out of anger, the entire board stops functioning from the ass ravage
>People come together in unison to laugh at you autists that are seething from paper
>Breath of the Wild
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>ARMS being a success despite all the "dead game" posting
>Switch being a massive success despite Sup Forums saying it would be Wii U 2.0
>Switch getting all the good Wii U games so that people who missed out can play them
>Bayonetta 3 coming exclusively to the Switch
>BotW winning more awards than anything on PS4
>Actual, literal cardboard outselling MHW
>mfw Sup Forums literally can't stop getting utterly fucked and BTFO by Nintendo
What went so wrong for this board? Did Iwata's ghost cast a hex on this place? Is Sup Forums forever doomed to get anally ravaged by anything Nintendo does now? They're living rent-free in user's heads now more than ever before.
Its so awesome. Sup Forums is faggy
>he says as he continues to shitpost
feels pretty good
oh shit i forgot this makes nintendo shitposting part of /po/ doesn't it?
>Nintendo fans are actually defending this
The Jews were right. Filthy goyim should be treated like the cattle they are
It's like a Nintendo version of the Trump curse. It's the Iwata curse.
That was literally my first post in this thread.
Stop being retarded.
i'm legitimately convinced this is just shitposters around the world at this point, i mean the fucking cardboard is somehow outselling MHW, how the actual fuck?
> 2018 - 0
> nintenfags literally unironically defending $70 cardboard controls
> their face when
God is dead
Just look at Sup Forums
Can't get more cattle than that
first post in the thread and its a shitty one. Nice job
We'll call it the Smiles and Tears Effect or something
Because I can't stop laughing, holy shit.
>Sup Forums
>not wrong
>the autists on the video game board laugh about how overpriced cardboard is silly
>the "normal people" can't stop making threads honestly trying to defend overpriced cardboard
What a world
Splatoon achieved religion status in Japan
It's pretty popular here, but it's nowhere near how popular it is there
Explain the Wii U
I'm looking forward to the jokes people will make. I'm so happy for shitposting.
Hey im not the one posting wojak edits.
>Nintendo is to Sup Forums what Trump is to liberals
That's actually a pretty good comparison.
Stop this "Sup Forums" shit. It's the very, very, very vocal Sonyboy minority. If you've been here awhile, you've surely seen the countless polls voting Sonyboys as the biggest shitposters on Sup Forums. And that was before Nintendo started becoming good again. After years of being shat on for having no games and a shitty console, they saw a few months of success and now they are in asspain crisis mode because Nintendo is doing so well.
It's pretty close-minded to dub this as a scam or a failure. It looks neat, and it's innovative. Kids will love it.
It's also a future for advanced, cheap, environmentally safe peripheral.
There's a lot of potential for more advanced construction kits. I'm wondering if someone could make something that works with amiibos, and create some sort of cheap playing board.
I also wonder just how much the IR sensors on the Joycons can do.
>newfag wasn't here for Obama election
>the last 2/3's of this post
Go fuck yourself
A game company is trying to sell you cardboard for 80 dollars. it's hilarious.
I've actually wanted to say that for a while without being called a Sup Forumsack.
neither am i, but your reaction to them is exactly why they will stick around. Especially the soyboy wojacks
And what will Sonnyggers be playing while we play Bayonetta 3, No More Heroes TSB, SMT 5, Metroid Prime 4, etc?
All actually exclusive to Switch btw, unlike MonHun.
are these not gonna just fall apart after like 5 minutes of play?
Most Nintendo fans are so dumb they didn't understand that the Wii U was a separate console from the Wii
>he takes consolewar shitposting seriously
best part of console war shitposting
Well if you arent the same guy then this conversation was meaningless.
You arent mentally ill.
The best part is it's designed for kids so I have no idea how they won't just step and break the cardboard.
>>no mouth open wide enough to swallow every dick in the world at once
One job.
You had one fucking job.
we are having a conversation about who is or is not mentally ill on this mongolian wjoack posting forum.
We are all a bit touched, user.
Think most people would say its nintendo and it's joyless, spartan defense force.
Have you never played with cardboard kits as a kid?
You ever play with Cardboard toys? They're pretty durable if you don't manhandle them or get them wet. And if you get any dings, you can just either smooth em out or tape over it, if it's really bad.
I still like it back then when pepe and wojak where just your average reaction pics.
>Sonygro in damage control