Why aren't you playing the GOTY, Sup Forumsnons? The translation patch is 100% complete.
Why aren't you playing the GOTY, Sup Forumsnons? The translation patch is 100% complete
Virtual books aren't games, no matter how many pictures you put in them.
It's an actual game with gameplay elements, though.
Because I hit puberty a decade ago.
Because I need a name.
Just use your own name?
Because its shit
Whoa nice, real diversity in positions there
>can't do anything but escape
>still get fucked
With this and a few other games I find that missed potential hurts more then just no game at all.
Its making me consider Megaman legends 3 is better off dead
post a download link I'm lazy
Yeah but where's a 100% save? I'm still missing one Nemea and one Vinum scene because the translator's guide is fucking wrong.
Something this game needed
If you go to the scene select screen thing you can turn on hints on the options and they tell you how to get them
Looks good. What's the name of this videogame, bros?
I really like the idea behind the game but almost all the content is just so boring, it doesn't feel like it's worth playing.
Download (find and obtain succubus prison): mega.nz
Translation: patreon.com
I've got you senpai
Well the hint is fucking wrong too because it says the same thing as the guide and I already tried that.
Then what are the game mechanic
The biggest missed potential is the lack of being able to give into your desires and sexually assault the succubi, mainly when they're sleeping and during the washing scenes.
That and the lack of blowjobs.
Succubus prison
Her scenes aren't different enough imo.
Good job spoonfeeding him, retard.
Post webm please
I just saved you hours of your life you would have otherwise spent playing this shitty excuse for a game.
Yeah, agreed. or a way to turn them human or just more ass
It was okay. Something about it feels like it could've been executed better
you're my greatest ally user.
If the concept got expanded on in a sequel with more mechanics, more story, and way more scenes (think a full game) it'd be one of the best porn games. It's got potential. I hope the dude who made it steps up his game next time.
>No voices
>No animations
>No dialogue
>Inb4 vanillafags shit this thread up
Is there a list of all the artists and who did what? I know the giantess was doskoinpo, but that's it. I particularly want to know who did this one.
>No voices
>No animations
>No dialogue
It was fun for like a couple of hours but needed more endings and scene variations. Enjoyed it for what it was though.
Imagine someone actually doing this
>The translation patch is 100% complete.
why would i play things available to EOPs
So you can understand the lore before they make a sequel, duh. When the next game comes out, you'll want to be ready to beat it before the translation comes out.
Stop shitposting
>sjw trash
>muh stronk womens
It can't be SJW trash when the women are actually attractive.
Did they change anything from the translation already on the MEGA?
>still no video of the translated scenes
Don't reply. The guy has been baiting for the last several threads.
Oh trust me it still is.
Not baiting
Just simple
All men are "pigs" who can't control themselves and women are butterflies who do no wrong
This is the best RPG Maker game I've played in a while
Ilias did nothing wrong
I remember when I played my first RPG maker game.
you're a literal cuck to humanity if you say this trash
>women are butterflies who do no wrong
>portrayed as irredeemable monsters incapable of love or empathy
>replying to bait
>ywn be a loli succubus turning humans into dried fish
How many pentagrams with dildos do I have to masturbate on to stop this feel?
>men are portrayed as hungry pigs who can never do anything but think about sex
>women are not talked about this way
>that view is only from the MC who is shown to be an actual cuck
>irredeemable monsters incapable of love or empathy
Just like SJWs. Seriously though, ignore that faggot if he's going to falsely equate the two because of some minor overlap despite one being a sexual fetish and the other being a nonviable identitarian movement.
Ov vey Luka,Coexistence is the only way for humanity to survive.....but after we commit genocide on the angels!
Keep denying the truth cuck
>its okay because its a porn game
>its not okay in other games though
This is the best RPGMaker game I've played in a while.
What happens if you go with this semen demon?
Reminder that only faggots reply to Sup Forumstards.
>You will never be Vinum's pet
Nothing wrong with this. Not all of us want to be unbirthed
I certainly haven't played many, but most of them are really simple RPG's with H-scenes, at least this one changes that a bit
I'm a faggot
>not wanting to be the dried fish
Reminder that this game is for literal cucks
You are never heard from again. It was a pretty lacklustre ending, especially when one even corrupts your save file.
>two of them bring other guys home to succ
>you dont even get to join in and DP them
>you only get to watch
why even bother?
>EOP's go crazy about random game that's not even that good simply because it got a TL
>weebs go crazy about random game that's not even that good simply because it doesn't have a TL
which one is worse
I forgot all of the lore in Monmusu Quest and lost my save game while waiting for Part 3 so I never finished it. I don't get how people can remember this shit years later.
Both but mostly the weebs since it's petty and haughty attitude for the sake of starting shit
>Myusca's grinding scene is a cuck scene
They wanted the cuck audience
The latter, because that builds up anticipation which is always betrayed.
Because I got the best ending within a few hours.
This has to be an Illias post. Illias started that war, Alice wanted coexistence like Luka.
>headpats when you do a good job
>light kisses on the cheek when you bring her a fresh human to feast on
>she'll even transfer some of the life force into you while she dry fishes the guy, to get you hooked on the taste of human life force
>long nights hanging out in the library as she reads demonic books to you and slowly teaches you the language
>being punished by getting drained to the brink of death only to get brought right back
>lullabies whispered into your ear as you fall asleep
>being brought to the demon world on business trips, with Vinum keeping you close to make sure her pet doesn't get killed
>becoming more and more demonlike because the only people you hang around are vicious demons with no empathy
My fucking face when none of this will happen to me.
Clarify what EOP is for a brainlet?
An earlier thread had the OP saying that there weren't any decent endings.
I'm just fucking glad Boco isn't shitting up this thread.
There are no good endings. Important difference.
Would you be willing to get your friends drained for a loli mommy succ mistress?
Some people are buttblasted that the MC gets his ass handed to him by invincible demons and can't do shit about it in 80% of the endings
Because they are all shit of the highest degree
>your friends
Literally who?
The best ending is actually staying in the house forever getting raped and going back in time
What about family? A brother? Your poor old father?
I would drain every single friend I've ever had with my bare fucking hands to have a loli succ mistress.
And I would strangle every good and honest person on earth to get the chance to be the loli succ mistress.
Tell me what happens when you do do shit. What happens?
Just spoiler me up I don't care
>A brother
They'd fucking shake my hand for bringing them to a succubus house
>Your poor old father?
Don't have one, and no I'm not a nigger
What if Sup Forums's theories aren't too far off, but instead of jews, the world is run by elite demons of different types all trying to drag the world into chaos and hedonism?
>do do
You get fucked to death. That's the whole game.
>The best ending is the one that never ends
Pure Kino.
If you escape with 1 or more deaths, you go back because you're addicted to succubus vag and they kill you. But you can get a good ending if you escape with 0 deaths.
I'd tell a dirty demon worshiper like you to go to hell, but that would be a reward for you
I don't think Sup Forums makes any distinction between the two.
Yeah I wish there was a follow up to this and maybe the dildo demon like there is with the bib or doll.