It's Time

Time to admit that (while admittedly a flawed masterpiece) this is the greatest open world rpg ever made.

>inb4 morrowind nostalgiafags

Other urls found in this thread:

>enemy levels scale with you

It's meh

That'd be skyrim you stupid fuck

I honestly and unironically have never seen the issue with level-scaling. Can some explain what they actually don;t like about it? Genuinely curious.

there should be an antishilling law

Only ashskin knife eared faggots disagree with this OP

Bandits running around in Daedric armor is the most immersion breaking shit in any video game ever made.

>shilling for a game that came out over 10 years ago

Some people just like to talk about games they like on a board about video games. Sometimes those games happen to be old.

Oblivion should've had that Earthbound mechanic that make enemies die of a heart attack when they see how powerful you are.

>every single day 1 to 5 threads about skyrim, morrowind or oblivion
>just a coincidence bro

>you got the best item in the game
>at level 4, it's useless once you get further

There were just 15 threads about a Switch game.

Your seriously a fag if you're complaining about a few TES threads that pop in and out over a days time. Nobody shills this old ass shit


>switch shills too so bethesda doesn't
try harder


Time to admit you're an xbox 360 baby who is blinded by nostalgia, as are 99% of Oblivionfags

>mfw cheesing the whole game with a 100% Chameleon enchanted set of armor

anyone that would ever buy this game already has, faggot.

try harder

Morrowind nostalgia fags don't exist anymore. They haven't posted here since 2013.

Their heart was still in it with Oblivion. It shows everywhere in the game: more fleshed out NPC routines, Beth paying out of pocket for decent middleware, the soundtrack, the quests. TES V in comparison was a very corporate release. Corners were cut, and the employees were clearly doing their 9-5 instead of creating something they love.

Skyrim was pretty disappointing for me, I put 150 hours into oblivion and only about 40 in skyrim. The quests just weren't fun. The dragur caves got old and it was more casualized.

Oblivion is truly the Star Wars prequels of vidya

Skyrim is a better open world fantasy action game, Morrowind is a better fantasy RPG. Oblivion is literally only good for people that have toaster computers that cannot run Skyrim mods.

Episode 3 was really quite good but the first 2 were pretty shit tbqh.

>every faction quest line has only one (1) possible outcome
>accidentally visit Kvatch before bothering with the main quest

Yeah, nah. Only good part was shivering isles, and it's too fucking short.
Fuck this game and its horse armor DLC.

Can we at least agree that the dark brotherhood quest line was the single best quest chain in any open world rpg?
>that agatha christie and then there were none quest
so good

The quests and soundtrack are the only advantage it has over Skyrim
The world is boring as shit, the level scaling is laughably broken, the AI is bad even by Bethesda standards and the NPCs look like they all have fetal alcohol syndrome

Good description really. Crap overall but a few good characters and moments.

Have you heard of the high elves?

>open last oblivion save
>in imperial section 8 house
>random items piled up to character's chest

Trivializes the RPG mechanics. If everything is pegged to your level, why bother tracking stats in the first place.
It's also crap at balancing, either it underscales everything and the game is piss, it overscales everything and the game is piss.
Even if it gets everything just right, it makes the challenge progression feel flat, instead of having natural peaks and valleys that give the player satisfaction: overcoming tough obstacles or overpowering foes in a power fantasy.

That's not Gothic 2

>play skyrim
>every faction quest is 1 hour long and has only one (1) possible outcome
>accidentally visit Whiterun

Yeah, nah. Only good part is the sex mods, and it's too fucking short.
Fuck this game and its house DLC.

gr8 b8 m8

>horrible scaling system
>shittiest dungeons in the entirity of elder scrolls
>spellcrafting and enchanting is blocked off until you either complete some of the shittiest quests in the game or pay 2000 sheckles for a dlc house
>set the shitty standard for dlc thats held to this day
>everyone looks like they were inbred
It had some of the best quests in the series but everything outside of those quests and the music is dog shit. Flawed masterpiece my ass.

True, but the sex mods can be a lot of fun. Like playing a child race and amorous adventures to engage in /ss/ quests with amazonian titty monsters.

Looking back I liked exploring the Aylied shits way more than draugr galore and 4 dwemer structures that are always tied to a quest so there's no point exploring them.

Eventually enemies have so much health, they take forever to kill. Your damage output maxes out way too early. I remember wailing on those Xivali with a Daedric claymore forever.

>the writing on this note looks different, suspect even
>it's clearly tampered, I'll just wait and see
>wait a few weeks, no complaints from management
>I'll take it to the fort and ask the boss about it
>can't talk to him about anything
>fine, whatever, I'll do it
>kill a cat in his basement
>next one is the same deal, written by someone creepier than my boss
>go to the fort, boss is still there
>can't talk about anything
>do the next few drops

Real good quest line, yeah.

I never played the DB but I really liked the thieves guild.

Never did thieves guild cause stealthy characters just weren't for me. Gotta try it someday

That's Gothic 2 you stupid shitesda fuck

Isn't the DB stealthy? Thought it was basically just thieves guild but you kill people instead of steal shit

>dropping truths like it hurts
Skyrimfags and oblivionfags can suck their modded bags of dicks and shove their console-optimized interfaces up their arses. Morrowind was the last decent role-playing effort the bethsoft team bothered to try.

>inb4 morrowind nostalgiafags
All 3 last TES games are great and yeah: Oblivion is best among them.

Does anyone have an image for rolling builds in Morrowind?
I'm in the mood.

>That feel when you have less depth than morrowind and at the same time are way more rough and less streamlined than skyrim

It's the ugly middle child. The only thing it's got going for it is the dark brotherhood and a small handful of other quests.

>Oblivion is best among them.
itt soysucking redditards who never played real crpgs

oh hello there

Jumping to full voice acting will do that.

>itt soysucking redditards
Yes, it is you, fucking faggot and ultimate shitter. kys

Le buzzword
Ebin meme fellow redditperson

Hello plebbit cuck

I saw a mudcrab the other day, nasty creatures.
Good day.
I saw a mudcrab the other day, nasty creatures.

Oblivion had a total of 17 voice actors. Calling it 'full' voice acting is a joke.

Alright fag maybe I'll finally play this. Are there any mandatory fixes? I want to keep it as vanilla as possible, but I want it to work

Oh, it's you...hello


As someone who has played all the games in the series for large amounts of times. Oblivion is the worst 3D Elder Scrolls game.

Everything Skyrim cut out that was in Oblivion was better in Morrowind. Everything in Oblivion just felt awkward and off. The NPCs, the gameplay, the world itself. The facial expressions were retarded. The gameplay was weak. Sure you can cast a spell now while holding a weapon, but spells were nerfed from Morrowind, and the spell creation in Morrowind was better, so was the enchanting. Skyrim having a left and right hand was better than Oblivion's magic system. The environment and world was the worst and the weakest from ANY TES game I have played. It's generic medieval fantasy garbage, and the planes of Oblivion were poorly done (like all dungeons). The DLC settings were good. Also yeah Skyrim's dungeons were linear, but they looked better and felt a little more unique and diverse than Oblivion's. Meanwhile, Morrowind had way better dungeons than Oblivion and they were more complex if you prefer open ended mazes. Levitation added another dimension to exploration. The only thing Oblivion had going were memorable questlines and factions were done great. You had to seek out the thieves guild and travel all around for the mages guild. They had the painting quest, the Dark Brotherhood murder mystery mansion. Oblivion wasn't bad by no means, it was just awkward and a shadow of its predecessor and sequel. Maybe that's the charm to it, and why it is so loved.

>tl;dr Everything Oblivion did wrong, Skyrim fixed. Everything Oblivion did right, Morrowind did better. Oblivion is the awkward teenager between Morrowind and Skyrim.

I meant "full" only in the sense that there is audio for all dialogue lines. The Titanic was still technically a ship, even if it sunk.

>17 bored audio book narrators
>recorded while sitting
>without having rehearsed or even spotted the script

>voice actors


install the 4 patches on the nexus

But you're right. My siblings played it again recently and the tech, the quests, the world, except maybe the combat, are still topnotch and immersive as fuck. They ended up playing through most of it again.

>best RPG ever made
>the best builds/optimal ways to make the game not shit at end game involves picking shit skills as majors and good skills as minors so you can keep your levels in check without scaling the game to hard



Why does this beauty have a swastika on her face? Is she, dare I say it, our girl?

This is why most NPCs in new Bethesda games all say the same 3-4 lines.

>The Titanic was still technically a ship, even if it sank
>implying it's not been technically reclassified as a shipwreck

Oblivion was technically supposed to be a great game.
What it was at release and is now might be tangentially related to a great game, but technically can't be classified as one.

So many lines in Oblivion were mastered horribly. I remember replaying the game on PC with headphones on and noticing how smoky-throated all the voice actors sound. Like the guy that plays the male Breton has tons of little wheezes during his lines, it's a completely shitty job on everyone's part.

Eliminates the feeling of progression, which in turn makes gaining completely irrelevant. What is the point when nothing changes? Morrwind and Gothic games are both superior in that regard, because they had handcrafted world with encounters that you could choose when and how to approach, unlike in Oblivion where specific kind of loot will not even spawn until you are "high enough" level.

don't go dissing reddit's fav tes, gramps
these kids grew up playing oblivion so it clearly is the best one

Once you learn an invisibility spell you're at maximum potential

The Oblivion dungeons actually weren't bad

Yes because it's the only game wherein I can literally become a fist wizard.

They kind of were, considering ONE guy made every single one and they all felt the same.

So sorry! Please don't down vote me

The fact that they only made like two sets of assets for the dungeons (normal caves and then the ancient ruins) was awful but the actual design of the dungeons isn't bad.

Damn this comparison is great. I know I enjoyed Oblivion more than Skyrim, but looking back I know that it's just objectively worse. Oblivion is still hilarious and fun though even with it's glaring flaws.