Which is better?
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It's Siege. Bigger focus on tactics and smart play over just being better at shooting with dumb spray patterns
More than CS:GO
>never played siege
>More fun to play
>More fun to watch
I did. for about 40-50 hours until I got fed up with the games garbage. Just run a 3 speed and you can throw all tactics out of the window.
Siege is for casuals. Trash game designed around controllers and aim assist. Game for scrubs who need high rof guns and low ttk to feel good
Siege is buggy, unbalanced trash.
In bronze maybe. Which is where you will stay.
>Trash game designed around controllers and aim assist.
Multiplayer doesnt have aim assist on faggot
oh okay you never played it good to know
God damn, I thought only Bloodborne fags pulled this garbage.
>both lack singleplayer
>there was a storm a few hours here and my internet was dodgy
Both games are shit since i couldn't play either with my internet down.
can't wait until they add the nazi zombies mode for siege haha
get to plat then talk about strategy senpai
Siege is the first FPS I enjoyed in years. The ability to destroy and reinforce walls makes creating and covering sight lines that can change dynamically keeps the game fresh. CS:GO feels like an FPS I could have played 17 years ago.
Siege was GREAT but now it's trash, and it's only getting worse. I don't understand how the game is still garnering a playerbase with the shit the devs are pulling these days
There is some shittier stuff still around, but it's hardly trash
>casual baby
>I don't understand how the game is still garnering a playerbase with the shit the devs are pulling these days
It's the only other "tactical" FPS available that isn't dead and it's cheap and has free trials every few weeks.
barely 20 posts in and you're already moving the goalposts?
luckily I live in the first world so that isn't a problem
Getting to plat in go takes 10 times the effort due to the playerbase size and the nearly 2 decades of meta in the game
Not the best argument you could have put forth m8
And where is that first world Jamal?
I like both! They're very different! I love video games!
Though I haven't played CS in several months and I hear they've been changing shit so I hope they didn't fuck anything up too bad.
CS is more about mechanical ability while Siege is more about map knowledge. It really just depends on what kind of game you prefer rather than one being objectively better. The thrill of CS is hitting that nice onedeag on an AWPer that completely opens up a site. The thrill of Siege is blowing up the floor from underneath a guy while he has no idea there was even C4 below his feet.
Personally, Siege is starting to bore me because there's no real mechanical depth or skill required to it. It also feels like the devs are really starting to lose touch with the game and going in a direction that I don't care for.
America is a high-end third-world country masquerading as a first-world country
I think mechanical ability only becomes more important than map knowledge in CS at two levels: ultra-casual play where everyone just lines up in an AWP shooting gallery, and ultra-high-level pro play where everyone has perfect map knowledge and tactics anyway.
But I definitely agree with the point that Siege leans much more heavily on that side of the game.
Naw, they made a bunch of pistol changes and there making the shotguns with a set pellet pattern
>I only have a mild idea of what I am talking about
The fact you can destroy the map means you only need a mild amount of map knolage to poke a hole and shoot though it to a popular choke, go needs you to bank tac nades off specific geometry for them to begin to affect a high level game
>Map knowledge means you need to know what's destructible and not to avoid potential kill holes the other team could have set up, as well as other operators that can potentially breach your defenses in a myriad of ways
>This is apparently less important map knowledge compared to a static map
Knowing a popular route people walk down is not on the same level as being forced to throw a nade over a roof corner to bounce of a shutter to blind a guy behind a truck with a flash, because it is meta to be behind the truck
My main issue with Siege is that every new operator feels like a fucking huge amount of power creep. Either that or they end up being useless.
I would prefer it if the speed and armor system was reworked and if only one new operator came out per operation.
none of those arguments make go a better game
I didn't mean to imply that gamesense wasn't important in CS but just where the games leaned towards relative to each other. You need a lot better aim to get to GE than you do to get to Diamond and there's a lot more to practice in CS than there is in Siege. You certainly don't see anybody using a controller and getting to LE or even GE but people have done the equivalent in Siege.
I honestly don't have a very high opinion of Siege's skill level but I don't wanna just shit on it, especially considering how Sup Forums usually spergs out over CS.
Memorizing nades really isn't that hard though. Using them on the fly and coming up with popflashes or clever uses of smoke for yourself definitely is but I hesitate to consider it map knowledge rather than just good fundamental grenade usage.
CS of course,siege is a meme game
>meme game
When calling things memes goes too far