Objective: RUN

>Objective: RUN.

Other urls found in this thread:

sixthtone.com/news/1001531/China’s Die-Hard Star Wars Fans Respond to ‘Last Jedi’ Flop

>Objective: No flyboys

>elezen irl.jpg

>Objective: SURVIVE

>Obective: "Lol, I was just pretending to be retarded all along."

>"We will resist the empire's facist regime like we resisted Trump."

What did xer mean by this?

lol nice, I don't care that she is a woman or has purple hair.. I think it's ridiculous that she is a vice admiral and doesn't wear any sort of military uniform or adhere to any military customs or courtesy's

Why did the commander not just tell everyone what the plan was instead of expecting everyone to run in circles of confusion?

Why did Luke leave behind a starmap if he didn't want to be found and was going to tell everyone who did find him to fuck off?

How did Luke become the most pessimistic person in the galaxy when before he was the most hopeful person in the galaxy?

How did Luke see hope in Vader who didn't even see hope in himself but felt an instinctual need to kill Ben for him just considering joining the Dark Side?

Why did the Poe and Rose arc need to happen when the casino arc not only accomplished nothing but also let the First Order know the Rebel escape plan allowing the to kill off almost all of them?

Did Rose honestly say that they have to win the war using the power of love right as the First Order was going to wipe all of them?

So was there any reason why a droid couldn't stand behind to release the escape pods and fly the ship in a straight line?

Why doesn't this movie make any sense?

It's a rebel faction. Basically terrorists in the First Order's eyes. It's an informal military.

>that neck


Objective: Eat Dust

>Why doesn't this movie make any sense?
Because there's no way to make a simple Star Wars story anymore and they're trapped by corporate involvement, endless revisions, and deadlines that create "fuck it, they won't notice" creative decisions.

I really like Laura Dern but it's a shame that she will only be remembered for this role.

Except she was an admiral in the New Republic military which was a formal military. Even the Rebel Alliance was a structured military with uniforms. Its one of the things that separates the Rebellion from terrorism, they use conventional tactics and with clearly marked ships and uniforms.

The only Rebel you ever see not wear a uniform is Han. (Leia and Mon Mothma were never part of the military of the Rebellion) Even Lando wore a uniform. And Leia actually has one on in ESB

Whoever wrote this originally must not pay attention to anything in Star Wars.

because we are no longer the target audience, m8.

it's for kids, cucks, and bitches who are "le nerd gurl"


One more time you fucking alt-right piece of shit:


>plot holes in star wars
yeah man the entire star wars plot and lore was squeaky clean and consistent until those damn liberals got their hands on it xD. wait till the fellas at reddit read your list! one million upvotes :D??

>Objective: Walk

lol I thought he had a pucci

holy shit I can see your IQ dropping as you post


This. My undermench non-trans self exists only to be gassed by the ubermench transgendered.


Holy fuck, you're right.

She'll be remembered for Jurassic Park.

>there is no objective

movie controlled by incompetent suit-filled committees who tried their hardest to milk the brand but failed BECAUSE they ripped the movie from its roots and abandoned everything that made it magical to begin with. Don't get me wrong, the movie made a lot of dosh, but the falloff is so bad that disney is expecting Solo to take a hit. The movie also bombed so fucking hard in China (10 mil less than GEOSTORM) that the second largest market in the world may just ditch SW entirely going forward (only 30 foreign movies make it over per year). Not up to mouse standards and the brand is no longer squeaky-clean. You just can't write a SW movie while actively hating its original audience.

I laught out loud in the cinema pointing the fact of 3cpo and the football guy abording the escape ship meanwhile the problematic hair comander sacrificing herself (other people joint me in my laught,)

That headline is laughable considering TLJ is the simplest Star Wars movie.

Because it was a bad movie. Plain and simple. The bigger question why don't people bring up the fact that Disney holds too much on the media like some scary dictator using their strength to propagate the media to give good reviews and damage contol for the film. Seriouslly is really scary how much control they have on the west.

Were people suppose to actually like and side with her over Poe? Are those articles I see that talk about the movie condemning mansplaining (funny how all I ever see is that or how it's so diverse and shit and nothing else despite critics praising it) because Poe wanted to know what her plan was?

Should be remembered for Inland Empire

But a vocal minority of its fanbase refuses to move on, trudging along in a feeble attempt to manufacture their perfect individual version of Star Wars for the satisfaction of their wet dreams. The Force Awakens may have been dangerous because it reinforced reminders of the old, but the backlash was strong, even though it utilized structural similarities and plot developments for the sake of mystery-box subversion. Many viewers hated Abrams’ film because it exposed their reverence and mythologization of the original trilogy to an absurd degree and refracted it back in the characters’ personalities. Cries and whimpers of “It’s the same thing as the original Star Wars!!” might as well be re-worded into “I didn’t like it because it gave me exactly what I’ve been worshipping for the last thirty years!!”. While The Force Awakens, in a sense, weakened those who have never moved on from the original trilogy, The Last Jedi leaves them in the blood-red dust. It soars off into the galaxy with a fresh twinkle in its eye and a comical, sly reverence for Star Wars itself and not the version so many people have fabricated in their fantasies. The characters have been freed from their ties to Original Trilogy characters, and while they will always carry them within their hearts. Johnson showcases that no progression can be unearthed without change, and change is the opposite of stagnantly committing to ancient fandom favorites just because that’s how they’re remembered. The truth hurts for the personalities in The Last Jedi and the audience observing it play out across the screen; they have realized their stories are just that. It’s what you take away from them, and where you go from there that matters. This gargantuan space-opera train is finally back to square one freed from the constraints of its sickening fanbase and bursting into hyperspace towards the future. Time to let go

>objective: kill everything

>TLJ was so bad China is not playing on even showing episode IX

its kinda funny really

this type of commie SJW bullshit doesn't work on actual communists

Star Wars is not a franchise about plot points, logic, or actions; it’s a franchise about ideas and feelings. And the point of this sequence is the idea of oppression and inequality, and the feeling of righteous indignation about it, and giving Rose the opportunity to vocalize those points and establish herself as the voice for that in this new trilogy. Because, again, it’s been a missed opportunity for a long time that Star Wars has been preoccupied with the experiences of royals, elites, religious orders, and other upscale characters at the expense of everybody else. It’s a really cool step to have this character, who’s essentially a one woman get-over-your-bullshit machine, come to this glamorous place and point out that the villainy isn’t just the space Nazis, it’s the upper class that lets the Nazis get away with stuff because they stand to benefit. You see, it’s the non-mystical, on the ground component that allows the film to get away from the narrowly classist vision of the Force going on in the Rey-Luke stuff

KotORII is the only intellectual Star Wars story

>objective: smash the patriarchy

nigga if there was a legit smash the patriarchy game i'd unironically be hyped as fuck. no way it won't be providing some solid laughs

Reminds of

>Rey pulls out a lightsaber in anger on Luke
Isn't that a good way to fall to the dark side? Luke nearly lost it completely when he fought Vader.

>too smart
How exactly?

>Did Rose honestly say that they have to win the war using the power of love right as the First Order was going to wipe all of them?

That's a lot of words to say "we were just pretending to be retarded"

No one wanted the same thing. Which, bizarrely, he admits to. They just wanted a good movie in the same setting. Too bad they couldn't provide it. They even happily loved a game that deconstructed star wars and the force, in KOTOR2. Man, these people really are idiots.

they must be playing the long game.

The Clinton campaign didn't attempt to appeal to common folks or lower class white people, who are stereotypically considered to be ignorant.

>objective: sneak into the place

Finn was going to sacrifice himself to save everyone in the bunker.

So in response Rose sacrificed herself to save him, and said "You don't destroy the things you hate. You have to save the ones you love." She then kisses him, and dies.

The result is that now everyone is going to die to the laser, including Finn. Also he was going to save the things he loves, mainly all the people in the bunker. And why did she fall in love with him?

It was just so stupid.

I don't think she's dead user, she just passed out. She'll be back in the next movie

No it's not, when the BvS reviews started dropping and the main complain was "I didn't understood" and "it's not marvel" people should have noticed there was something wrong. Now with yet another franchise ruined while the same fucks who shat on BvS praise TLJ people are starting to realize that Disney pays every movie reviewer out there.

Han solo solo film sounds like a terrible idea I hope it bombs hard

THe answer given was that the DNC add a MASSIVE computer algorytm, with hundreds of polls from everywhere, measuring if issue X or Y was the most important for people,m etc.

Basically, the program told them that she had practically won, that the rust belt was safe as fuck, etc. All of this is from the higher up, not the boots on the ground.

So, when the local people in Penn call the DNC for funding and say that they are having trouble and need funding then the suit at home say nah, from our numbers here you are fine, we can better spend that money in say Nevada, or some other battlgrounds.

It's basically the Clinton way, be haughty trash that will never recognise the folks that got you up there and MAY know better than your brooklyn elite.


It's actually a box office disaster (1.2 billion). We're looking at an 800m drop from TFA (2 billion), just 200m short of grossing HALF of what TFA made.

Of course, you're not going to see many news outlets reporting this. The movie "defies expectations", it's "revolutionary", any shortcomings can be blamed on "entitled fans", etc. Just Disney damage control.


I swear to god they only cast her because she has a long neck so they could reference mon mothma
There is nothing in the sequel trilogy that isn't at least partially based on something that was done in the OT
It's all arbitrary as fuck

Fuck off, you white male

where'd you get that?

Objective: Hold the controller still

>Objective: eliminate the white male privilege

>Boss fight you're supposed to lose

take your old ass memes out of here.

Do not disrespect smug Frodo

Are they training or fighting?

This is what hurts the most. Mark loves Star Wars and Star Wars fans more than anyone who was in the original trilogy, and now the only way he'll be a part of episode 9 is if he's a Force ghost.

Why did Luke's astral projection use his fathers blue light saber instead of his green light saber that he was using the entire time he was training Ben? If he projected himself younger to try and elicit a strong emotional reaction from Ben to provoke him would he not want to use the saber he tried to kill him with? Why didn't Kylo Ren notice that he was the same age from back then and wielding a saber that he helped destroy moments before?

The movie isn't good, Disney didn't think it would have to be

It's not a movie for rational human beings, it's a movie for socially engineered bugmen. Corporate drones that will shallow anything that media tells them.

If only Rey turned to the Dark Side. It would have been interesting.

Name a single plot hole in any Star Wars movie before the sequels. Go ahead, I'll wait. Yes, the prequels too.

Not him, but wasn't their a major plot hole in the first episode or something? Like the trade federation did something incredibly short-sighted or stupid?

Kar Vastor: *"I have known Jedi. Many, many years ago. That knowing was not a gladness for me. I believed I would never know another, and I rejoiced in that belief. But it is a gladness for me to be proven wrong. I am happy to have known you, Jedi Luke Skywalker. You are more than they were."

Luke:" That's—I mean, thanks, but I barely know anything."

Kar Vastor: "So you believe. But I say to you: you are greater than the Jedi of former days."

Luke: "What makes you say that?"

Kar Vastor: "Because unlike the Knights of old, Jedi Luke Skywalker… you are not afraid of the dark."

Not that user but it's abundantly clear that Palpatine made them think they're hot shit & that they can become way better by doing his plan. They're gullible idiots which are easily manipulated.

it's incredible how dogshit our critics are. Even China is showing us up. I mean what the fuck is going on? Blatant shills? All journalists being part of a hivemind for some bizarre reason?


sixthtone.com/news/1001531/China’s Die-Hard Star Wars Fans Respond to ‘Last Jedi’ Flop

>tfw it took Luke way more training & he isn't even Rey level
This must be how Vegeta felt when Trunks went SSJ.

Oh why did people hate episode one then? I honestly thought people hated it because it made no sense.

Jar Jar?

china is surprisingly pragmatic and think little of our coddled liberal elite: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baizuo

Disney forgot to bribe them.

>threatening to murder an innocent man out of anger
Luke nearly went to the dark side for doing such a thing to the most terrible, horrifying individual to live for a thousand years yet she gets to threaten death to the savior of the galaxy and gets nothing.

He also turned to the dark side and served an clone of the emperor, and was responsible for millions of deaths.

Luke saw her trying to force-touch Kylo after learning his side of why he burned the Jedi Temple and got pissy, Rey tried to convince him and eventually forcejacked his saber to try and get him to speak his side. I guess he could've force took it first but then again he cut himself off from the force.

>it's incredible how dogshit our critics are. Even China is showing us up. I mean what the fuck is going on? Blatant shills? All journalists being part of a hivemind for some bizarre reason?
The only people that hated the movie was amateur critics, which is not a reflection of all audiences. 170k is a sizable chunk of people, but it is a fraction of a fraction of the movie going audience in America. See Cinema Score which got opinions from actual general audiences.

>Snoke can destroy Rey with a lightsaber just by waving his hand

>this entire time thought the left dude's head was exploding.

damn I'm dumb


What the FUCK was her problem?

Luke tried to kill her boyfriend Kylo so she effortlessly kick his ass.

move over lower class humans, superior long neck qt cumming through

Why are greys so cute?

>ywn have a Kaminoan waifu

>this whole fucking thing happened because luke had a fucking "thats so raven" moment

Pack mentality. Some people started saying shit like "Jar Jar and Anakin were annoying, Darth Maul was wasted, Palpatine's plot made no sense (it did, they're just brainlets)" and all the normies who watched it maybe once when they were five all followed along with the complaints because it's the in-vogue thing to do. There was hate surrounding the prequels when they came out, but nothing like how it is now. These people don't create opinions, they just siphon them from others who they perceive to be smarter than themselves.

Dogshit compared to prequels. Holy fucking shit how did the Jews do it?

>central plot is a slow speed chase that lasts for so long they run out of gas
They seriously couldn't come up with anything better?

>not telling anyone her plan ultimately ruinss her plan and leads to the death of most of the resistance
Is Disney trying to argue for openess and the importance of dialogue?

>PT reviews
>the most petty and nitpicky shit you can imagine, would put even the nostalgia critic to shame

>well, the visuals were good. well, the sound design was good. well,,

True moral of the movie is to always park in a legal location.
Finn and Rose could have saved everyone if they just did that bit properly.

>NuWars is such a shitshow the Prequels are now given positive light by old fans.
You cannot make this shit up.

it was basically how sjws view leadership, not as something of reciprocal responsibility where you answer to your subordinates as much as they answer to you

they look at it like its some sacred role that cannot be questioned nor should leaders be held accountable by lowly flyboys and subordinates

Stop complaining about Leia in space. She's using the Force and the Force works in mysterious ways.