Previous thread

>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
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You memer

so is it this thread or the other one?

This one

madotsuki smoking a cigarette and looking depressed
perhaps sitting on her balcony with her legs over the edge

so is this one

Requesting this dude snowboarding.

This is the one

Requesting sexy Anahita maid

>Meme trap was the real thread

It'll do

Post Nia requests

Requesting my MMO character in the Darkest Dungeon style, having a moment of "virtue" where the characters in the game overcome the hardships of the expedition on a critical moment, motivating themselves to keep going foward.

If possible, her virtue also being "Powerful", others like "Focused" or "Corageous" is fine too.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Requesting Alis Landale making out with Samus Aran

I never see fanart of 80's Alis, or of Super Metroid Samus in her gravity suit, or Samus with her helmet off + the under-helmet headgear and her hair done up so she's still kind of androgynous.

Nia femdom

requesting MORE aerobics Wiifit trainer

with a nice muscle tone

Requesting Jungo pondering about what autism means while standing next to a Sonic version of Jack Frost

Requesting nude Nia with small or middle-sized breasts (not too big please) and trimmed landingstrip down there (not a big bush, just a cute strip).
Extra version with thick, fluffy pubic hair is fine too but not necessary.

Requesting Miriel attempting to teach a class in the Dark Mage bodystocking for weird research reasons

Requesting color of this bodysuit-revealing Ciel from Mega Man Zero.


Reposting my request for the user working on it.

Requesting Solor from Etrian Odyssey posing nude with her hair down.

Requesting Hifumi Togo playing shogi with Okabe from Steins;Gate, with both of them trying to out chunni each other.

Anchoring for

Requesting this scene with Daidoji drawn, please!

nia lewds but instead of nia its [my favorite character]

Listen Shadow Sae has like 3 lewd pics of her and that’s fucking criminally low for someone like her.

Requesting happy loving sex with Shadow Sae.

Requesting SFV's Laura in this outfit, giving a lapdance as a belated Christmas present.

Reminder that bump limit is a meme and you can stop pretending anyone actually cares about if a thread is early or not

it's dead, Jim


Wearing the Dangerous Beast costume, blade form preferred (Topless version optional).

am i good to start taking commissions vee?

3 are mine yet again.

Regardless of me being in the wrong you're not exactly better.

i like it
thankyou very much

despite everything, I still believe you guys can change for the better

Requesting Sae holding a sign asking you to calm down.

Requesting this scene from the Strider Arcade game with Aigis. Same frame and same text but Aigis in this pose with her weapons.

This scene is after this one:

T B H it really doesn't matter how good you are just how popular you are.

Operator 6O giving a massage to the commander posing and wearing the leotard like in the reference. 6O with a smile and the commander with a very relaxed expression with her eyes closed.

shad cant even draw that well, his style is weird
hes funny ill give him that


Make her wear winter clothes, like a sweater and pantyhose and skirt

What was this request? If you tell me I'll do it.

Requesting Toki wearing a scarf and a knit cap.


shad doesnt do commissions though

>guys we need to wait to 500 until the new thread
>guys ignore this early thread we need to wait to 500
>report and ignore report and ignore
>make thread at 500
>people immediately start using the early one

So it's true some spammer just tries to force every thread to have his delivery in the OP?

Requesting Alex petting a car like a dog

creepy cat thing

Requesting a BLACKED image with Jack Frost and Black Frost.

Nah I just do it to upset people

He pretty much just took the shortcut of doing people's degenerate fetishes didn't he? There's literally no way to not find an audience once you're scraping beneath the bedrock miles beneath the barrel

Requesting Lupin and Goemon replaced with Arsene and Goemon from Persona 5

Draw Judith (Tales of Vesperia) in this wedding dress of hers. Also Judith wearing a seductive lingerie or outfit.
With huge soft breasts, optionally lactating and in need of relief.

he draws the way he does for his own taste. the shock is just a side effect

skate woomy prays for cute drawings of her

Requesting Es wearing Mash's dangerous beast outfit from Fate/Grand Order or naked on a bed and covered in a sprinkle of rose petals i.imgur.com/cTNccqw.jpg
Joke idea is her dressed as a giga puddi

another mado request
madotsuki injecting heroin

Requesting a group of ugandan Knuckles spit on Nia.


did the first requests in every thread always being the same at all hours of the day not tip you off

Ephraim eating pizza with his spear like Little Caeser's

Requesting Skye Autumn, from the Sanctum games, relaxing and using her left arm to jerk off an imaginary penis, like the reference on the right. Whether she's being cocky to the viewer or has a lewd expression is up to you.

I made the thread and I haven't even made a request yet

requesting this drawn but with dudley from street fighter

Requesting Asura from Asura's Wrath in a tux and Mistral from Metal Gear Rising in an evening gown, tango dancing.

Second update, hoping you see it my dude. Sorry it's taking so long, will hopefully be done in a day or two.

Give me a sexy pose please.

you put his delivery in it, again

It was Sumia wearing the "Normal girl armor" of tharja to seduce Robin, and the other guy said he would work on it if I agree that it would be Summer FemRobin instead.

stop wasting posts with your wips.

Was ths thing ever finished?

Old people care, we already got exiled from Sup Forums once, i dont want it twice.

this with Daidouji

can please unironically have the list of drawfags and request fags?

I said pose not character.

Draw the first game this makes you think of.


It is a pose!

It's a special occasion.
Requesting Shin Akuma counting wads of Fight Money with a smug expression on his face.
Or anything relating to him robbing the player of Fight Money, I'm not picky.


Sorry, I'll be sure to include a girl with a dick next time

requesting NOT A REAL GAME

Stop that shit.

>confusing Astoflofag with monkey
You got to calm with the paranoia, loony cop.


what are you doing with them anyways

Can someone give a quick rundown on this character, what and why?

Requesting Sora chasing a Klefki while yelling "LET ME WIELD YOU!!"

Endless Space request.

Requesting Horatio having sex with femHoratio to breed more Horatios.

Can someone please do Mai Shiranui posing like Chi-Chi and Bandeiras or any character of your preference looking at her with a happy face.

And Andy watching meanwhile he's hiding somewhere if you want.

Requesting Tharja version of Beldr/Baldur


He's a trap in a popular meme game that got an ainme


more like learning they're probably the same person unless you have a better excuse for why you spammed an early thread

Requesting Jecht standing over Tidus much like Akuma

Requesting Sigma wears Logan Paul's "Maverick" hoodie like picture related.

Bonus idea: Zero tries to kill Logan Paul because he is a "Maverick".

wait a month you'll see

maybe you could actually get a list if people knew what you are up to

You still have no proof that the first lot of posts in this thread are '''''''''''one guy'''''''''''''. And the fact that there are no Astoflo requests yet corroborates my statement. I'm more inclined to believe that an Astoflofag made a thread early just to spite us all than to believe one spammer made two early threads.

Hey, we should start the Valentines collab. Don't want a repeat of the New Year's thing, though that turned out pretty good.

Ideas? I'm totally down for doing something like the Christmas one, where we just threw everything together in one collage. That gives the most freedom to the artists, and it doesn't put all the work on Kujalla, although I don't mind following a theme if we all agree to it.