Why was it so FUCKING GOOD

Why was it so FUCKING GOOD

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Because even if 90% of the monster drops were only to sell, it had an unique feeling of getting different stuff depending on wherever you go.

Also instead of holding your hand on item progression like every other MMO like having you change weapon/armor every 4 levels while completely forgetting about any previous equipment, it made cosmetic and useful item hunt a thing of luck and/or dedication, spending minutes, hours or days in that little monster to drop that cutesy headgear you want for your character.

Now most games are "have this sword, have a better sword for 2 atk after 3 levels, have this better sword for 3 atk after 3 levels, have this slightly better sword that looks way worse that the one you have but damn son it gives you 2 more atk!" and so on.

I still remember my first card... good memories.

I want to go back to those carefree days

>good music
>decently sized world for the time
>stylizing made people nostalgic
>grouping didn't feel like a total chore, there was a bit of purpose to it
>the world felt diverse, it was more than just snow, desert, forest, meadows
I could keep going but it only serves to become more and more depressing.

selling vitata 5k

server anyone

Social aspects were big for me. People talked, guilds had hang out spots. You knew big guilds because you walked through their spots in town. Player market, where you didn't just buy from some guy on a list. You had to walk up to the guy. The cosmetic hats made high level people seem so cool when you were just a novice. I still remember this guy always, always had a shop just outside of Izlude, he was a blacksmith with a sweet gent.

it was the freedom for me. i cant get into new mmos that force you with lore related quest in order to advance and discover the world. discovering ragnarok world and lore at my own rhythm and pace was the best

Great music, great mix of 2d sprites on 3d maps, cute characters, edgy enemies, erokawaii enemies, deep and interesting mechanics, variety of classes and buids, tons of "tricks" to learn, no instanced content nor wpvp (the cancer killing MMORPGs). Among others.

Let it go user.


Almost total freedom once you got into the game.


>you will never hear this for the first time in your life ever again


inB4 the 2 retards who rolled in Talon try to shill the server.

Population is kind of important m8. But yeah Talon and Nova are complete shit, we already know that.

Never played it. Did I really miss out on something that good?

That's the point, "m8".

Just the best MMORPG ever.

As long as the point is that there's no server worth playing on right now, we are in agreement.

>there's no server worth playing on right now
That's true, but wasn't the point of my post. Some faggot started played Talon with his boyfriend and have been trying to shill it on Sup Forums like a week ago. Hence the "inB4" and pic.

Why do you give a man such feels?

OriginsRO or whatever has no cash shop but low population.
Just sayin.

the game wasn't good, the community was

dead branch parties were the best

>70 players
>last update from may
No thank you.



>Still have memories of spec'ing into a Magnus build so I could grind my priest all fucking day in Niflheim field

Cause other free MMOs at the time looked like this

Yeah. I just said it has a low pop. It's an old as fuck game. Also why would anyone care about updates on a game that most people go back to for nostalgia? As in not changed. Don't sound so retarded.

That was the field with the geographers wasn't it?
I remember trekking there to grind out mage levels

technically RO wasn't free but so many people played on private servers it might as well have been

Well yeah. RO got huge precisely because everyone played it for free at some point

you were pretty much on that map for life if you went wizard

starting on geos, moving on to goats when your SG level was high enough and then magma when you hit 85+

>why would anyone care about updates on a game that most people go back to for nostalgia?
Because is supposed to be some sort of "progressive" server that adds content until all pre-re and they dropped all support? pre-trans gets stale fast.

Pro tip: "We" already played and quit that server.

You meme but there was a certain charm in how Tibia handled quests,npc interactions abd exoploration. To this day there are still some secrets/eastereggs that no one can figure out.

There is a good video highlighting a few of the good points of RO

is there any mmo worth playing nowdays?

Never understood why this game never got a legitimate successor. All they had to do was update the visuals, tweak the gameplay and slap a 2 on it. Instead the RO2 we got was Budget WoW: made in worst korea edition

RO is outdated

FF14 was up until stormblood but it's all downhill from here

>never got a legitimate successor
It got turned into WoW (keknewal), 2 bastards successor and that abortion of "spiritual successor" know as Tree of ToS. Also the chink mobile game.

Jesus you sound retarded as fuck. How is the fact that you and a handful of fags I don't care about played on that server a pro tip? I was merely suggesting it for anyone because we all hate cash shop bullshit. I personally don't plan on playing any server except my own. Progressive? It's an old nostalgia trip: the game. You're retarded lol

It had a nice sense of exploration but a lot of it was bullshit to keep you grinding.

>I plan to play less than six hours: the post: the idiot

But is it? Plenty of folks enjoy it to this very day, with its flaws and what not, problem is that there are no good servers right now. Hell, even ToS is still alive just because MUH SPIRITUAL SUCCESSOR

>yoshi adds cross world party finder
>it's even deader than now than the original was back in 2/3.X

they know

Yeah. "Ok" to you too buddy.
Fucken retard of the month.

Why do you even care about the cahsshop? It's an old nostalgia trip: the game. You're retarded lol.
Why do you care about the rates? It's an old nostalgia trip: the game. You're retarded lol
Why do you care about corrupted/inexistent staff? It's an old nostalgia trip: the game. You're retarded lol

You are this retarded.

>Cross world party finder
>90% sales parties

Basically, it really wasn't. It was a social room MMO and most people who enjoyed it were young, barely played other MMOs, and had tons of free time.
Also depends on how they were raised in the game as well: official servers or eathena garbage.

Chill out sperg. Every server except the official ones are dead anyways. So unless you want to go there, then yes you're only going to have a low pop anyways and miggt as well just go for the nostalgia and not take it too seriously. But you sound like the type of nerdy permavirgin who can't not take an old game like ro seriously so.. yeah.

The "official ones" are dead too, retard, but who cares, it's an old nostalgia trip: the game. You're retarded lol.

>using nerd and virgin as insults in a korean manhwa imageboard
LMOAing at you're life, retard

god damn this video

>Make pre-trans server
>Add some qol changes and rebalance the class all around
>Hire some competent and trustful folks for the staff
>Find some 3k+ viewers streamer or some medium tier youtuber to shill it for you
Revived RO in less time than that fuckboy priest with 120 DEX

Finally a grindy mmo with proper class support and variety

What would be your plan to monetize it? And why no pre-renewal if you are going to rebalance it?

Western version of eastern style image board can only possibly have permavirgin nerds such as yourself right? This is your secret club where you fit in am I right? Wew lad
Is that why you were all like "heh we already played that server nuthing personnel"
Fucking pathetic.

between this and earth and beyond are my two favorite mmorpgs


play for free: net-7.org

A lot of people talk about the "successors" to Ragnarok Online, but no one really discusses the precursor.

>I don't take video games seriously!
The city of (you). Capital, Reddittown.

Again lmao
>he doesn't think about video games the way you're supposed to here like me and my SUPER secret website. Must be from REDDIT!
you are so damn sad boy. Shouldda expected people like you in a RO thread tho I guess. Ro always did have its fair share of tryhard faggots.

you're blowing my mind right now. what the fuck is this game?
it's not even so unreasonable, considering falcom's made more 2d sprite + 3d bg games, like a couple of the Ys games. 6?

And a big chunk of retards that play for less than 6 hours, like you, lol

This game is what Ragnarok Online was kinda-sorta based on, and it's one of Hakkyu Kim's previous works, to the point where he was even the main programmer, one of the writers, and executive producer.

You want to know where Ragnarok Online's sound effects, special effects (spell animations and water) map design, and music comes from? You're looking at the origin.

>What would be your plan to monetize it
Sell shitton of exclusive cosmetics. Hats, outfits, hairs, auras, you fucking name it. You could even become a superjew and put it all in a lootbox
>And why no pre-renewal if you are going to rebalance it?
If you can't rebalance the game with less options then trans would be a bigger disaster. Start off slow and later introduce new things

In your mind, playing a game for less than 6 hours is retarded? Yeah I am retarded then. You got me.. phew. Get some help.

isn't it all sprites? how many poses are there?

I cant imagine each clothing or class or whatever having that many frames

it's like note for note ro-style music. such a nostalgic feeling for music i've never heard before.
this game's ost is my new work bgm. you got a free blowjob from me if we ever meet, user.

So, you'll update it to pre-re, right? Then why stop there? Would you dare to remake keknewal from scratch? I like you tho, a shame there is no playerbase and is all a pipe dream.

Several classes, stat allocation that matters, skill allocation that matters, no defined objective, no themepark bullshit, no handholding on quests, crafting that mattered, unique card system, equips weren't just tier upgrades, elemental/race/size system, job level, great music, art direction, good work on the sprites, good story, amazing lore. Take your pick.

What would you like to see in a single player spiritual successor to Ragnarok online?

weird, i played on talonro like 2 years ago and it seemed alright

what's the problem with many people playing on a server?

It should be, it's the same composing group, SoundTeMP. That song you timestamped is very similar to Prontera from RO.

>i play mmos for less than 6 hours
At this point you are legally retarded or, worse, pretending. Fuck off.

Not him but from an animation perspective the sprites on RO were pretty easy to make, to begin with most parts of the body were made separately so they didn't had to redraw everything on every frame, the same applies to monsters, and then the animations didn't had that many frames in the first place.

You're joking right? Get a life bruh.

How the fuck did I never know about this? Is it playable?

how hard are the maps to make?

I guess the only thing needed is more enemy variety

Still got the entire OS on my S8+

You're in luck, because very recently, an English translation patch has been made available for the Japanese DVD version, if you can find the game disc/ISO. The patch has a few bugs, but the game can be fully completed.

Hope you like a mix of Christianity and Zoroastrianism in your anime games. Have a song: youtube.com/watch?v=NqU3b1iT4cM

the beat-em-up spinoff was pretty damn good too. got comfy memories of playing through it with a couple buddies.

Ohh boy.. this was a gem, the official servers are still up, and the game is fucking great... but i cant go through everything again, i feel old and miss my friends so much anbu and yuyu were my best friends and i still think on them... hope i get back to them someday... RO is just fucking great... everythin you do is neat... the progression is awesome, there is no mmorpg even close to the perfection this game is... im not even bias here, i camt go back to it, not because its bad but because ive lost so much from there, every minute there saddens me a lot... but i recommed to go play it.. its definitely the best mmorpg ever conceived, gravity couldnt make other one as good as this one

>what's the problem with many people playing on a server?
"Many people playing" is the only redeemable point of Talon. Or was, I don't know its current numbers.

Thanks for the tip!
I didn't mind the Christian bits that were associated with the churches/priests in ragnarok. This sounds interesting.

The maps? Specially on RO it should be pretty easy for most of them, considering you conserve as much energy as possible creating a proper map editor in the first place. The 3D objects weren't even that detailed to begin with so creating them wouldn't be a problem, the terrain was also pretty basic, now that I think of it it pretty much reminds me of what you'd get with the terrain editor on Age of Empires.

Of course some maps were much harder to make than others, for example the ones where you walk on those rope bridges close to the jungle village, and the entirety of Niflheim, Glast Heim, Geffenia and the cities.

From a development point of view, I'd say 90% of the work was made in less than 20% of the maps, and that's not exactly a bad thing, if every map is hyper detailed then there is no contrast with the maps you want to have a special identity.

Ragnarok in general took a whole lot more work than it should because it probably uses an old engine, nowadays it wouldn't be hard at all to make a game like it. Well except the main point of it was never the amount of work or polish it was how creative and unique everything was from the music to the systems the game used.

This vid makes a lot of claims about ToS that aren't really substantiated by anything other than "I don't like it".

yeah, it's pretty clear. i was hype for granado espada hearing that soundtemp was going to write for that game, but was pretty disappointed it was mostly electronic shit. its good music on its own, but i've been really wanting to listen to more of this oldschool soundtemp.

make that an assfucking. time to look for that translation patch

i wish they could extend the overworld so theres more maps inbetween, it really feels like an epic zelda adventure

While the nationality for that download is correct, it might be the CD version, instead of the DVD version, the latter of which you need.

I need to get on this, might help me learn what I need for my project.

it is two CDs. hmm

>my project
Go on

I come to these threads to gather information about what people would like to see from a spiritual successor to Ragnarok, of course it will have to be single player, but maybe I can implement multiplayer with some hard work thanks to steam making it so easier nowadays.
So far I'm focusing on this

We still play RBO yearly with friends.

Jesus how did RO that was based on this games engine and shit get movement so fucking slow and clunky when it is so smooth looking in this game?

It will be kinda hard to make it work without the communication people had on the mmo, but everything you listed would make for a good rpg game. Rather than trying to sell yourself as a spiritual successor, just use it as an inspiration and mold it towards a single player element. If youre adamant about going for the spiritual successor thing check the Ragnarok DS game: Its a single player experience, so playing it and analysing it might be good for your project

>just use it as an inspiration and mold it towards a single player element
That's mostly what I'm trying to do, the idea behind the project is something that captures the feel one had when playing RO back in the day. Mostly because I miss it and I'm tired of waiting for someone else to do it.

I'm thinking of things that could be used to replace the party system in case there is no multiplayer, RO implemented mercenaries later on and it always had a customizable AI system for the homunculus, so maybe I'll go on a similar route where each character you create can later be added to a party using such customizable AI. That coupled with many different builds on each class and many different classes would probably make things interesting.

I always want to make that joke when I see these threads.

Single player vs multiplayer. Networking slows things down and for a good reason

> Hats, outfits, hairs, auras, you fucking name it.
>All those servers with those xbawks huge wings and snowflake auras

absolutely disgusting

Cute anime pixel art that appealed to your teenager self plus interesting cliche anime story.

Has any MMO ever been able to recreate the feeling of Tibia's PvP?