Its fucking cardboard

>its fucking cardboard

What's the problem?

I'm still laughing at the cucks trying to defend it.

I can't wait to see people posting pictures of theirs on Sup Forums


>Sup Forums BTFO by paper

It sucks that I'm forced to buy this.


I love the meltdown

I'm defending it, because its for kids. I've got no reason to buy it, obvious-fucking-ly. That's like going to the toy section and saying "AHAHAHHAAH, LOOK AT THESE LEGOS. I'M GOING TO LAUGH AT A DIFFERENT AUDIENCE BECAUSE IT'S OWN BY THE SAME COMPANY AHAHAHHAHA." like really?

Can't wait to bang Sonygers mom while fully suited

You did this is the last 4 hours. And it wasn't because you were happy.


Nintendo is selling cardboard for $80.

>faggots will unironically spend 80 dollars on cardboard
nintendfags should neck themselves

And Sony is selling nothing for $400. what's the bigger rip-off?

>getting this upset over cardboard

maybe you should neck yourself

wrong nigger. sorry about your brain disease


I understand the idea which is interesting but damn that's a high price for some cardboard and wires.

lel soyboy is triggered


Why? If its for kids and you aren't a kid it shouldn't bother you what at people on the internet say.

im not the one upset over cardboard

I didn't make it I just think it's an accurate depiction of the Nintendo fanbase.

I remember how hard Sup Forums shat on wonderbook. It's okay to defend nintendo's children products, though


Nintendo is selling cardboard for $80.

>have to buy that crappy wiimote rip off as well as the game and book itself
>can buy the game and the card board, or just buy the game and build the sets with your own materials

totally the same thing

In the end, this game served it's purpose.
It's brought me more joy and laugh in the past 4 hours than the entirety of 2017.
God, what a hilarious shitshow.

Nintendo is selling cardboard for $80

>not chadboard

Hi Iain

So, what's the problem?

>It's just for kids, you just want "mature" edgy bullshit cawwa doody shooters!
Then they turn around and say
>It's not for kids, stop judging me, it's normal for adults to play these games!

Shut up Darcy

Nintendo is selling cardboard for $80.

>being this self conscious


It fucking genius isn't it? I wish I came up with this.

*humefies lips with soy milk*
D-delet this...

So, what's the problem?

Nintendo is selling cardboard for $80.

and its gonna be successful

Okay, so what's the problem? repeating isn't an answer.

The software they are selling for 60. The cardboard is basically nothing. The kit is a few bucks.

Its really not that hard to figure out.

Nintendo is selling cardboard for $80.

He mad

The sequel will have cardboard drones lol.

Nintendo is selling cardboard for $80.

That is the answer you giant retard.

One problem I do see is that cardboard isn't a material you should be making toys out of. Shit is going to get destroyed (especially with little kids that like to get really physical with their toys) if you're going to be doing physical activity with it. A lot of toy manufacturers make sure that their toys are strong and durable for this reason.

A: wonderbook sucks
B: Labo doesn't
C: You are so fucking mad right now

The fuck would I be mad about cardboard? I think it's pretty funny.

Well why not? It's e-conscious

But did anyone expect it?
What the fuck and where the fuck did this come from?
What the fuck Nintendo?

>it's ok to sell cardboard at $80 to kids

>being spicy

Yup. Mad.


Honestly we should have. They said they had tons of experimental designs around the time they were developing Star Fox Zero. They obviously cleaned those up slapped up cardboard tweaks and boom labo. Small easy cash in.

A kid can't afford it. And that begs the question; who the fuck would spend $80 on cardboard for their kids? Not a good parent, but then again a good parent wouldn't buy their child a Switch in the first place.

I mean, why not? I got ripped off buying a console with no games for $400.

This but the switch instead.

>no u
The absolute state of so(n)yboys.

Atop being poor and stop being a spicy early 20s know-it-all faggot. $80 is NOTHING. $80 earned is just 4 hours of my work day.

Been playing video games, what I miss?

Why cant Nintendo take the banter?

"Grown" people on Sup Forums being mad at kid's toys.

But the sony pic started the no you. Why reply like that to me instead? He's the one the who bought a ps4.

Can you just tell me what happened instead of memeing?

Where's the fun in that?

A new nintendo product with cardboard used. Look it up, labo.

I'm not memeing you, I'm literally, actually, deadass-ly, telling you Sup Forums is mad at something marketed to children. Nintendo is doing this thing called "Nintendo Labo" which is essentially marketing the idea of crafts with cardboard, like teaching kids how to make a robot, or a car and it's all used by the Switch's motion controls. interactive and everything. To me I think it's ridiculous and obviously I'm not going to buy it, but for some reason Sup Forums threw a shitfling as if they were the target.

Just go on google for 5 seconds you lazy fuck.

>Everyone is laughing and having a good time
>This somehow translates to being mad

Yeah, no, I have a hard time believe that. I can tell if Sup Forums is having fun being angry or they're actually angry.

It's obviously both?


You can get extra kits if needed, and from some of the reports you can just download the pattern and make your own replacements. The cardboard kits aren’t proprietary, you just need the cartridge.

It’s cardboard, so it’s not like you can’t tape and glue the shit together.

I would’ve had a blast with this shit when I was a kid, so I can get where they’re coming from.

>Nintendo is making 80 dollars off of cardboard
>You're spending your life mad on Sup Forums


God, it's going to be funnier if it outsells fucking MH World. can you imagine the salt?

>Can you imagine the salt
I can't even begin to imagine it. You would think this is some sort of tumblr parody. Sup Forums is upset by fucking paper.

>MH World
Fuck that, any number of games it outsells will be hilarious.

>cardboard will have a larger playerbase than Battleborn and Lawbreakers combined

Stop just stop. It's been six hours since learned of it and every time I take a second to contemplate it, I laugh.

My sides

I'm tellin ya. Cardboard drones shaped like arwings. You're welcome nintendo.

Someone explain?